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Sunday, May 14, 2017

YES! Congress FINALLY Defunds Planned Parenthood

Like many others, I heard that the AHCA did not defund Planned Parenthood, but that looks like it’s not entirely true. It just doesn’t defund ALL of the funds to Planned Parenthood. It eliminates roughly 86% of the funding… $390 million of $450 million in annual funding. That’s a good first step, although I do not understand why they didn’t defund these butchers entirely. It does however, redirect funding to community health centers that still benefit the needs of women out there. They claim the bill ensures that Obamacare will not fund abortions. I hope that is true. The only way that would have been for certain would have been a full repeal of Obamacare and not replacing it. Along with cutting off all funding to Planned Parenthood.

It’s evident to me that the Democrats are spreading misinformation on the AHCA bill. However, I just can’t get excited over it. It was nowhere near what Americans wanted or needed and the Senate is sure to come up with something entirely different. Mike Pence is extolling the bill as a win for life. I would not celebrate just yet, we are not anywhere near through the approval process yet. If the bill passes, it will be a big step towards stopping abortion and getting rid of Planned Parenthood. But the fight will not be over by any means.



  1. Great, more babies that no one wants and become welfare /ebt recipients.

  2. 8:55 the Next step should be to stop funding baby mommas. Take away the finicial benefit for babies out of wedlock. The welfare system provides these iodiots with funding of thier bad decisions

  3. Abortion is murder no matter what you think or say. God said in the Bible I knew you since you were in your mother's womb.

  4. 9:42 and he also tells people in Kentucky to pass poison snakes around the room too.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Great, more babies that no one wants and become welfare /ebt recipients.

    May 10, 2017 at 8:55 PM

    There are enough families out there that want to adopt babies you dumb Homo Libtard!

  6. Maryland plans to fund PP if Congress defunds its.

  7. Anonymous said...
    8:55 the Next step should be to stop funding baby mommas. Take away the finicial benefit for babies out of wedlock. The welfare system provides these iodiots with funding of thier bad decisions

    May 10, 2017 at 9:36 PM

    The financial benefit for Baby Mama's is actually incentive to have more babies. Those Thugette's know the more babies they put out the more Welfare they will receive from the Government. If they cut off the bennies then the cut the incentive. I say do it.

    Something else they should do for these young, out of wedlock Thugettes is implant a form of Birth Control into their bodies after the first baby is born. Governor Shaffer was a Democrat who even suggested that in Maryland.

  8. Anonymous said...
    9:42 and he also tells people in Kentucky to pass poison snakes around the room too.

    May 10, 2017 at 10:54 PM

    No he doesn't you dumb Libtard Moron!

  9. 9:36...I agree. Some years ago the Norcross implant (temporary sterilization) was popular. I recommend it be mandated once a welfare recipient has more than one child out of wedlock. Might consider something for the males as well since they prove to be irresponsible in caring for the welfare of children. This isn't sport, this is real life and the system just can't handle the excess.

  10. Why should i have to pay for your thug ways ? wear a condom and i aint paying for that either.

  11. I love how sub humans have nothing to contribute but to call people names. It shows they have no intelligence or education. Could be why religion is so appealing to them - inability to think for themselves.

  12. Brilliant!!!
    Lets remove birth control to those who need it most and drains the finances with children whose parents cannot support them or themselves.
    Birth control is NOT abortion

  13. Planned Parenthood should not be funded with taxpayer dollars! This organization promotes ABORTIONS as it's top priority. It has nothing to do with assisting woman for any other health issue but abortion. They continue to be exposed for their deceptive practices and lack of morals and ethics.

  14. If youre for abortion , you are truly a sick minded person. If you think killing a baby is ok something is wrong with your mind.


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