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Monday, May 01, 2017

HORRIBLE: Illegals Now Given Free Rein to Commit Certain Crimes In Baltimore

Baltimore likes to describe itself as a “Welcoming City” – rather than a Sanctuary City – for illegal aliens.

It is so “welcoming” in fact that police officers are forbidden from inquiring about the citizenship status of the people with whom they interact.

Now it seems that the welcome illegal aliens will receive from the city of Baltimore has transitioned from a handshake to a full-body hug.

The Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office has instructed prosecutors to think twice before charging illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes in response to stepped up immigration enforcement by the Trump administration. 



  1. What the hell is wrong with you people!!!!!! No wonder this world is going upside down... You just can't fix stupid!!!!!!

    This exact stuff, should let you all know, who have a brain, which isn't many of you left, that this is designed to start trouble in the first place...

  2. If you are in this country illegally you have broken the law and should be dealt with!

  3. 2 points the BSA is not upholding his oath of office and should be removed and disbarred. With this the new Mayor wants to act concerned / important and wants the State and Feds to intervene in solving her crime problems. She can't have it both ways.

  4. As long as they stay in Baltimore where the residents deserve all the crime and poverty they can get since they vote stupidly.

  5. Let Baltimore sink and go down the drain! Maybe just maybe then they will start electing the right people who can start to clean up the mess before the governor has to call in the national guard to restore some sense of order.


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