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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Blessed Are You...


  1. Yes in deed - God Bless OUR President!

  2. So comical to watch the left scramble to make a case. They so look like idiots trying to sound intelligent when all of the evidence is vindicating Trump. At least the Republicans had something to work with when confronting Fast and Furious, the internal revenue scandal, Benghazi, and now the unmasking probes.

  3. yes 7:24 and in the meantime nothing gets done. "we cant get healthcare done this year, we cant get tax reform this year" plan is working like a charm

    1. Yup I agree. Shows just how much democrats hate our society and what their person in the White House no matter the costs to WE THE PEOPLE

  4. The left just can't believe that Trump is the President and imagine impeaching him. I don't believe the polls {only 40% approval}, MSM {Rachel is #1}, and everything the left has to say. I do not answer my phone or will I support the Republican party until they get behind the POTUS. I'm not counted but support Trump. How many others out there?

  5. I think you're spot on 8:41. Now that the silent majority has their president they have gone back to being the SILENT majority. Of course, polls can be made to say anything you want them to say just look at the pre-election polls.

  6. When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.


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