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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Salisbury Fire Station 1 Letter To The Editor


  1. It's past time for those whiners to just shut up and keep walking! The residents in their proposed service area flat do not want them.

    And the fire chiefs should rescind their allocation ASAP so this brouhaha can be flushed down the hopper.

    1. It's surprising how much a bunch of fat old men can act like 13 year old girls.

  2. I've noticed this group at station 1 hasn't bashed anybody and they have to spend there time fixing all the lies the city and its leaders continue to spread . What's worse is there funding is at question now which shouldn't be questioned in a million years. This county council is full of cowards and welp it's time they are replaced . This is ridiculous.

  3. If you have nothing to hide and since you so freely accuse the Fire Chief and the city of mishandling money, why won't you allow an audit?

    1. Better check those 508 accounts because those rules are strict and many are and were in violation when the equipment was purchased with them!

  4. I wholeheartedly support Salibury Independent Fire Company and I live near Nutters. When I moved here there was no City water service and that has not changed. We don't have hydrants. We have to depend on water being brought in on tankers. That is what affects your insurance rates. So rates should not change. I feel confident that our "new" fire department will be an improvement over the City and I wish them well.

  5. Very nicely wrote. Who gave jake day so much power over the county. County council it's time to wake up you have a job to do and that's fund this company and support the county chiefs vote.

  6. All you here out of these people from the Salisbury Fire Departments is about audits. Are they trying to say that the Volunteer Fire departments in the County are crooks? If this seems to be worrying them so much then lets get the County to require an audit of all the stations and lets put this bullshit to bed.

    1. The issue of mishandling money was raised by the Station 1 bunch. Let's see them put the taxpayers money where their mouth is.

  7. Whatever. This crap is gettin' old.

  8. 10:27AM

    Sorry, but you are so wrong.

  9. Cory Polidor is beginning to act and sound like Hillary Clinton. Is he a Democrat too?

  10. Don't you have a lake in Nutters crossing? Pumpers and tanker cant draft water from ponds/lakes and river. This is just one more reason to move away from this area. Bunch of lazy paid fireman trying to protect their do little jobs doing what other gladly do for free to serve their community. With the exception of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, the entire state of PA is covered by volunteer fire department.

  11. Nice, Mr. Polidore and Chief Hoppes both know how to manipulate numbers. This fiction mentions the volunteers getting out or not getting out with in a specific time period. How many times have we listened to a scanner and the volunteers were re alerted and never did get an engine on the road at all. Audits. All volunteer companies that get tax payer funding should have audits to prevent dishonesty. Yes their are dishonest people in the fire service. I believe the state of Delaware requires audits. Maryland, Wicomico County should also. If the county government gives you territory what are they going to do when after a few months you fail? Who steps up to the plate then? Parsonsburg, Fruitland? Will your ambulance be accredited by July 1 up and running ready to respond or will you have someone else respond for you? There are many concerns and questions that still need to be answered before the county considers funding you. The Elected leaders of Wicomico County need to figure out if they are in charge of the Wicomico County Fire And EMS Services or If the County Fire Chiefs Association is. 1 group is elected by the citizens of the county, the other is not.

    1. The Wicomico County Council needs to take charge and handle it. The volunteer diremens association, chiefs association and radio committee should not be the final decision, only recommending agencies.

  12. If the volunteers aren't such a threat to the career personnel, why are the career personnel bashing them ? As Sherlock Holmes would say
    " something's a foot here " . Job security is why the volunteers threaten their job cause they do it out or their hearts and soul, not for monetary compensation.

  13. There is no legislation on this issue and there are records that the county chiefs have always made this decision. Now after July 1 with this new agreement there will be people in charge written . As of right now the county chiefs association have the upper hand .

  14. Support this company and give them a chance . Next year you can say nope not worthy or hey that was a good chance they did great . Stop this back and fourth and support them.

  15. So county gets mad and say nope not going to fund them there 31st year . What happens when you don't pay county taxes yup your stuff gets taken . Not equal here . Stop begin d$cks and funder this station .

  16. 12:45 Looks to me like Salisbury thinks they are in charge of Wicomico County Fire and EMS.

  17. As a taxpayer, I find all the documents created by Station One volunteers are very well written and understandable. They have a great lawyer. It seems to me they have it more together than the City who has uneducated leaders in the fire department. The County Council needs to stop letting Mayor Day call the shots for the County - and Bob Culver needs to live up to his job title!

