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Thursday, June 08, 2017

1-In-4 Families Don’t Seek Medical Attention Because Of Financial Worries

With the latest reports suggesting that the American Health Care Act — a budget resolution intended to repeal and replace much of the Affordable Care Act — would leave more than 23 million consumers without insurance and facing higher out-of-pocket costs, it’s no surprise that consumers are a bit uneasy when it comes to their healthcare. In fact, a new survey suggests that in the face of rising costs, some families are foregoing medical care to save a few — or a few thousand — bucks. 


  1. Doctors are no different than car repair shops or home repair providers. Visit them and they WILL find something to treat you for, and for a fee of course.

  2. Reports suggest, and so far, that's all they do.

  3. My wife works in medicine and she says that the LEAST compliant patients are those who get care for free, i.e, Medicaid. I guess they feel that they're not getting their monies worth, huh?
    Everyone is quick to blame the doctor, aren't' they?
    But those who are getting free care, don't seem to care if they inconvenience the medical professionals and seem to care less if they listen to their health care providers who are trying to help them.

  4. The only time I visit the doctor is when I have no choice. With the chronic health issues my husband has, we can only afford to treat one of us.

  5. Its probably more than this figure suggests

  6. If the deductibles would drop and doctors wouldn't sue you three months after they bill you people would be more willing to go..but we are overwhelmed with bills and bs charges..so we limit our visits. People need to go to live a healthy life and it's seems big gov and big insurence want working folks dead..who will pay them then..deadbeat welfare rats. They need to get thier priorities straight and help working people.


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