Last week, the news heralded Headquarters Live would be no more and the downtown fire station would now become the central office for the failing Daily Times. During the newscast, WMDT interviewed Mayor Jake Day and he offered up a brighter picture of sunshine and roses by stating the City has big plans for a snazzy new amphitheater which will accommodate 700+ on the River Walk!
Wow! Just Brilliant Indeed!
It would seem our mayor has no logical thought chain whatsoever. Instead, he just goes from one mess to another much like a seagull; making little piles of dung everywhere while never fixing anything to any kind of satisfaction for the community.
Salisbury needs an amphitheater but not a working waste and sewage plant or more jobs to help with the area's failing economy?
Now join me in a little reality break. If Salisburians were spending their money on entertainment, then why did Headquarters Live fail? And if this smaller venue cannot manage to stay afloat, how can Day and his band of liberal minded groupies expect a larger venue like an amphitheater fair any better (if not worse?) What about the already existing, underutilized venue, the Civic Center?
Salisbury doesn't have the services or attendance to attract large known acts to generate the revenue for any promoter to be interested! We are no more than a one-off - meaning second tier acts playing some place like Washington or Baltimore, can come here for a quick gig. However, this place is too small to guarantee the attendance needed to fulfill their contracts. Bands tour to make money on music sales not ticket sales. If no one attends a show then the effort an exercise in futility.
Day never thinks ahead of time and it's painfully obvious. Mind you, no more than a few feet away he's proposed Section 8 housing. No tour manager in his right mind would let his client play in an area that close to the ghetto because security considerations would be a nightmare. Given the above about the purpose of touring, Salisbury is just not worth the additional headache.
I'm just a man asking questions and pointing out the obvious!
People who really enjoy live music usually want to have a drink.
ReplyDeleteEven if they let one drink at one of these downtown events, who wants to do it?
The cops will target everyone leaving for the very lucrative DUI income.
9:57. I agree. Needed a new location away from downtown.
Delete9:57, the INTENT with the sale of this building as well as the purchase had NOTHING to do with alcohol.
ReplyDeleteIt was a "FEEL GOOD" BS story both by the politicians selling it and the purchaser claiming they'd follow the rules and guidelines set in the purchase agreement.
Doug Marshall spent a small fortune trying to build a music venue in Delmar. Unfortunately it did not survive BUT that means NOTHING to local and stupid LIBERALS who love to say it's for the children or the arts.
FIX Salisbury and STOP acting like "It's Happening" when it's NOT. Are locals here that stupid that they believe ANYTHING is actually happening? If so, go to Berlin on a week day and watch all the people walking and shopping Downtown. Then go to Salisbury. It's a load of crap.
I know, then take all your parking lots and create Section 8 Affordable Housing units. Yeah, It's Happening alright. If you want to make millions, rent a space Downtown and just sell body armor. You'll be the most popular business on the entire Eastern Shore in 2 years.
let me get this straight ....One failed buisness for another Failing buisness ? Priceless ...Keep up the Sh.t work Jake Day.
DeleteOnly one that sounds stupid here is you and your randomly capitalized words.
DeleteFixing Salisbury entails a lot more than buildings, it's about infrastructure. Many northern folks come here to retire and expect to have the same quality services as they did in their hometowns. We don't have such an infrastructure because our tax dollars are wasted on BS - both in the city and county. Turf wars over firefighters and the such are more important than providing quality services to residents whom PAID for them in advance. It's just a shit sandwich.
ReplyDeleteTo borrow a saying from academia and invoke poetic license ... "if you can't do, govern"
DeleteThe all of them are terrified to seek out and engage with successful business leaders and business/jobs is the way back from the disaster we have
If entertainment was any kind of concern, why did they tear down the movie palace to make space for a vacant lot? The building was far enough away from Section 8 housing to be a bit safer than right on top of it. Not thinking.