  18. Talk about number manipulation. Why don't you tell the public the other side of your nine minute coin? See not so many years ago the chief met with all of the volunteer corporations. He sat down and said boys and girls your response times are trending straight for the crapper, what can we do to fix this. After some discussion it was determined that realert was too soon. See if a station doesn't "check up" within four minutes from initial dispatch they get realerted. So it was moved to five minutes because it was claimed that most of the time they we just about to check up when they were realerted. So it was changed. Well this helped for a little while. Then station 2 continued to fall apart from the inside due to some internal conflicts amongst their membership. So when staffing permitted the career component would supply a driver because the members claimed that's all they needed. Well that helped a little, some of the time. Then station one started to fail at a greater rate and the chief again asked for help on a solution. So a volunteer response committee was formed. Well most of the volunteers that signed up quit the committee. And a plan was drafted anyways that pushed the department to an in station staffing model, much like PG counties model. Well this group that has left us didn't like the idea of being in house. So they left the city.

    If they have no problem with the career members and it's only with the administration why would they refuse to come and ride if their station was staffed?

    And Mr. Polidore your letter is full of complete inaccuracies. Like your failure rate. The stats from wicomico central show that 51% of the calls your station was alerted for, your personnel failed to respond within five minutes and the call was covered by the duty engine. So if those in your fire district have to wait until after realert for you to even get on the road, who's really delaying service?

    1. They would staff another piece at station 2 who was not getting out you know paid man more water and equipment isn't that what the city wanted?

    2. It was four min thank you!

  19. 3:51 that's complete bs and you should be ashamed of toyrself for weighting that bovine excrement. .

    1. Oh is it Chuck? Well please tell us the truth. And please include the times your personnel have failed on the fireground. Maybe like the night Dave Cox was stuck on the second floor taking a beating and it was too hot for your people to make a push up the stairs and help him out. He had to bail to a porch roof through a window. And then you glorious fire gods had to be instructed to get him a ladder so he could get down. Or maybe the night of the Truitt st fire when you didn't even throw a single ground ladder as the first arriving truck and the engine crew had to do your job. Or maybe tell them about your haste to beat the rescue with the cut your crew failed to pull a hose line to protect the victim and crew. Or shall we talk about the CO activation that turned into a gas leak and your personnel didn't even don the proper PPE after getting a positive reading, didn't control utilities, nor know how to properly ventilate it. But please tell me more about your "competent" fire fighting force...

    2. Jimmy pack sand

    3. Like yours? Let's see your inaccuracies on this little post your fire God officer told truck one to handle the search well what was the ambulance crew doing in the structure anyway? Two of them in the way on the stairwell crying how hot that fire was looking for cox. Again I'll tell you went outside to size the house up again since the conditions had changed and asked for a house line which was told don't pull one the engine will be here in a min that's when I saw cox coming out of the window asked if he was ok and went and got a ladder to get him down. Now if the ambulance crew lost contact then why didn't they call for a mayday? How about if the ambulance crew was told verbally to do search how many of you fire gods does it take you had three? Then what is the next thing in the list since the fire God 16 engine was still 4 min away when we got there? Transition over to fire attack if the search was done correctly then all would have been just a room and content fire! Hose lines on rescue ahhh how many times did the second volunteer engine have to pull one because the duty engine went straight to rescue work? Plenty! Or how about the time the rescue career gods were afraid of water in a ditch to make a cut? Want your list of failures put out there? Like when it took 45 min to cut someone out with the fancy dash roll because of the new stolen technical rescue when all you had to do was move the seat back to get the old man out first and simple after all he was the one with internal bleeding which he died of because you all took to long being technical!

    4. But you all claim this isn't a volunteer vs. career issue.... sounds like BS

    5. It's not! but that has and will continue to be your mentality the volunteers are just amused by it. Now continue attacking every other volunteer because that's what you all have been doing. Not debating the facts just attacking people.

