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Thursday, June 08, 2017

800 Kids Have Died In Hot Cars: Why Aren’t Alert Systems Standard?

Since 1990, more than 800 children have died from heatstroke in hot cars, including nine children so far just this year. But despite the severity of this problem, technology that’s already available that can remind parents when their child is still in the back seat is not yet standard for all cars. Lawmakers, safety advocates, and parents who have experienced tragic losses want this to change. 


  1. Why don't we have sensors in cars that tell you that your fly is down when you exit the car. stupid is just stupid

  2. How many pets have died in hot cars I wonder?

  3. you cant legislate the stupidity out of the population

  4. I should not be forced to have this technology in my vehicle. I do not have pets or children. Buy your own device.

  5. how about we legislate who can procreate? problem solved!

  6. This might explain how so many young children enter school with brain damage as well.

  7. Social Darwinism. You can't make dumb people smarter the same as you can't make slow people fast.
    How can you forget your kids in the car???

  8. Saw someone leave two large dogs in a small SUV (Ford Escape I think) with the windows cracked at Adams ribs a few Wednesdays ago. They parked all the way in the far corner of the lot, I guess hoping no one would see. My wife and I parked near it waiting for 45 minutes and saw no one. It wasn't hot enough that they could die, but one especially looked very stressed. Didn't notice the bumper sticker until we pulled away..."Our children have paws". Glad you decided to skip kids.

  9. 789 of those children were left in the cars intentionally. Premeditated murder without the fear of an arrest.

  10. I carry one of the window smashers that is suppose to work with just a tap on the window just for this reason. I have not had to use it...but if I see a pet or child locked in a hot car I will have no problem breaking the window and then calling the police. I know that I might face legal consequences...but I can live with that...I cannot live with seeing a child or dog die in the heat.


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