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Sunday, May 14, 2017

After SFD Station 1 Claimed They Were In Route, This Video Proves They Lied

This video shows they said they were responding, in route to the patient. They didn't leave for another 3 minutes. The County Council was informed about this and the Chief interrupted and said, stuff like this never happens. The reason it was recorded was because it was the 3rd time that night this crew had done this. Here's the proof.


Publishers Notes: Let me clear something up here for ALL of you. Yes, this was the PAID Firefighters and not the Volunteers. 

HOWEVER, I believe the POINT here is, it doesn't matter WHO it was, it's UNACCEPTABLE, period!


  1. Replies
    1. Damn, I wonder what that would do to their ISO rating.

    2. Busted for once, the other two times alleged are hear say as they were not documented.

  2. "Third time that night" sounds like it was a busy night.

  3. I hear it all the time on the scanner where they repeatedly call for a response and no one answers. But in all fairness, I never paid attention to who was responding.

    One time it took them 10 minutes to respond to a heart attack and my only thought was the person was already dead because no one responded in a timely manner.

    This is not solely a station 1 issue, but the city is playing politics and this is the result.

    1. Sounds like a LAWSUIT and CRIMINAL Action.

  4. You need to clarify this to let the readers know this is the career/paid paramedics on Paramedic 1 at the Salisbury Fire Department and not the volunteer firefighters. When I first read this I thought you were talking about the volunteers that were locked out. Please reword the title so everyone knows this is not the volunteers.

    Thank you.

    1. It's the self-righteous Redneck Volunteers trying to prove they are "Holier Than Thou".

    2. Nope just where you all fire gods lied trying to be the holy ones!!

    3. Lol. You're funny!

  5. Looks like the paid firemen slept through another emergency call!!

    Now what do you have to say about that Jake Day and Rick Hoppes!! You guys are busted.

    This needs to be posted on the Fake News sights like BOC, MDT and the rag where some of the old folks without the internet get their news from.

  6. Hobbs needs to be TERMINATED As well as the FF this is plain Lazyness on the FF SIDE on going on medical calls BUT those calls JUSTIFY THERE JOBS.

  7. Volunteers respond out of heart. Apparently the "paid" firemen can't get out of bed when they are being PAID to be ready to go immediately. Aren't you tired of paying them to sleep??? Time to support the volunteers AND save the taxpayers some $$$! Do you get it now Council and Culver????

  8. I fail to understand the point because they were responding.
    Define responding.
    This is fabricated slander to confuse the common man that doesn't know the jargon and rules of the game.

    City of Smallsbury FF, you do not wear ugly politics well. I suggest you go back to doing your job.

  9. This must be what the volunteers are talking about when they say the career staff are responding from the bathroom, bunkroom or where ever they please.

  10. Lets see if the CITY COUNCIL has a Emergency meeting to FIRE HOBBS ?

  11. Please keep this at the top for all the Station 1 Fire District to see. And everyone wonders why it takes so long to get an ambulance or a fire truck to their emergency.

  12. Does anyone have the dates and times of this ambulance call?

    What about the names of the crew members that night?

    These firemen clearly need to be disciplined for this. Those 3 minutes can mean the difference between life and death!

  13. Ocean City Fire Medics lost their 24 hour shift privilege over the same crap because they slept through a call.

    This is what needs to happen in Salisbury. They need to go back to working 8 hour shifts and no one gets to sleep or rest. If you want to sleep then stay home and sleep in your own bed.

    1. This difference is the Ocean City CHief has balls, and doesn't give a rat's a** if he pissed off the troops.

  14. His name is Cory PileOfSh!t said B. Records.

    1. As if anyone cares what Bryan Records says.

  15. What is the Chief's excuse for this one? Glad it wasn't my loved one waiting!

  16. HOW many people hace Died bc of this ? there needs to be a Criminal Investigation by Hogans office.

  17. FF sound asleep as well because they ALSO Respond.

    1. yep did the FF stand down also ? they do have a habit of cancelling themselves thinking the medics are responding ?