  20. 12;01 please explain

  21. 3:51 spoken like a true paid firemen. After all the BS you have been spewing do you really think anyone believes anything you say?? You have all proven just what is important to you and it for damn sure isn't the public!
    A Taxpayer

  22. And how much did the city do to recruit and retain the volunteers, absolutely nothing. They didn't even want The public to know there was a volunteer division . The ads on TV and the radio were produced and paid for totally buy the volunteers. They appreciated the volunteers so much that they got rid of the annual banquet you know like the one thrown for PG County every year. All the city did was take and use and treat the volunteers like red headed step children admit it you know it's true. That's why the majority of the population in this area thinks that the Salisbury fire department is totally career. They never acknowledged and a volunteer division or component in the public or in the media and iit was always the volunteers assisted even if they were there first and handled the call with career assistance.

    1. The lack of funding a fire department banquet couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the SFDs operating budget had been cut by 30% since 2008? Yet instead of helping with anything like purchasing equipment or maintaining apparatus which the SFD has been struggling with, the volunteer corporations squandered their money on their own little separate Christmas banquets where big screen TVs were raffled off (station 1 & 2) and then spent 12000 on a banquet at the fountains.
      Priorities I guess..

    2. As far as the recruitment, there has always been a concerted effort to get new volunteers in. The lack of leadership on the volunteer side usually causes delays in the intake process and the applicants lose interest. Or they lose interest once they get in for he sane reasons, lack of leadership and mentoring by the volunteer corporations or officers.

  23. 7:01, what fantasy world you must live in, so that's how it was. Lol you all are amazing, you believe this nonsense. And no Einstein it isn't chuck but I was at some of the incidents you spoke on and I saw the complete opposite. And the truitt st fire that was a porch fire till you all pushed it into the structure. And destroyed the mans house. I do remember that one well. And the worthless tower that got parked so it was useless to use to vent. But it looked impressive on the scene sitting in the way with the bucket in the air doing absolutely nothing. Thank goodness I was out of the area and missed the equipment and went there in my personal vehicle and could leave that cluster.

    1. Wow spoken like a true station 1 reject who doesn't have a clue about fire fighting. Thousands of hours of research have proven that you CAN NOT PUSH FIRE. And no it was not just a porch fire. Had you been there to see the conditions when we got there you would have seen the whole back of the house was off. And had you worthless wannabes cut a proper vent in the roof it may not have burnt out the attic. And the tower has nothing to do with ground ladders!!!! You're just too fat and out of shape to throw the attic later. You openly state you're too old to fight fire so you "just drive". Well if you were worth half your weight in "bovine excrement" you would know that the driver can and is usually the busiest and most physically demanding job on the fireground. So it's time to hang up the hat, even though you've never really used it.

    2. Thought you always signed your name old gray? Ahhh that night the rookies were used you know the ones that were fought by the career guys in the Salisbury academy to see what they had learned. Look at the pics again guess you fire gods can't teach like you thought! But now that I think of it if I wanted to be an asshole all the time I would shove I stick up my ass like rob hall does! It's about teaching the next generation so act like it moron! Still not chuck but nice try! Now with that attitude of yours guess you don't want volunteers even if your ass depends on them you would rather die kind of paid man good show! By the way it is a volunteer department you know no paycheck they were there for free to save your ass and will be again here soon!

  24. I support station 1 volunteers and know what is stated in their letter is the truth. I also support their breaking away from the city and poorly managed city fire department. The chief is supposed to manage not divide a department. He clearly can not do the job and also mismanages finances. The county has funded Station 1 all these years and they should continue to do so. Let the city handle the city only.

  25. It does not matter if there is a caree division or volunteer division. We are supposed to be 1 Department able to interact, interchange and work together.

  26. The largest development in your "territory" doesn't even want you. Nutter's HOA sent a letter stating they do not want you and want to continue service with the SFD. Let that sink in.

  27. Support the volunteers. I deserve good service to my residents if needed . The duty crew is there for a paycheck only . Fund the station like you should .

  28. The state of Maryland should step in and strighten this county council out .

  29. I pay my taxes and I feel regardless of this issue that you have a fire department with season fire fighters in it . You need to fund station 1.

  30. Station 2 needs to pull out

    1. Most of the "pain men's" fathers should have "pulled out".

  31. Here we go again with the ignorant and disgusting comments.
    These types of comments should not even be posted.
    To the ones that are leaving these comments, you have serious problems and should seek help.