ReplyDeleteThornton, you are absolutely right. When I ran for Mayor that is exactly what I had proposed, infrastructure. Ireton and Day wanted bricks and mortar as well as cranes. Hmmmmm, where are they? I spoke of a failing, (yet brand news) WWTP and well over 100 year old pipes Downtown. Roads needing massive improvements. The list went on and on but the public ignored it.
ReplyDeleteJoe you are the voice of reason and Day will just the voice of stupidity. I live blocks from downtown Salisbury and we have boarded up neglected house which have sale signs,weeds ,that are now trees as high as the roofs. Porches crammed with trash, sides of houses piled high with trash from 2016, and grass that gets cut twice a summer from the banks that now own them, and foreclosed houses that the city doesn't have the $ to tear down according to them. So go on and foolishly keep making more and more silly decisions that the city inspectors and departments just look the other way.
ReplyDeleteThe few who prosper here don't want any changes that would affect their money stream,outsiders would have to be elected to make positive changes so alas the continuing BS projects.
ReplyDeleteJoe, it will take the toilets backing up because there's no other place for the waste to go before people realize just what infrastructure means and why it's so important. People are shortsighted, hence, why Day and Ireton are able to pull the wool over their eyes long enough to get elected. Fact remains without infrastructural soundness in any community, it just leads to becoming uninhabitable after a period of time. Are these guys trying to kill Salisbury altogether? It would seem so...
ReplyDeleteJake's head is so far up his a$$ (or others' a$$es) on this....Good Lord Kid Mare, can you get a grip?
ReplyDeleteIf it's in violation of the sale conditions then how can it be legal? Isn't anything set in stone anymore or what?
ReplyDeleteA great plan was introduced to the city by Brian Brushmiller and Carlos Muir when the contract was out for bid. 2 great business men had a vision of a Artsand Entertainment area with a 5 phase plan which included a Amphitheater and Birley Oak but the city gave away the building to Gillis who had no plans of as yet. What does the city do on a wink and a shake? Grease the palms of their friends and screw the others. Class act Salisbury. Palmer has his hands on the city and they are in his pocket only now it's done by other front people. When the city runs like a business and the officials get their head out of sand and pockets of others we might get something accomplished. We have a great area to turn into a thriving downtown but pennies on the dollar for buildings and land won't bring much. It will be resold or rented and we have seen where that takes us. Why not have an open public forum to see what city taxpayers want? Then the ones who show be involved. Not in the committee which spins in circles but hands on commitment. Lots of folks are embarrassed to even say yes I am from Salisbury because of the politics. Time to grow up City Officals and throw your pride and awesome wisdom out the window and listen.... What a novel idea!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have become a country of mind altering drugs , the media and politicians are the worse drug , the others can be cured by not being a user . The brain washing is everywhere . Who knows the truth? Make me smile then every thing is fine , if it sound good it's OK , if it looks good it's alright , just make me happy. They wonder why some people go postal!!
ReplyDeleteAgain , thanks for the post Mr. Crowe , good as usual . ( the truth has set me free)
I cringe when I have to go to an appointment in the downtown plaza area during the day. There is no way I'm going to an amphitheater at night for entertainment.
ReplyDeleteCommon sense isn't derived from IQ, though I'd say Day has neither.
ReplyDeleteThornton, No, I don't believe they are trying to kill Salisbury, but they are.
ReplyDeleteThese are very young, very inexperienced men who truly have no clue whatsoever how to run and manage a business.
This is why they strictly concentrate and surround themselves with young people who will back and support ANYTHING they say and do, because those young people also have no experience and or clue.
In the long run, people like you and me are considered the Anti Christ because we challenge their moves with wisdom and proven successful experience.
Jake Day immediately ran the opposite direction as well as Jim Ireton when it came to surrounding themselves with people who, (like you and me) will play devil's advocate. The what if's. Everything they do is LIPSTICK ON A PIG.
what makes it a million times worse is when the local media covering up the REALITIES, even going so far as completely misleading the public ON PURPOSE. And why does this happen, because they then claim they cannot be opinionated, how convenient. Greg Bassett used to always say, "I'd love to be able to do what you do Joe". Bull you know what.