  18. Unacceptable. If you're not ready for the demands of your job find another profession. Giving a bad name to firefighters everywhere.

  19. States Attorney were are U?

  20. I was at a place of business, had severe
    pain in chest & shortness of breath. The
    Manager called for an ambulance. It
    took them 10 min to get to me and I was on
    Mt. Hermon Rd!!.
    The Manager of the place of business reported the
    lack of disrespect with which one of the EMTs
    spoke to me when they arrived. Very arrogant!
    I was in such pain I didn't feel like telling
    her myself. The Manager made the remark , "If
    you were my Mother & she'd talked to her like that,
    I would have slapped her face!
    Was the EMT written up for that incident? One
    has to wonder with the "cover ups" that have gone
    on at that Fire Station.

  21. Hoppes needs to be pulled in by the city council and the wicomico states attorneys office familys of loved ones that even think there was a delay in pt care need to lawyer up and sue the city.

  22. I'll bet this just opened the proverbial Pandora's Box. The shorter list is what does the Salisbury Fire Department do right? They seem to be saturated in corruption and bellyaching nonsense. Why do voting taxpayers continue to let this crap go on?

  23. Here's a question: Why when an ambulance is summoned to a scene do they need to send one, sometimes two firetrucks to accompany? Isn't that a bit of an overkill? Driving up costs for the community? Isn't this a form of government corruption?

    1. To JUSTIFY the FF jobs this is being done ALL over the country so they dont have to fire FF.

    2. If they go outside city limits they bill the county. If the trucks go with the ambulance they can bill for them too. Highway robbery for the taxpayers in the county.

  24. I agree with 9:08 AM. I'm assuming this is not video of the volunteers from Station 1 who will be stationed at the airport. Please repost this with the date of the video and clarify who falsified this response time.

  25. Let me clear something up here for ALL of you. Yes, this was the PAID Firefighters and not the Volunteers.

    HOWEVER, I believe the POINT here is, it doesn't matter WHO it was, it's UNACCEPTABLE, period!

  26. You wonder why the Chief was passed over so many times for that position? Could it possibly be because he couldn't effectively do the job?

  27. 3 min delay 7 min responce pt BRAIN DEAD thanks SFD HOPPES.

  28. Get this to Fox News .

  29. PAID FF dragging there ass because they know the medics will pu the call but the FF get the credit for the call also.

    1. And these FF have the nerve to complain about going on medic calls while it saves there J O B S.

  30. keep up top till 6

  31. WBOC states what story no story here too see move qlong back to Delascare.

  32. That's like and they claim to have ran over 8000 fire calls last year. 5000 of which were medical calls that a fire truck responded. At least another 1000 were fire alarms. They count that as a fire call. Complete lies from Salisbury Fire Department.

  33. Lets not forget the many times that the volunteers had also said they were responding to a call, yet had not even got on the street. Or not responded to a call at all, leaving the duty crew to handle it. NOBODY is perfect, volunteer or paid.

    1. This was not the volunteers from station 1 we had rules about this until the paid were responding before the engine was started. Like the paid responding in the tanker yet it didn't start so how are you responding?

    2. Well then Ron Montgomery, Justin Elliott, nor King Polidire himself followed the rules. I've witnessed all three of them checking up from their portables saying "call is covered" from the parking lot. The one evening Justin Elliott covered the call and we looked around and didn't see him. About a minute later he came pulling in the parking lot with little Foskey in the truck. So if you live in a glass house put down the stones boys.

    3. Show us a video and we will believe it. Clearly, the volunteers proved their point because we can watch it on video. Unless you have a video to back up your claims, I don't believe you. You are just trying to deflect attention from the paid crew and throw shade at the volunteeers.

  34. Well subject thought they were going to have abother episode and we'll it still took longer what a shame . Now the truth is clear the volunteers have told the truth all this time and the fire chief has lied .