  32. 9:26 You are a liar! The letter from Nutter's HOA I can assure you is not 100% backed by all the residents of Nutter's.
    Since John Cannon and Stephen Brezler live in Nutter's I think the letter you are referring to is total BS! I live in Nutter's and I want the volunteer department funded! Why? Because your paid firefighters for the most part have shown they do not care about the residents...they care about the glory! They have shown how unprofessional they can be. And as far as John cannon goes...John do the right thing and recuse yourself from any county council meetings regarding station 1 volunteers. You are obviously too close to the situation. And John, Wayne, Steve, David and Eric..just because you live in the same neighborhood as me doesn't mean you speak for me!

  33. Rob Hall, now that's an authority, he couldn't find his own behind with both hands in the dark. But bubba his cell mate could no problem.

  34. 10:43 it was not until they went on an offensive rampage against volunteers, first issue they went off like Roman candles in the dark and started attacking the volunteers.

  35. To the ones that enjoy only putting degrading comments on here, move on. You must be so miserable with your own life, you have to cut others down just to make yourself feel a little better. It is so sad AND embarrassing to know that others, not in the fire department are reading these comments. You all need to grow the f*** up and learn to get along with each other. Life is very short. It is a shame that some of you are wasting it, acting like a**holes.

  36. Anonymous said...
    It's past time for those whiners to just shut up and keep walking! The residents in their proposed service area flat do not want them.

    And the fire chiefs should rescind their allocation ASAP so this brouhaha can be flushed down the hopper.
    May 9, 2017 at 9:55 AM

    I think it's time for you paid thugs in the Salisbury Fire Department to just STHU and walk away. We don't want you in our neighborhoods or do we want you responding to our emergencies. That is why we chose to live in the county and away from you idiots in the city. Bring on the County Firefighters because we love them and want them, not you idiots.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Very nicely wrote. Who gave jake day so much power over the county. County council it's time to wake up you have a job to do and that's fund this company and support the county chiefs vote.

    May 9, 2017 at 11:10 AM

    John Cannon, John Hall and Matt Holloway are "buddies" with the Boi Mare and they are in bed with him. If you want that to change you need to go to the council meetings and publicly call them out on that. They are not thinking about the best interest of their county constituents and they need to be put on the spot. Why are they caving into the city over this instead of their county voting constituents.

  38. Anonymous said...
    All you here out of these people from the Salisbury Fire Departments is about audits. Are they trying to say that the Volunteer Fire departments in the County are crooks? If this seems to be worrying them so much then lets get the County to require an audit of all the stations and lets put this bullshit to bed.

    May 9, 2017 at 11:25 AM

    Yes they are trying to say that. The paid fire chief and paid firemen think they are better than the volunteer firemen in the county. The fact of the matter is they aren't and the paid fire department in Salisbury should be immediately defunded.

  39. Since 1/3 of the 3 corporations have left the city then only 2/3rd's are essentially left. If that is the case then the county needs to cut 1/3 or their funding to the Salisbury Fire Department and give it to the Station 1 volunteers who are the sole members of the Station 1 Corporation.

    Then work on a plan to take the rest of the funding from the Salisbury Fire Department. Does the county fund the Salisbury Police Department? No, the County has their own county police department so it's time for the county to utilize it's own county fire department and cover all calls in the county.

    The current county executive and county council is dumb as hell for not doing this.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Cory Polidor is beginning to act and sound like Hillary Clinton. Is he a Democrat too?

    May 9, 2017 at 12:04 PM

    Oh Bullsh!t. That was a dumb analogy.

    You are starting to sound like a dumb paid fireman in Salisbury.

  41. To the members of Salisbury Station 1, INC.

    I read that long, rude diatribe by Betty Darby Glime on your FB page. If you haven't noticed, she lives in Berlin. She doesn't live in your fire district and she is not even a tax payer in Wicomico County. You don't deserve to put up with her BS and you don't owe her any answers. The best thing you can do is block her and ignore her. I would even question where she lives and why is this a concern for her. She is a person and a loser and so is that nasty husband of her. She is nothing but a barefoot hillbilly and an embarrassment to the fire service. What she claims as being a "member" of a fire department in Wicomico County does not give her a right to rag on you guys the way she did. Being a "member" doesn't make you a real firefighter and she is not a firefighter and never has. Her hateful diatribe is nothing but scare tactics. If she thinks she is doing herself a favor by defending Hoppes, et. al. she should be more concerned about Hoppes calling her a fat slob and not being fit for duty. She should be concerned about Hoppes saying "that fat slob will never work for the Salisbury Fire Department." If she is sucking up for a paid job for her or her greasy husband she has news coming.

