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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Comey Won't Accuse Trump of Obstructing Justice

Former FBI Director James Comey will be forthcoming when he testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning, but he will stop short of saying President Donald Trump tried to interfere in the agency's investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to an ABC News exclusive. 


  1. How do the leakers know. this is like a soap opera. Comey you are an egotistical idiot. we don't care what you say. go away

  2. If he said otherwise he would perjure himself I believe.


  3. Two problems here that I can see if there is ‘contemporaneous documentation’ (memo to self) of several of Comey’s meetings with Trump all nice and printed out on paper and stored in a folder that he presents at his testimony-

    1) There’s no ‘datestamp’ on paper, so there’s no way to prove he didn’t type them up yesterday.

    2) Work products of Presidential Appointees are property of the US Government, and are to be archived at the work site, and in particular, turned over when the appointee resigns/is fired. (Mostly to avoid #1 above)

    My personal opinion of the Comey testimony: It will be the Opening of Al Capone’s Vault, redux.

    If Comey did document his interactions with the Trump administration (and Obama and Clinton), those documents/tapes were most likely picked up by the incoming administration when they canned him, and he’s been acting like he didn’t keep any personal copies (my guess), so if he comes out and says X, the administration can come out and say, “Well, he wrote a memo to himself back on date ABC that stated Y, so I don’t know why he’s saying X now.”

    Comey’s biggest problem is he thinks he’s too smart to get caught in a perjury trap. He’s wrong.

  4. The whole thing is going to be a great big "nothing burger" but you know the FakeNews who panders to the dumbed down will trick their minions into thinking it's a smoking gun and run with it for a few days.

  5. Looks like the leakers have informed all the main stream media of what is coming up. Why would that be???

  6. It's another nothing burger how devastating for Democrats.


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