  35. If we had a Real local media the would get off there coffee break and do a real local story but my bet all you will here from wboc and wmdt are crickets .

  36. Jake shut them down stole their equipment kicked them out of their station and has tried to ban them from city streets and now they are being stalked...I'll forgive the 3 minutes.

    1. In case you missed Joe's post this was not the volunteers. This was career, the volunteers under the city are not allowed to respond unless requested per the chief. The volunteers took incidents like this to the chief And it was swept under the rug. Now people can see why they left!!!!

  37. Not being an FF, I have to ask this question. What is the customary response time in the middle of the night? Is it less than a minute, two minutes? I don't know.

    Now being the devil's advocate: How would everyone be responding to seeing an ambulance or some other fire apparatus parked out front of Johnny's or Wendy's?

    Like I said, I'm not a Fire Fighter and I have no skin in the game, I'm simply curious.

    1. The issue isn't response time. The issue is, the medic unit advised they were "enroute" on a radio when, in fact, THEY WEREN'T. Why not answer up and advise they are enroute, from the ambulance, when they are actually leaving. Because they want to falsify their response time. They want people to think they are enroute IMMEDIATELY when they aren't.

  38. Ask OC EMTs what happens when you get all comfy in your blankets and warm sheets while the rest of public safety actually stay awake.

    1. What happens, they cry to the gay union president thier being railroaded, picked on, and losing thier secondary jobs, and it's all the Chief's fault. Boo boo, there is someone that doesn't put up with thier years. Hand me another Kleenex Ryan, please.

  39. I remember that, engine tanker 1-1 is responding to a structure fire the only engine tanker in the fleet, yet the batteries were dead. what happened to those morning checks on the equipment to make sure it is ready to go. Must have been a big breakfast morning and just got signed off on while it was the usual morning break from 9 to 12 watching the news and napping in the recliners those nasty volunteers bought for you all.

  40. The fact of the matter is this. If you say you are "responding" it's expected that you are in fact in the ambulance and "responding" not rolling out of bed taking your sweet time. Those extra minutes could mean the difference between life or death. O but how i forget..they are career firefighters and like most career in SFD you think you are God and can do as you please. It's about time the county grow some balls and stand up to these city bullies. I dont pay taxes to let them take their time bc they don't want to get out of bed. Give these volunteers a chance and their funding as you have for the last 31 years. This is getting ridiculous.

  41. So explain why the volunteers were not alerted since September ? Like all volunteers in this county you have to alert them to the call, if they aren't alerted how the hell do you expect them to respond ? The Salisbury fire chief ordered central 911 center to stop alerting Salisbury volunteers to calls in their districts. Only alerted to confirmed structure fires or rescues, and then only to back staff the empty stations. So explain the failure rate again......and the nfpa standard is 9 min to the scene, not 4 min to the firehouse that's Hoppes manipulating the standards again. Again setting up the volunteers to fail cause he wants to rid the city of what he and the career staff refer to as ticks.

  42. How bout you all pulling up to a mvc w rescue and not setting the parking break on the rescue truck and it rolled tntomthe vehicle toy were doing the extraction on. Tried blaming it in the parking breaks didn't work, however no repair ticket was ever filled out on it. Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house as well.

    1. Get your facts straight. The parking brake was tested and failed. The rescue would push through the parking brake while idling.

  43. Sorry 1:06PM, but that is not the reason that the volunteers left.
    They are just as guilty as the paid ones. Both volunteer and paid make mistakes. They all are human.

  44. I'm a paramedic outside of this county. According to our rules, we are not allowed to "mark up", go responding, via a portable handheld radio. We have to do so from the radio in the unit. This is done to combat what you see here. Wicomico 911 central knows when they've marked up via a portable radio. Don't quote me on this but since all other radio traffic is recorded at central, I'd also assume that the ID number of the radio being used is also somehow recorded. This would mean that it shouldn't be all that hard to find out just how often someone is marking up with their portable. I can attest that there is no reason once in the unit to use a portable radio, even doing so causes an annoying echo through the speakers.