Salisbury will absolutely fail. People are running like a bat out of hell. They are subjected to selling their homes for twenty cents on the dollar. Salisbury Maryland is a LOSE/LOSE environment, PERIOD.
Joe, they might not be purposefully killing Salisbury but they're doing a damn fine job of mucking it up brilliantly. They seem to have dropped their collective basket and lost any semblance of good solid judgement and common sense. Sad to watch the city go to ruins but it's what they do best. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought to throw out here...can we reincarnate Opie (from the Andy Griffith Show) and run him for Mayor? Ronnie Howard became a success story Jakie...good luck with you!
ReplyDeleteCan't help but think there isn't something illegal going on here with these youngsters. They seem to have too many fingers in local pies to not be guilty of some corruption & criminal behavior. Has anyone alerted the authorities about these deals and schemes?
ReplyDeleteQuestion???? Who is this KT and Gideon Groove on the marquee?
ReplyDelete1047 som no name band that no one has ever heard of. Maybe if Headquarters got known bands they would've been able to make a horse's race out of it but because they never got really big acts, they just limped along.
ReplyDeleteUntil they vote in a more qualified mayor to run the show, Salisbury will never up its game and become the thriving crossroads of Delmarva that it once was. It was the central location which made it perfect for this role but through bad leader choices, they have somehow managed to destroy the city's former status. Now it's just an inconvenience if you miss the bypass exit leading to OC. SMH
ReplyDelete10:49 AM Thank you for the clarification. I thought they might have been the next Beatles!
ReplyDelete10:45, Look at how your local media treated the Opie's of the Eastern Shore. Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Tim Spies, Joe Albero, The Dirty Dozen. They, WMDT created "the Council of No's"
ReplyDeleteNot one of them ever found ANY GOOD in these people. WHY, because this would demolish advertising revenue. Barrie Tilghman ENCOURAGED, (which was actually illegal) people to call advertisers and hurt a local radio station that dared to challenge her. She went in screaming and yelling, (cursing) at the Daily Times for publishing all the animal deaths at the Salisbury Zoo.
The past three Mayor intimidated anyone who challenged them. Look at Jake Day now, running around trying to claim Salisbury News doesn't get the traffic we claim to get. Thanks Jake, you only increased our numbers, by the way. Keep up the good work!!!
The Opie's of the Shore want NOTHING to do with the LIBERAL MENTALITY and us good people refuse to get involved.
Finally, with an 80% rental environment, 90% of those renters are NOT registered voters. Nothing is ever going to change unless you get someone in there willing to tackle the infrastructure problems first. NO, that person will NOT be very popular and this is why I've always stated that Salisbury will become the next Detroit and I wasn't kidding.
Murders, rapes, break ins, stabbings, heroin overdoses, covered up crime. Yes, the people of Salisbury are scared and refuse to have anything to do with the Outhouse of the Eastern Shore.
Surprised Headquarters Live wasn't a pay to play club. They seem to be the type to pull that kind of scam on local area bands.
ReplyDeleteThe plan does make sense given that most residents of Section 8 housing don't have $hit and as they gradually replace current residents, there will be even less. The demands on the sewage will go down. Brilliant !!!
ReplyDeleteElect Opie!
ReplyDeleteWhen will the University snatch up the old Firehouse? It's all a matter of time. Salisbury needs to decide now if it's going to be a college town only or not. Like a virus the university is gobbling up all it's valuable real estate and driving surrounding property tax bills up in the process.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather live next to a university owned building or section 8 ghetto housing? I'll take SU ANYDAY!!!!
DeleteDay is a fool. He proves it time and time again. Got a bridge to sell give that idiot a call. How many time has he gotten the tax payers hosed. It's criminal how many times. This, the idiotic "rebranding" and the software or whatever it was that was supposed to cut crime by letting LE know where crimes were going to occur. Either he is unbelievable stupid or is a crook himself Probably a bit of both. He can not possibly strike anyone of being of even average intelligence and his actions can lead one to believe he is crooked.
ReplyDeleteDay doesn't think PERIOD! That is obvious ever time he opens his mouth.