    1. Long diatribe? Now a personal attack against her? Really?
      She asked some very good questions that you should have easily had valid answers for. You did not.
      Now instead of responding to a concerned citizen appropriately you resort to personal attacks.
      If the facts are giving you that much trouble and causing you that much grief then it's pretty clear they aren't on your side.
      I encourage ALL concerned citizens to go to their Facebook page and ask questions. You will see how quickly they lose their footing trying to argue an indefensible position. Then go to the county council, city council and the SFD. Ask questions and seek facts. Don't let this misinformation you see here and in their Facebook page be accepted without question.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thought you always signed your name old gray? Ahhh that night the rookies were used you know the ones that were fought by the career guys in the Salisbury academy to see what they had learned. Look at the pics again guess you fire gods can't teach like you thought! But now that I think of it if I wanted to be an asshole all the time I would shove I stick up my ass like rob hall does! It's about teaching the next generation so act like it moron! Still not chuck but nice try! Now with that attitude of yours guess you don't want volunteers even if your ass depends on them you would rather die kind of paid man good show! By the way it is a volunteer department you know no paycheck they were there for free to save your ass and will be again here soon!

    May 10, 2017 at 2:24 AM

    Are you talking about Rob Hall or Rob Hull from Delmar? Either way the one you are talking about has a criminal record and should not have been hired by the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Has anyone noticed how many people Darrin Scott has gotten hired from Delmar? Brooks Morrison, Zach Bridges, Rob Hull, his son Brady Scott, his Grandbaby Daddy and many other. Please feel free to ad to the list of other Delmar people hired by Darrin Scott.

    Darrin Scott needs to be fired for nepotism. Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing this to happen.

  43. Someone should ask Joe H. what he has against these volunteers and why he would support the paid firemen over the volunteers who would provide a service for free.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Nice, Mr. Polidore and Chief Hoppes both know how to manipulate numbers. This fiction mentions the volunteers getting out or not getting out with in a specific time period. How many times have we listened to a scanner and the volunteers were re alerted and never did get an engine on the road at all. Audits. All volunteer companies that get tax payer funding should have audits to prevent dishonesty. Yes their are dishonest people in the fire service. I believe the state of Delaware requires audits. Maryland, Wicomico County should also. If the county government gives you territory what are they going to do when after a few months you fail? Who steps up to the plate then? Parsonsburg, Fruitland? Will your ambulance be accredited by July 1 up and running ready to respond or will you have someone else respond for you? There are many concerns and questions that still need to be answered before the county considers funding you. The Elected leaders of Wicomico County need to figure out if they are in charge of the Wicomico County Fire And EMS Services or If the County Fire Chiefs Association is. 1 group is elected by the citizens of the county, the other is not.

    May 9, 2017 at 12:45 PM

    This sounds like Eric Tyler. Eric what are you afraid of? Does that airport mean that much to you? It's not YOUR airport. The airport is and always has been Salisbury's until Little Jimmie Boi had another hissy fit and gave Parsonsburg the airport.

    Well guess what Eric, the airport is Called the Wicomico-Wicomico Airport not the Parsonsburg-Wicomico Airport! Since Salisbury Station 1 is now a county department it is only fitting that "Salisbury" Station 1 volunteers cover the "Salisbury"-Wicomico Regional Airport.

    Now move along little boy before I put your Union Rep on YOU!

  45. Anonymous said...
    12:45 Looks to me like Salisbury thinks they are in charge of Wicomico County Fire and EMS.

    May 9, 2017 at 2:55 PM

    Jake Day and Rick Hoppes thinks they are in charge of the county. Why wouldn't they when John Cannon and a couple of the council members are buddy, buddy with Jakie Poo.