  45. HOWEVER, I believe the POINT here is, it doesn't matter WHO it was, it's UNACCEPTABLE, period!

    You better believe this is unacceptable and Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing this to happen!!

    Jake Day, Boi Mare, needs to get some balls and make the firemen and paramedics work straight 8 hour shifts with NO sleeping and NO 'rest' breaks. Work straight through the shifts like every police department does.

    What happened here is these firemen and EMT's slept through this call and they were busted! They lied and they need to be disciplined!

    1. You do realize that switching from 24hr shifts to 8hr shifts would increase the amount of employees considerably. Thereby increasing the required tax payer funding due to all those additional employees benefits right. Here's a break down for you, 3 ambulances staffed with 2 people each 24/7 = 1008hrs/wk, 2 fire trucks with 4 people each 24/7 = 1344hrs/wk, 1 truck with 4 people mon-fri 7a-5p = 200hrs/wk. I'm not counting the various chiefs or captains. So that's 2552hrs/wk currently being staffed by (14 24/72'ers x 4 shifts = 56, now plus the 4 day truck crew = 60) 60 people. Now 2552hrs divided by 60 people is 42.53hrs each. Now you propose 8hr shifts, 40hr work weeks, 2552 divided by 40 = 63.8. So that's an additional 4 personnel you'd have to hire, remember I didn't include the duty chief or captains in this, so that would be a couple more. 4 personnel at a pension and benefits average of $55k each would cost the city an additional $220k per year. The current 24/72 is actually a model that saves the tax payers money.

    2. They do not want to hear that. It is actually a lot cheaper than that. You have to account for the people allowed off.

  46. Anonymous said...
    "Third time that night" sounds like it was a busy night.

    May 10, 2017 at 9:00 AM

    And that justifies lying an not responding to the call like Hoppes said they did??

    So much for that ISO rating which proves that the ISO is pure BULLSH!T.

    You know if Jake Day and Rick Hoppes is talking it must be a lie.

  47. Anonymous said...

    I fail to understand the point because they were responding.
    Define responding.
    This is fabricated slander to confuse the common man that doesn't know the jargon and rules of the game.

    City of Smallsbury FF, you do not wear ugly politics well. I suggest you go back to doing your job.

    May 10, 2017 at 9:14 AM

    You fail to see the point??? STFU!!

  48. Anonymous said...
    This must be what the volunteers are talking about when they say the career staff are responding from the bathroom, bunkroom or where ever they please.

    May 10, 2017 at 9:17 AM

    They carry a portable radio around with them and when they hear the alert the use to the portable radio to say they are "Responding."

    Responding means they are sitting in the ambulance or the fire truck and it is in gear and they are enroute to the address.

    When they respond from the bathroom or the bunk room they are not really responding. They are responding when the rubber hits the road! This is why the paid firemen and EMT's have better response times. Hoppes fudges the calls and or has trained the firemen, EMT's, and paramedics to fudge the calls.

    He is a Damn Liar and he needs to be fired. Nothing the Salisbury Fire Department does now will regain my trust.

  49. No balz Day. said...
    Lets see if the CITY COUNCIL has a Emergency meeting to FIRE HOBBS ?

    May 10, 2017 at 9:17 AM

    No Balz Day! Bwahahahaha!

  50. 11:16 a.m. - REDNECK volunteers? Really? What about your uneducated, incompetent leadership in the paid SFD? You are so ignorant I guess you think they are sophisticated? The volunteers have more heart and sense of public service than your laughable professional firefighters. I'd rather have a redneck volunteer coming to my aid over your lazy, where do we go to lunch today, paid men.

