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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Should Delaware have a 'Barack Obama Day?' State lawmakers think so

Legislation that, if signed into law, would declare August 4, 2017 as "Barack Obama Day" in Delaware, has cleared the Senate and now heads to the House for consideration.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 27, sponsored by Senator Robert Marshall and Representative Charles Potter, was introduced on Wednesday, June 7, and immediately put to a vote in the Senate that passed with 16 in favor.

The legislation highlights President Obama's accomplishments during his eight-year presidency, and upon passing would designate August 4, 2017 as "Barack Obama Day" in Delaware, which coincides with the former commander and chiefs 56th birthday.



  1. For the First state, Delaware does love leading the charge in making mistakes in this country. Shouldn't they wait and see how history will judge Obama before going off half-cocked? Looks like a snowflake extravaganza. Boring.

  2. Why? What has Obama done for Delaware? Or for average citizens, for that matter?

  3. 400 million in the hole and Delaware elects these idiots to run the state?

  4. NO! Who would attend?

  5. A double hell no.

  6. Why would we celebrate a failed, anti American administration?

  7. Unfortunately Obama's accomplishments weren't good for the country.

  8. How about a get out of jail pass like joe bidens famoly member just got ?

  9. WTH? What did Obama do so outstanding? We have a Presidents Day, he is included in that. He done no other than divide this country into the mess we are in right now. The Democrats have really gone off the deep end.

  10. I agree with 11:32 AM, Double Hell No.

  11. 11:39 He made Joe Biden VP for 2 terms.

    When was the last time a MD person was VP. Oh yeah, Spiro Agnew, republican, under Nixon. Resigned after pleading no contest to criminal charges.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 13, 2017 at 3:41 PM

      He made Crazy Uncle Joe VP for 2 terms? WOW! Yupieee, you call that an Accomplishment? Lay off that Cool-Aid and Tin Foil Hat, it's frying your brain cells!

  12. If I get the day off, paid,I'm all for it

  13. he already has one...like the others...its called Presidents day.,..

  14. Only if the residents who work get the day off with pay. He got paid for 8 years for doing nothing so 8 hours for the people who work would be nothing in comparison.

  15. Tell me just 1 of his accomplishments!!

  16. They think Joe Biden is smarter than Einstein and more powerful than Superman, and wiser than Solomon.
    Thinking that a former president, out of office less than 6-7 months, deserves a state holiday and God-like recognition isn't surprising at all.
    And some of you call the Eastern Shore stupid? Delaware is off the charts.....
    I suppose, in some weird way, they are happy that their economy is trashed, their health care costs have tripled, and would like to show obama how proud they are of his achievements.

    1. Not the whole of Delaware! Sussex County can't compete with up-state. Just like Eastern Shore has no say with the rest of Maryland.

      That's a big fat HELL NO! Figures Presidents' Day isn't good enough for that pompass a-hole.

  17. Best Joke I have heard all day!

  18. 12:21 Much of the rest of the country has been doing well. The entire eastern shore is a wasteland of nothingness. No growth, no jobs, no future. If not for hosting events at the beaches and civic centers, bike rides, etc. there would be nothing going on.

  19. Why? I don't think an entire day will be needed to tell of his accomplishments as pres.

  20. Hell NO!
    He has had enough given to him for the last 8 years!

  21. BARF !! 😬 Hell no !!

  22. Yes, yes indeed - then the rest of the country will know exactly what golf course he's on in DE. Then the focus can be on other IMPORTANT things at hand! Like getting our country back on track!

    Know the where about's of Barry at all times, then fix this country!

  23. WTH is wrong with you people in Delaware? OMG, why don't you just go ahead and make it an Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, day?

  24. Sure! But make it the day we finally descend into Hell.

  25. Sorry Delaware is fast becoming a bunch of mouth breathers up on the Northern end. Go take a poll in Frankford or Roxanna and see how they feel about Ohbammy. He was an anti American race baiting negro. Black Lives Matter what ever the hell that means lol. Six dead another four shot in Baltimore last night. Enough said

  26. Worst president ever day YES.


  27. Two observations:

    It's a stupid idea, and just a political stunt that wastes time and resources in pursuing and publishing it. He is still the worst president ever, by a long margin.

    It is a legislative Resolution designating one day, one time, with no obligation on anyone.

  28. Give me a break. Work on the budget instead of wasting time on such crap.

  29. What's wrong with having it on April 1st...

  30. yeah, just like opening day for deer season

  31. It would be a day or mourning

  32. This is a prime example of the disconnect between average citizens and political figures.

  33. For what reason ?

  34. You gotta be kidding?! The worst president ever. HE was a miserable failure. If we have e day for him then we need to have a day for the Confederacy!!

  35. Why? Because he's blaCK? cOME ON MAN??


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