    I noticed that Rick Hoppes doesn't use that "I am the Authority Having Jurisdiction" Bullsh!t since someone educated them with the definition of the AHJ.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Rob Hall, now that's an authority, he couldn't find his own behind with both hands in the dark. But bubba his cell mate could no problem.
    May 10, 2017 at 1:45 PM

    Glad you mentioned that. Rob Hall has a criminal record and should never have been hired by the Salisbury Fire Department. I wonder how many other people have criminal records at the Salisbury Fire Department. I remember when David Cox was arrested by the Sheriff's Office for impersonating a police officer with that old fake police car. His online court records showed he had other criminal records and Rick Hoppes hired him back and then rewarded him with an Acting Lieutenant position and all the overtime he wants working in the Maintenance Division.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Talk about number manipulation. Why don't you tell the public the other side of your nine minute coin? See not so many years ago the chief met with all of the volunteer corporations. He sat down and said boys and girls your response times are trending straight for the crapper, what can we do to fix this. After some discussion it was determined that realert was too soon. See if a station doesn't "check up" within four minutes from initial dispatch they get realerted. So it was moved to five minutes because it was claimed that most of the time they we just about to check up when they were realerted. So it was changed. Well this helped for a little while. Then station 2 continued to fall apart from the inside due to some internal conflicts amongst their membership. So when staffing permitted the career component would supply a driver because the members claimed that's all they needed. Well that helped a little, some of the time. Then station one started to fail at a greater rate and the chief again asked for help on a solution. So a volunteer response committee was formed. Well most of the volunteers that signed up quit the committee. And a plan was drafted anyways that pushed the department to an in station staffing model, much like PG counties model. Well this group that has left us didn't like the idea of being in house. So they left the city.

    If they have no problem with the career members and it's only with the administration why would they refuse to come and ride if their station was staffed?

    And Mr. Polidore your letter is full of complete inaccuracies. Like your failure rate. The stats from wicomico central show that 51% of the calls your station was alerted for, your personnel failed to respond within five minutes and the call was covered by the duty engine. So if those in your fire district have to wait until after realert for you to even get on the road, who's really delaying service?

    May 9, 2017 at 3:51 PM

    No matter what you say or how you deflect this, the bottom line is that Hoppes and his chief Goons, you included, worked tirelessly to come up with idea after idea on what they can do to get rid of the 'volunteer component' in the Salisbury Fire Department. The 5 minute response time isn't the standard and when Hoppes started sending the duty crew the volunteers were told they couldn't respond after that.

    What about all the times that the paid ambulance crews requested the paid engine crew from Station 16? Why was that necessary? Oh, because there was a Paramedic on board. Oh really? Wouldn't it then have been cheaper and quicker to respond a second ambulance to the call instead of a million dollar fire engine with paid firemen?

    Then Hoppes and his Chief Goons told the paid fire engine from Station 16 to go ahead and respond on any ambulance call as a medical assist in Stations 1 and 2's fire district that they wanted to.

    So with all that bullsh!t that Hoppes and his Chief Goons were doing to force out the volunteers and treat them as second class citizens, who in their right mind would want to come back and put up with that BS?? Only an idiot would. The few Station 16 volunteers were always treated like second class citizens and never ever were allowed to be the first run crews from Station 16. All they were was a membership social club and it is still that way. They were forced out a long time ago and that is what they have done to Stations 1 and 2.

    If Station 2 was smart they would do the same thing and start their own volunteer fire department separate from the Hoppes and his paid Goons.

    I noticed that Hoppes and his Goons finally got that flashing sign up and running again. Only one thing is missing. There is no message saying that Hoppes is looking for volunteers!

  48. Station 1 EMS (Paid EMS providers) was dispatched at 5 am today's date(5/14/2017) to 301 or 801 Crystal Place? in Granby's Run for chest pain. They slept through the call and had to be re-alerted. They used the portable radio to respond when they woke up and they were acknowledged at 5:05 am. They arrived at 5:10am. It doesn't take 5 minutes to drive to Granby Run from Station 1 because it is only a couple of blocks away. You can see the houses from the front pad. Why didn't the fire trucks respond on that call since it was a chest pain call?? Oh that's right, it was 5 o'clock in the morning and they needed the last 2 hours of sleep for their second jobs. Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing these clowns to constantly sleep through calls over and over again while the citizens in Salisbury and Wicomico County suffer. All the while attacking the Station 1 volunteers and claiming that a paid fire service is better than the service offered by volunteers. These paid clowns need to be moved to 8 hour shifts with absolutely no sleeping just like Ocean City did.

    Jake Day you are a Piece of Sh!t and you need to step down for your P!ss Poor leadership!

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