  51. Anonymous said...
    I'm a paramedic outside of this county. According to our rules, we are not allowed to "mark up", go responding, via a portable handheld radio. We have to do so from the radio in the unit. This is done to combat what you see here. Wicomico 911 central knows when they've marked up via a portable radio. Don't quote me on this but since all other radio traffic is recorded at central, I'd also assume that the ID number of the radio being used is also somehow recorded. This would mean that it shouldn't be all that hard to find out just how often someone is marking up with their portable. I can attest that there is no reason once in the unit to use a portable radio, even doing so causes an annoying echo through the speakers.
    May 10, 2017 at 2:36 PM

    You are correct.

  52. Anonymous said...

    May 10, 2017 at 9:45 AM


  53. Anonymous said...
    What is the Chief's excuse for this one? Glad it wasn't my loved one waiting!

    May 10, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    Chief? I hope you don't think that Fat A$$ Hoppes is a chief. BWAHAHAHA!

  54. Anonymous said...

    May 10, 2017 at 9:48 AM

    That would be the best thing to happen to the City of Salisbury and it's citizens.

  55. Anonymous said...
    I was at a place of business, had severe
    pain in chest & shortness of breath. The
    Manager called for an ambulance. It
    took them 10 min to get to me and I was on
    Mt. Hermon Rd!!.
    The Manager of the place of business reported the
    lack of disrespect with which one of the EMTs
    spoke to me when they arrived. Very arrogant!
    I was in such pain I didn't feel like telling
    her myself. The Manager made the remark , "If
    you were my Mother & she'd talked to her like that,
    I would have slapped her face!
    Was the EMT written up for that incident? One
    has to wonder with the "cover ups" that have gone
    on at that Fire Station.

    May 10, 2017 at 9:58 AM

    Salisbury doesn't write up their firefighters unless they are not well liked. Such a click. Many people have called to complain or written letters of complaint and the chief's office just files it away in the trash unless he is targeting a paramedic.

    1. Reported a "lack of disrespect". Isn't that a GOOD thing? Do people even check what the write and say?

  56. Anonymous said...
    Here's a question: Why when an ambulance is summoned to a scene do they need to send one, sometimes two firetrucks to accompany? Isn't that a bit of an overkill? Driving up costs for the community? Isn't this a form of government corruption?

    May 10, 2017 at 10:23 AM

    They don't need to send any fire trucks. It is done to save or justify the jobs of paid firemen, just like forcing out the volunteers saves the jobs of the paid firemen. Do you see the method to the madness?

    1. Try to manage a cardiac arrest patient with two people, try to pick up a 400 pound patient who is dead weight with two people, try to deal with a heroin addict who is combative because you just ruined his high with just two people. The majority of the calls the ambulance goes alone. Some calls need more than two people to handle the situation. If you don't know what you're talking about then just STFU.

    2. Two people isn't it done all over the country with two people? If they are needed then central will call for the assist! Why do these paid paramedics need more than two people? How did you take your paramedic practical? The furthest you respond is five min from the hospital not a half hour like some others around us that do it with two people!

    3. 1:13,

      No cardiac arrest is properly managed with just two people. When you take your National Registry practical you are alone, however you are allowed to use as many "ghost" helpers as needed. A proper cardiac arrest is run by a team of people. Nearly every single local county run EMS system (Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, Queen Anne's) automatically dispatches two paramedic ambulances and an engine company to a cardiac arrest. Would you expect a single doctor and a single nurse to manage a cardiac arrest by them selves in the ER? I can tell you first hand that in the ER they manage a cardiac arrest with a doctor who never touched the patient, he orchestrates the event, 2-4 nurses, 2-3 ER techs, a respiratory therapist, and a pharmacist. That's 6 to 9 people helping to manage the event. Most priority 1, most severe, calls require two people in the back of the ambulance. Obviously they still need one person to drive.

    4. I guess you have trouble reading, I stated that in Salisbury the ambulances respond by themselves on the majority of the calls. When the engine goes it is being dispatched by central or the SOP's require a fire response based on the dispatch code. I can promise you that nobody in the county runs any type of serious call with an ambulance only, we all use the same dispatch codes. Would you like us to be like the majority of the departments across the bridge and send a fire truck on every medical call no matter how minor it is?