ReplyDeleteI could not believe it when I first heard about it - The Daily Times read - The Daily Times to move into new Firehouse headquarters . . . rented entire building.
ReplyDeleteIt's no wonder Warren Buffet dumped all his shares in the diminishing newspaper. The article goes onto try and explain that they are contributing to the re-development of the City.
Daah - let's objectively examine what they had before! They (Daily Times) previously owned an entire City block that was less than 300' from the current Firehouse and used to employ dozens of people - plus - they were actually manufacturing something - and printing their own newspaper.
The City residents made a big, big, mistake by not electing Mr. Albero to the Mayoral seat and now the residents are 'reaping what they have sown'. It is so unfortunate as the City residents and businesses have no viable visionary leader. The City has now digressed into such a position that it cannot even maintain an open main thoroughfare - Main Street.
Ah , the council now , children of the corn!
ReplyDeleteBeezer, don't forget, taxpayers actually paid for the old Daily Times building to be demolished, even though the hospital could've more than afforded to pay for it without taxpayer help. The Daily Times made its bed to be out in the industrial park, so let them suck on it. They don't need to be downtown anyway. It's not like they report on anything of any viability on the Shore in the first place.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to their "reaching out to the citizen" visits with their free smoke detectors and hot dogs? They had one and then nothing. Sounds like Day's group isn't into that completion thing. No follow-up on anything. They just wander around starting little 'piddles' and then never seeing anything through to its conclusion. Busted watches are right twice a day. Could it be City Hall has the same meme?
ReplyDeleteJust have to correct one point- music sales account for roughly squat doodly of a musicians income. Back in the day when people actually bought music, bands toured and often lost money to promote record or cd sales. Now that everyone steals music, touring is almost their only income
ReplyDelete257 Actually you're in error. Touring is a money loss for most artists. They make bank by sales from Merch and music.
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Times - for all of the above noted reasons I don't read it because it is a classic example of promulgation of FAKE NEWS.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot mix Section 8 housing and and high end "entertainment venues" and expect normal law abiding citizens to frequent the area. That is why the current businesses are struggling. There needs to be a constant and visible police presence in that area 24/7.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the city or the mayor or the county and its government, feel free to move back to where ever you came from.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget the Palmer Gillis idea of buying the property for a song and then putting a UMES food service externship restaurant on the site. The restaurant community (LORA - Locally Owned Restaurant Association) and non-LORA members opposed the idea in a big, big way. It turned out that Gillis was blowing smoke, that UMES had no firm arrangement with him, and when they all turned up for a meeting with Council, they had nothing but a 3 panel brochure about their culinary department that told everyone that they were both unprepared to mount any such enterprise and that they had been contacted a very, very short time before by Gillis to come to the meeting without any firm plan or commitment to a plan. To the majority of the Council it seemed a poor showing to justify the sale of the firehouse, one with no promise for a successful enterprise, indeed, one that would compete against taxpaying and non-subsidized downtown restaurants.
ReplyDeleteThe place where the Daily Times is now is 49,000 square feet, most of it wasted. They don't do anything there but office work (the paper is printed in Wilmington and trucked down) and have a staff of about 20 people, if that. The building is for sale for close to $3,000,000. The rent is probably crushing for a failing business like the Times. Their lease is up in September, 2017, and they're undoubtedly itching to get out of it and move to a smaller space. It's for certain that they'd like to move to downtown to be closer to the action and claim some glory along with Salisbury's business and government elites. It goes without saying that they'll be cut a very good deal to occupy that building, which might include some exceptionally favorable advertising rates for some special people and businesses.
ReplyDelete4:33 PM
ReplyDeleteThank you for suggesting that option...however, I am from this county...intend to stay here (thank you) and just want to try to help it be a better spite of people who think like you do!
407 there's no crime in Salisbury as per city hall and police chief so why would there need to be a police presence?
