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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Wicomico County Crime Clearly On The Rise



  1. Can we see these crime stats by race, please?

    1. What difference does race really make crime is crime

    2. You sound like Hillary.

    3. Crime is crime? Is that the best you can do?!

  2. I camped at roaring point several weeks ago and had a item stolen from my site.

  3. It's a result of opioid drug use, no jobs and LEO that are focused on writing speeding tickets. Criminals are criminals, i don't care what race they are. How about bornhere v. comehere or male v. female? Look at the WCSO press releases, there is a good mix of white and black.

    1. LEO CANNOT be in all places at all times. People need to be diligent and report what the see. The Police can solve crimes AFTER they happen, but how do they prevent crimes BEFORE they happen? You say their focus is speeding tickets. Speeding is against the law and the speeding ticket apparently does not prevent a person from speeding again, putting their life and the lives of others in jeopardy.

      I read comments on here all the time about crime going up and it is Lewis' fault or Day's fault or Barb's fault or cops fault. IMO that is untrue and I do not have the solution. What is the solution of lowering crime you cop blamers?

  4. sadly race does make a point. not a difference. bunch of ostriches with your head in the sad denying the facts

    and these are only the crimes properly labeled and not downgraded.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Where is 2016?

    June 15, 2017 at 10:27 AM

    still being processed

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can we see these crime stats by race, please?

    June 15, 2017 at 10:12 AM

    if you really must know, go to the F.B.I. site and look them up yourself.

  7. 11:07 AM really, it's like they have never heard of google. typical that they expect everyone else to solve their problems for them.

  8. 10:59 AM Ok snowflake, here's a true story for you.
    Corner of N Saratoga and E Church.
    Drug dealers stand on the corner waiting for their junkie.
    Goes on all the time.
    After watching them stand there for a few minutes, we call the cops -
    takes them over a 1/2 hour to show up and the dealer is now gone.
    This is pretty much going on a couple times a week.

    So while you are busy chastising the public about doing their due diligence and calling us cop haters, maybe cops could come a bit quicker when we call it in and not give us grief when we do.

    We know whats going on, on our corner. We don't need to be "questioned" or have the call treated as if it were a nuisance to come out and take a look.

    This has been going on since March.

    The other side of the coin, is most likely the dude will be arrested, make bail, get out and continue to deal. He will go to court, maybe spend a weekend in jail and be out to peddle his smack again.

    IMO - the cops don't care because the problem is never solved.

    You want to deal your crap, do it in front of your own house, not in front of ours. We don't want the garbage you are dragging in to our neighborhood. We live on a nice street and know our neighbors and their kids. Take your BS elsewhere because WE ARE WATCHING.

    1. take pictures, carry them to the police, demand they do their job - this is what is meant by being diligent and reporting what you see - of course they can't be immediately on that corner when called,

      The police do the arresting, and have no say in the bail or the sentencing. The police get as disgusted as you, having to deal with this crap over and over

  9. Legalize all drugs

  10. 2:28 PM post your address so that I can have the dealer come peddle his smack in front of your house. maybe you can get a commission outta him for using your driveway. ya know, since you want all drugs legal.

  11. N. Saratoga and E. Church Street is NOT a nice neighborhood!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but you live in da hood!!

  12. 3:28 Actually N Saratoga is a nice neighborhood for being on the edge of the ghetto. Long time residents and families occupy the neighborhood. 99% of that street is owner occupied.

    So take your fake fact elsewhere.

  13. Excellent research! You won't see this in The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT, Salisbury Independent.

  14. 3:28 That is not a "BAD" neighborhood! Do you even know where it is?

  15. Increases in crime are due to tolerance and weak penalties when caught. Just look at Talbot County.


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