    5. 7:25 great response! 7:29 see that's how a response is done on a public forum! All this STFU stuff at the end and the whole "I guess you have trouble reading" that is not needed it doesn't make you look or sound tuff just makes you sound like an ignorant moron! So full answers and sentences that include who, what, when, where and why? Information is key in this!

  57. It took at least that long when I called; in fact, I called back and asked where they were. I'm only 5 minutes away from the station. Result: patient died.

    1. Really? Such a terrible accusation, and yet no facts, dates, times, etc.
      if something like that really happened I would hope you had sense enough to hire an attorney and not just rely on some anonymous post in a blog to serve as the justice for such a wrong.
      Making a statement like that is ignorant and low. You reveal yourself to be exactly what an asinine statement like that represents.

  58. Anonymous said...
    It took at least that long when I called; in fact, I called back and asked where they were. I'm only 5 minutes away from the station. Result: patient died.
    May 11, 2017 at 6:14 AM

    If the public only knew how many patients died under Rick Hoppes' watch they would die!

  59. Anonymous said...
    11:16 a.m. - REDNECK volunteers? Really? What about your uneducated, incompetent leadership in the paid SFD? You are so ignorant I guess you think they are sophisticated? The volunteers have more heart and sense of public service than your laughable professional firefighters. I'd rather have a redneck volunteer coming to my aid over your lazy, where do we go to lunch today, paid men.
    May 10, 2017 at 5:30 PM

    Bahahaha. Rick Hoppes is a redneck. Never got a real college degree and when he attempted to he was a failure and then cheated and got a diploma mill college degree. That is pure REDNECK!!

  60. Those Dumb A$$es in Salisbury have fire trucks chasing ambulances all over that they don't have anyone to take a 4th or 5th run ambulance call at the Maryland State Police Barracks. The assistant chief, Shawty, had to tell Central to go to Delmar for that ambulance call and it happened to be a second call for Delmar.

    Interesting how they have all these paid FARMIN to staff the FAR Trucks but they don't have enough sense to staff the ambulances appropriately.

    Hoppes needs to be FIRED!!

  61. As it turns out that call at the Maryland State Police Barracks for the unconscious subject turned out to be a cardiac arrest according to Truck 2 who is on the scene.

    Paramedic 1 finally answered up and cancelled Delmar.

    How would you like to be that patient who died at the State police barracks with 5 firemen standing around looking at you and waiting for the ambulance.

    Guess what?? YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!

    1. 1-The Truck crew was staffed with An ALS provider, all personnel are at least FF/EMTs.
      2-Unlike the ignorant person who made this comment, our crews don't "stand around waiting in the ambulance", they initiate quality care and do what is needed.
      3-The ambulances were extremely busy right at that moment in Salisbury, that's partly why the truck was sent. The other reason the truck was sent was due to it being a priority call that had potential to become a serious EMS call where additional help would be needed. We don't randomly self dispatch to drive up numbers as is suggested.
      4-With all SFD EMS units being tied up when the call was dispatched, Delmar was initially dispatched as is common practice. PM 1 checked up and responded from the ER as soon as they had the patient off their stretcher and could respond. All other SFD ambulances were otherwise committed.
      5-The outcome was positive for the patient, who was delivered to the ER with a return of spontaneous circulation. In other words, that was a save. The patient DID NOT die.

    2. That is correct! SFD is actually above the national average for "saves". They will not want to hear that either. They have pretty good coverage for a good price.

