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Thursday, June 29, 2017

University of Maryland Police Called Over ‘Noose’ That Turned Out to Be Plastic Wrap

University of Maryland students called the police Tuesday over an alleged "noose" left near the campus' fraternity row.

"Earlier today, we were notified of a knotted piece of plastic wrap laying on the ground in the 7500 block of Baltimore Ave.," the school's police department said in a statement. "An officer met with two individuals who were walking south when they noticed the item. Police were notified out of concern for possible hate-bias."

The department noted that "preliminary investigation reveals that this type of material is used to contain and protect loose items during transport," but said that officers would continue the investigation "out of an abundance of caution."



  1. Oh these people! 😑

  2. people are just dying to be offended.

  3. When you court racism you will always find situations that can be wordsmithed into racists acts. Why does America want to dial back 50 years to summon up some racial divide? It makes no sense at all. None.

  4. If you think racism doesn't exist take a trip down to Crisfield where they still call black people "boy". Whatever helps you sleep at night

    1. Toughen up!
      The older black fellas call my husband Whitebread and or Milky all the time. No offense taken.

  5. Yeah waste your time on that and let the drugs flow


  6. "Why does America want to dial back 50 years to summon up some racial divide? It makes no sense at all. None.."

    You'll remember, Thornton, that the 'racial divide' generated a great deal of racial preference (or to take it a bit further-- racial privilege)

    Without a perception of racism to be remedied, those advantages will disappear.

    They will not allow that to happen-- 'they' being ALL those who benefit from this mess.

  7. @1:06 Boy, I say, Boy is a term of endearment often used by older people! It is certainly acceptable for people of color to use the term "Boy" when they are associating with their friends, or "Boys!" Why are you attempting to turn a normal word into something racist? Boy do you need to grow up little boy!!!!

  8. Or Honky - people need to get over themselves. FREE SPEECH does not mean you won't be offended. But what I always do when I'm offended is just tell myself you can't fix stupid.


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