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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Watch Democratic caucus melt down in bloody chaos

Firefighters shut down Minneapolis meeting before delegates can be chosen

After 30 years of refugees from Somalia being settled in Minneapolis, the Somalis have taken over the city’s sixth ward.

And Minnesotans are starting to get a picture of what that will look like going forward.

The mayor’s office and the entire city council are up for election in November, which means it’s caucus time in Minneapolis. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, or DFL, chooses delegates for each candidate at caucus meetings attended by thousands of party members.

In the Somali-dominated sixth ward, hundreds of Somali refugees packed a small gymnasium Tuesday for a caucus and things quickly devolved into pandemonium. Emergency personnel eventually intervened and shut down the event amid calls for calm by city council candidates.

Watch video of chaos breaking out at Democratic caucus for city council in Minneapolis’s sixth ward Tuesday:



  1. Coming to a town near you!
    We are blessed because the black caucus here is to lazy to organize.
    But beware!
    With Jakie on his section 8 promotion that day of reckoning will be on our heals.
    Drugs, guns free food, free housing, free college and welfare for all!

  2. Every Democrat and Pussy Hat should spend a summer week by the seaside....in Mogadishu. It will be liberating, believe me.

  3. They do not come here to become Americans or to assimilate into our culture. They really don't want anything from America except a EBT card.
    Instead, the segregate themselves and try to establish a mini-Somalia here in the USA.
    By "mini-Somalia", I mean a violent, trashy, misogynist, uneducated area where the police don't want to go and welfare is rampant.
    They've done it in England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, virtually everywhere they've "resettled". It's going full speed in Michigan, too. Google it and see what the media refuses to spotlight.
    Keep cheering.

  4. This type of situation is close to reality in Salisbury. First off the state legislature wants to declare Maryland a sanctuary state. Then you get nut cases like Mayor Joke Day and his side kicks Jim Ireton and Magical Mushroom Molly and bingo. This is no joke citizens of Salisbury.

  5. This trash needs to be removed from this country and sent back to the sand caves where they came from.
    ANY elected official who sanctions this needs to be removed from office and imprisoned,


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