  62. Anonymous said...
    You do realize that switching from 24hr shifts to 8hr shifts would increase the amount of employees considerably. Thereby increasing the required tax payer funding due to all those additional employees benefits right. Here's a break down for you, 3 ambulances staffed with 2 people each 24/7 = 1008hrs/wk, 2 fire trucks with 4 people each 24/7 = 1344hrs/wk, 1 truck with 4 people mon-fri 7a-5p = 200hrs/wk. I'm not counting the various chiefs or captains. So that's 2552hrs/wk currently being staffed by (14 24/72'ers x 4 shifts = 56, now plus the 4 day truck crew = 60) 60 people. Now 2552hrs divided by 60 people is 42.53hrs each. Now you propose 8hr shifts, 40hr work weeks, 2552 divided by 40 = 63.8. So that's an additional 4 personnel you'd have to hire, remember I didn't include the duty chief or captains in this, so that would be a couple more. 4 personnel at a pension and benefits average of $55k each would cost the city an additional $220k per year. The current 24/72 is actually a model that saves the tax payers money.
    May 10, 2017 at 5:14 PM

    Lookie here!! The paid firemen are already in Damage Control trying to protect their gravy 24 hour shifts where they get to sleep.

    Either way you look at it the tax payer is paying for 24 hour coverage. If the firemen went from 24 shifts to three 8 hour shifts you still have to pay the same. 3 X 8 = 24 no matter how you look at it Dumb A$$. Go back to school.

    1. 11:54,

      I made this comment. I am not a paid fireman. I am a paramedic who works for one of the local Eastern Shore of Maryland County EMS systems. I work 24/72, and trust I don't get to sleep most nights. However, I have enough knowledge of the system to know that it actually saves the tax payers money.

  63. Anonymous said...
    You do realize that switching from 24hr shifts to 8hr shifts would increase the amount of employees considerably. Thereby increasing the required tax payer funding due to all those additional employees benefits right. Here's a break down for you, 3 ambulances staffed with 2 people each 24/7 = 1008hrs/wk, 2 fire trucks with 4 people each 24/7 = 1344hrs/wk, 1 truck with 4 people mon-fri 7a-5p = 200hrs/wk. I'm not counting the various chiefs or captains. So that's 2552hrs/wk currently being staffed by (14 24/72'ers x 4 shifts = 56, now plus the 4 day truck crew = 60) 60 people. Now 2552hrs divided by 60 people is 42.53hrs each. Now you propose 8hr shifts, 40hr work weeks, 2552 divided by 40 = 63.8. So that's an additional 4 personnel you'd have to hire, remember I didn't include the duty chief or captains in this, so that would be a couple more. 4 personnel at a pension and benefits average of $55k each would cost the city an additional $220k per year. The current 24/72 is actually a model that saves the tax payers money.
    May 10, 2017 at 5:14 PM

    Joe did you see this?? The paid fireman that posted this said that the average salary of a paid fireman in Salisbury was $55,000 per year!!

    $55,000 is a lot of money to pay a fireman with very little training, rarely any fires and so much down time that they get to kick back in recliners all day long and get to sleep at night.

    There are college educated people working their butts off every single day that don't make $55,000 per year. What a damn shame. This city is truly ripping off the tax payers.

    "4 personnel at a pension and benefits average of $55k each would cost the city an additional $220k per year."

    1. You show your lack of education. 55k is with all the benefits that comes with it. The average pay is maybe the upper 30s.

    2. And further more if you total all of my hours from taking classes and participating in trainings I have the equivalent educational hours to have completed a masters degree. So as the poster above stated, you really have expressed a lack of education on this subject matter.

  64. The AVERAGE pay in Ocean City is almost $90,000 not including benefits, surely the bury is mid 50's

    1. Sorry no. It should be

    2. SFD starting pay in low 30s. Have to be there a long time and get promoted to see 50s....

  65. I do not understand WHY , when my
    neighbor called for an ambulance
    for their Mother, who was having
    chest pains------first came the
    ambulance with a Fire Truck
    coming in shortly behind it.

    What the heck was the Fire Truck
    there for???? The ambulance
    was there & the crew in the house
    to attend the person.

    Someone PLEAS explain this !!