ReplyDelete517 they shouldn't have moved to Northwood property to begin with. That was an error in judgement. They already had many jobs taken away from their office by headquarters, like composing was done out of the midwest along with other functions. Their move was an expensive mistake both to them and the employees who were forced to commute there rather than the more convenient downtown address.
ReplyDeleteThe paper has been in serious trouble for years but its managed to hang on because Gannett probably uses it as a pure write-off. Eventually, that arrangement will cease to be and they'll be faced with being dumped once again. It's a shame they don't just put the thing out of its misery but that makes too much sense.
433 can you really say you're happy with the downfall of Salisbury? If you are, then you're an idiot.
ReplyDeleteExcellent and awesome Commentary on Jake Day and Headquarters Live. You are right on the money. That Dumb A$$ Jake Day thinks that everything he comes up with is a new and unique idea. How wrong can he be as you pointed out about the failed Firehouse Live or whatever you call it is the best example yet. The Civic Center is another example as it is underutilized and could use more tickets sold to fill the place.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget about the Amphitheater at Heron Ponds or whatever you call it.
Here is another concern about Jake Day and his stupid ideas. Downtown Salisbury is considered an Historic District. That is a fact so what and who gives/gave Jake Day the authority to change Historic Downtown Salisbury to some new and modern future "Hood?" Who the Hell does Jake Day think he is to change our historic Salisbury to a modern wasteland?
While we are on this who gave Jake Day the authority to change our city flag to some ugly flag that apparently looks like Jake Day's family crest? Am I correct on that?
What about the city logo? What gave Jake Day the authority to change our city logo? What about the gay looking city colors that Jake Day added to the city vehicles? Did the City Council authorize Jake Day to put those silly looking stripes on the city vehicles?
Was the City Council sleeping while Jake Day did this? Are they just as stupid as he is?
Did the City Council authorize Jake Day to do that stupid study to "modernize" downtown Salisbury?
I have a better question! Did Jake Day or the City Council hold any hearings on the changing of the city seal? The city flag? The stripes? Was there a hearing on the "modernization"and changing of our Historic Downtown Salisbury??? Did Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda, et. al. even consider the wishes of the citizens of Salisbury? The tax payers? The voters?
See ladies and gentleman Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda, et. al. failed each and everyone of you citizens of Salisbury and YOU were TOO DUMB to even know it happened!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePeople who really enjoy live music usually want to have a drink.
Even if they let one drink at one of these downtown events, who wants to do it?
The cops will target everyone leaving for the very lucrative DUI income.
May 7, 2017 at 9:57 AM
I can assure you that I don't need a drink when I am listening to live music at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center. That change at the civic center by Bob Culver will be a determining factor in him losing the next election. I can promise you that.
"The cops will target everyone leaving for the very lucrative DUI income."
You Sir, are actually too stupid to vote. There is no such thing as "lucrative DUI income." As a matter of fact that is so laughable that I just spit up my dinner.
Joe said...
ReplyDelete"Doug Marshall spent a small fortune trying to build a music venue in Delmar. Unfortunately it did not survive BUT that means NOTHING to local and stupid LIBERALS who love to say it's for the children or the arts."
You mean stupid LIBERALS spending other peoples money(OPM)!
Thornton Crowe said...
ReplyDeleteFixing Salisbury entails a lot more than buildings, it's about infrastructure. Many northern folks come here to retire and expect to have the same quality services as they did in their hometowns. We don't have such an infrastructure because our tax dollars are wasted on BS - both in the city and county. Turf wars over firefighters and the such are more important than providing quality services to residents whom PAID for them in advance. It's just a shit sandwich.
May 7, 2017 at 10:13 AM
That's part of the problem "Many northern folks come here to retire and expect to have the same quality services." Those Norther folks need to carry their Liberal a$$es back up North, because they don't know how to assimilate and they are not welcomed here.
People coming from the north expect the same level of services, bit a quarter or a fifth of the tax burden.
Delete806 sounds like someone who doesn't get it. without new people moving into the area, the town will cease to exist after awhile. Local kids can't find jobs here so they're moving out and those who stay are in abject poverty. Sounds like a born-here being a spoiled brat.
