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Monday, May 01, 2017

Effort To Remove Confederate Name From Va. School Exposed

An effort demanding J.E.B. Stuart High School in the Washington, D.C., suburb of Falls Church, Va., change its name has been plagued with clandestine conversations and deceptive tactics, according to emails obtained through Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act.

Political correctness advocates behind the movement to remove the Confederate general’s name from the school worked in concert with with the Fairfax County School Board to downplay the estimated $1 million price tag associated with the name change.

Public records, which were obtained by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, a D.C.-based government watchdog and taxpayer advocacy group, also indicate a desire to hold discussions about the matter in secret.



  1. That's right, keep changing history. This time, it'll cost ya $1 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillion dollars.


  2. They are driving the country to a revolution / civil war

  3. It's not removing history. It is a high school name and I live in the area. Just about every single person is for the change. Keep your stupid Eastern shore opinions to your own messed up area.

  4. Pot/Kettle there 1039. Careful with those stones you cast - may just end up hitting yourself in the head when you VACATION IN OC this summer, youngin!

  5. @10:39 A one million dollar price tag to change the name of a school because someone is offended?? Sounds like it's not the eastern shore that's being stupid.

  6. 1039 - May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Just givin you an excuse given that extra SMALL helmet you have on your head!!!

    My apologies to "just about" all your neighbors who live in the vicinity of your domain. The sight of that helmet on your narrow minded head would be a bit embarrassing!

  7. It has nothing to do with the Eastern Shore. History is history and should not be changed. If rthe liberals had their way al textbooks would get rid of everything that offends them! But guess what you can learn from history both the good and the bad and hopefully make a better place for all!

  8. Anonymous said...
    It's not removing history. It is a high school name and I live in the area. Just about every single person is for the change. Keep your stupid Eastern shore opinions to your own messed up area.

    May 1, 2017 at 10:39 AM

    I guarantee you that "Just about every single person" is NOT for the change! Just the uneducated blacks and Democrats. The ones that don't know their history. The ones that want the pity party for minorities.

    By the way, you are a real MORON!

  9. Maryland even has a park named after a known Commie, Malcolm X park!

  10. Why is statues being removed / buildings names changed etc. from public buildings and areas that deal with the History of this Country because Liberal progressives say they are offensive? Then they are replaced with other names and statues that are part of history and offend other groups but that is OK. Whey? What is the difference except political ideology? Why not put up just add to what is already there instead of removing?


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