    1. A fire apparatus responds on certain EMS calls based on what alphanumeric code the call is given. This is because as the call is screened by the dispatcher and they ask their questions of the 911 caller, they determine that certain conditions exist which may likely be a more urgent medical condition. These types of calls can require more than just the two people on the ambulance to safely handle. Having the extra provider in the ambulance to assist with patient care can make the difference in the patient outcome. It allows for more and better care to be done in a timely manner.
      All career personnel in the SFD are cross trained. There is not just a firefighter that only rides the engine or truck or just a paramedic that only rides the ambulance. Our personnel ride both in a rotation.
      If the truck showed up to that call, it was because the nature of the call as dispatched suggested they were needed.

  66. I love that these nobodies have generated a fire storm from a video that is around two years old. The voice in the background is none other than David Cooper. And he was removed from the department quite some time ago. I won't go any further into his character or lack there of. Because that is not my point. This issue was addressed and well over a year ago the chief issued the directive of only "marking up" once you're in the unit. I can't speak for all of the shifts. But my shift has been strictly enforcing this. So while I agree with the fact this should have never happened. I can tell you it has been addressed. I can't believe these guys went to this level to stir the pot. They are grasping straws. I caution all of you who are on their bandwagon. Their split has nothing to do with "legal and ethical" issues stemming from the city and the use of money. How can I tell you this? Because I've heard their statements before in regards to not wanting to answer to a career chief, they wanted to appoint their own officers, and not have to participate in the annual mandatory trainings. If there were any questions into the legality or ethics surrounding funding they would have consulted an attorney to protect the money and exposed it. But now their backs are against the wall and they are trying anything possible to save face. Their list of "qualified" responders consists of quite a few whom were separated from the department for misconduct that shows they're not of good moral stature. Remember there are three sides to every story. And even I as a career member don't know the whole truth. But I can tell you from what my own two ears have heard, these guys are not presenting you with facts on a number of these issues and are masking the true reason for their split.

    1. Why don't you guys turn over the "list of demands" you have to the Chiefs office? Because none of them had anything to do with money, legal issues, ethical issues, nor improving public safety. It was all about you and your wants. But then again I wouldn't want that document public when I'm pretending to care about public safety.

  67. It happened again this morning.

    Station 1 EMS (Paid EMS providers) was dispatched at 5 am today's date(5/14/2017) to 301 or 801 Crystal Place? in Granby's Run for chest pain. They slept through the call and had to be re-alerted. They used the portable radio to respond when they woke up and they were acknowledged at 5:05 am. They arrived at 5:10am. It doesn't take 5 minutes to drive to Granby Run from Station 1 because it is only a couple of blocks away. You can see the houses from the front pad. Why didn't the fire trucks respond on that call since it was a chest pain call?? Oh that's right, it was 5 o'clock in the morning and they needed the last 2 hours of sleep for their second jobs. Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing these clowns to constantly sleep through calls over and over again while the citizens in Salisbury and Wicomico County suffer. All the while attacking the Station 1 volunteers and claiming that a paid fire service is better than the service offered by volunteers. These paid clowns need to be moved to 8 hour shifts with absolutely no sleeping just like Ocean City did.

    Jake Day you are a Piece of Sh!t and you need to step down for your P!ss Poor leadership!

    I couldn't post then because it gave me this message. I think it has something to do with moving the articles to your "week in review."

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    1. Go away you station 1 reject. First and foremost you don't know if they checked up on a portable, unit radio, or station base station. You're speculating. Secondly the truck isn't due on ANY chest pain call. So them "getting the last two hours of sleep" has nothing to do with it. The self dispatch protocol follows the national response code for emergency medical dispatch. And not at any level; alpha, bravo, Charlie, or delta is a medical assist due. Lastly EVERY station in the county has had an EMS crew sleep
      through a call. But yet I didn't hear you jumping up and down when the former station 1 volunteers failed to respond to calls 51% of the time. But then again I generally don't want to call notice to my failures either.


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