ReplyDeleteThornton Crowe said...
ReplyDeleteJoe, it will take the toilets backing up because there's no other place for the waste to go before people realize just what infrastructure means and why it's so important. People are shortsighted, hence, why Day and Ireton are able to pull the wool over their eyes long enough to get elected. Fact remains without infrastructural soundness in any community, it just leads to becoming uninhabitable after a period of time. Are these guys trying to kill Salisbury altogether? It would seem so...
May 7, 2017 at 10:26 AM
And Bob Culver and John Cannon want to encourage Jake Day and Salisbury to offer water and sewer to county residents by means of annexations. Bob Culver just gave Jake Day and Rick Hoppes much of the County in the fire service agreement when there were qualified volunteers who would have done it for free. So now he is paying Salisbury to run fire and ambulance calls to the county and then give the Station 1 volunteers an additional $400,000. Now he is trying to get Jake Day to annex parts of the county where they have failing septic systems.
Bob Culver and John Cannon are too stupid to be real leaders in Wicomico County. They need to be removed from the City Council...oops, I mean County Council as soon as possible.
I too am a person who assumes the police are highly motivated to seek out DUI cases.
ReplyDeleteI assume the state makes bank on DUI, I happen to know for certain that insurance companies really profit from people who have been convicted of DUI.
There is plenty of reasons (incentives) for the massive efforts toward DUI enforcement.
Brad Gillis is a better spin doctor than his daddy!
ReplyDeleteDay and the people behind him are corrupt and its apparent from these seemingly illogical deals they're all making money at the taxpayers' expense. Isn't it time for Salisbury citizens to start looking for someone to investigate these people and their money making schemes? This type of corruption has brought down many politicians and governments from New York's Tammany Hall to New Orleans mayor a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that Day doesn't know what he's doing. He's running a scam and committing crimes in the process. Agree with 1115. It's time to get someone to look into all this corruption.
ReplyDeleteSomething stinks about all these little messes City Hall generates.
ReplyDeleteBarrie was the first in this Lineage of corruption. Jimmy and Jakester were just carrying on the scams. They all three should be investigated along with Rickie. All these criminals need to go to jail.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI too am a person who assumes the police are highly motivated to seek out DUI cases.
I assume the state makes bank on DUI, I happen to know for certain that insurance companies really profit from people who have been convicted of DUI.
There is plenty of reasons (incentives) for the massive efforts toward DUI enforcement.
May 7, 2017 at 8:43 PM
"There is plenty of reasons (incentives) for the massive efforts toward DUI enforcement."
Yes there are and you left out the most important one. To save lives!!!
LOL Where's Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen when you need them?
ReplyDeleteOh that's right... You morons voted Debbie out and chased Terry out.
and where would patrons park?
ReplyDeleteYou cannot have a safe venue with section 8 housing all around you.
ReplyDeleteLet's call it what it is. Low income housing. The ghetto. The slums. 1050 5/8 you're right. You can't have a safe venue in the center of a slum. Day doesn't care about our safety or well being. Only interests lies in money to line his pockets. Somewhere in all this he's making money.
ReplyDeleteAs a former establishment owner back in the 90's in 'DA hood I mean 'DA bury there us not enough viable income through the week to keep things going. Once the newness wears off it eventually becomes a bleak and dismal outlook. In today's society with the music genre that is popular and rge type of crowd it attracts sorry but I think i would pass on any type of business that had to deal with that
ReplyDeleteI think it's as simple as Jake day owns part of devreco.
ReplyDeleteJoe . I drive by Heron Ponds daily and see a lot of equipment moving dirt.. i see on Facebook they are planning a bluegrass festival . Fingers crossed they stick with it !
ReplyDeleteWhy did they not consider reopening it as the new Volunteer Fire Dept it is right in the center of the city and response time would be faster, there would not have to be the expense of making something fit at the Airport. Couldn't it be districted and changed and save the taxpayers $?
ReplyDeleteIn your article you have definitely
Strange the Mayor can't see the
forest for the trees@