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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Well SPD, WHOOPS, WCSO, Was It A Meth Lab, Or Not?

Hi Joe , was wondering if you've heard anything about a meth lab on Patriot Drive? Lots of different police agencies involved yesterday. 


  1. NO each one is just trying to get their hands in on the action so they can get part of the proceeds of the drug bought stuff, and since you can't prove what you did and didn't buy with drug money, they take all their stuff and roll it into their budget... That is they call it policing for profit, and why cops only want to issue traffic violations and drug bust and things involving drugs...

  2. Who was arrested?

  3. Shame but those people that live there are thugs.

  4. cops galore in there lol stupid thugs.

  5. Thought maybe it was that Willy nut job but she might still be locked up for the last dumb stuff she did.

  6. This was a meth lab holy crap what happened to my little quite area.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This was a meth lab holy crap what happened to my little quite area.

    May 10, 2017 at 9:31 PM

    They watched breaking bad too much

  8. it says CDS violation.... meth labs require a lot of attention from various agencies due to the inherent nature of the hazardous chemicals and byproducts from cooking meth. It also requires a lot of time to properly dismantle and dispose of it unless you want to level all the house surrounding it.


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