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Monday, May 01, 2017

Maryland Democrats Unhinged

 Maryland Democrats became unhinged during the 2017 session. Here are some of the highlights!


  1. Maryland democrats have unhinged since Marvin Mandel was Speaker of the House and that's been a long time ago!

  2. Good ol'Marvin.

    Now did he light the match that burnt down the Old Marlboro Racetrack stands....or did he spill the gasoline???


  3. Good let them lose there minds, then they will leave the rest of us alone to #MAGA along with President Trump!

  4. Their crooked way of running MD is being brought out in the open by this redistricting lawsuit and the crooks are being called out by the Judge. They are running scared about their job security now. GOOD

  5. All democrats are unhinged. They are not human beings as we know them. They are some sub species that never evolved into civilized human beings and this goes for ever single one of them.. They are rank and putrid and lie constantly. There isn't a democrat alive who serves a useful purpose to anyone including their own children who they would sacrifice in a minute for a vote. Disgusting filth who serve no positive purpose to society at all.

    1. Joe: Why do you allow postings from people that mince words - that beat around the bush - like the one above?


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