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Saturday, April 08, 2017

How Dangerous is Your Cell Phone?

There’s no doubt that cell phones are dangerous — at least in one way: Texting and driving leads to countless car accidents, injuries, and deaths.

But cell phones may also be harmful in other ways — producing radiation that potentially disrupts bodily functions in small ways that build up over time.

There is still considerable debate over the potential links between the phone use and chronic disease. Much research has been done, especially concerning brain cancer, with most of it failing to find a correlation.

But some studies have raised questions about potential dangers — so much so that the World Health Organization has classified cell phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”



  1. They are NOT Toys and kids should Not be allowed to use them
    until 18 years old !!!!

    Moms quit treating them like toys !!!! It makes me sick !!

  2. Cancer from cell phones ranks right up there with Bigfoot and global warming.

  3. One thing is for sure - pay phones don't kill or cause cancer. Unfortunately few remain, were replaced by cell phones...which (wait for it...)

    Kills and causes cancer!


  4. Wake up and realize that this is just propaganda put out by trial lawyers who seek to shake down the cellphone companies.


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