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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Alabama Sees 85% Drop In Food Stamp Participation After Work Requirements Reinstated

13 Alabama counties experienced some 'shocking' results, or maybe not depending on your natural level of cycism, when they decided to once again require able-bodied food stamp recipients, without dependents, to be employed and/or engaged in a job-training program in order to participate in the program for more than 3 months over a 3-year period.

As background, Alabama, like many states, lifted their work/training requirements associated with food stamp benefits after the great recession. That said, starting Jan. 1, 2017 the last of Alabama's 13 counties reinstated those requirements and they promptly experienced an 85% decline in taxpayer-funded food subsidies. Per AL.com:

Thirteen previously exempted Alabama counties saw an 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements were put in place on Jan. 1, according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources.

During the economic downturn of 2011-2013, several states - including Alabama - waived the SNAP work requirements in response to high unemployment. It was reinstituted for 54 counties on Jan. 1, 2016 and for the remaining 13 on Jan. 1, 2017. As of April 2017, the highest jobless rate among the 13 previously excluded counties was in Wilcox County, which reported a state-high unemployment rate of 11.7 percent, down more than 11 percentage points from the county's jobless rate for the same month of 2011.

As of Jan. 1, 2017, there were 13,663 able-bodied adults without dependents receiving food stamps statewide. That number dropped to 7,483 by May 1, 2017. Among the 13 counties, there were 5,538 adults ages 18-50 without dependents receiving food stamps as of Jan. 1, 2017. That number dropped to 831 - a decline of about 85 percent - by May 1, 2017.



  1. Liberal Mind Zombies !@!

  2. I'm shocked.. shocked.

  3. Proves the point that most don't need to be on welfare to begin with.

  4. They should implement this in all states. To much government waste!!

  5. Wicomico and dorchester NEXT.........

  6. Well,....Imagine that!

  7. Those 4707 have surely all starved to death by now.

  8. This needs to be done in all states!

  9. The people who need food stamps are the ones working to feed the lazy a$$ welfare slobs. Working people with families can barely keep up.


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