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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Rockville HS rape defendant’s lawyer decries ‘politics’ of the case

ROCKVILLE, Md. — Lawyers were in court Friday in the case of one of two students charged with the rape of a 14-year-old classmate at Rockville High School last month.

Defense lawyer David Wooten, who waived a preliminary hearing for his client, 17-year-old Jose Montano, said afterward that the case is being used for political purposes, and the attention given to it is making it much harder for him to defend Montano.

Montano had entered the country illegally, as had 18-year old Henry Sanchez Milian, who also faces a charge of first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offense.

“I’ve never had a juvenile caught up in … a political case that the White House is talking about for immigration purposes,” Wooten said. “I don’t think the case would even be in the situation that it’s in if it wasn’t for the politics.”



  1. Scum of the earth!

  2. Why didnt they get him a lawyer who best represents him? One from the country he is from and supposed to legally be in.

  3. Molly is still silent on this case, She refuses to support a female rape victim which she has claimed to be herself. Molly is a scam.

    1. Boop & there it is. She def should b marching for that cause

  4. There's no politics in this at all, only serious legal issues and just because one of the issues is a federal crime and the President recognizes that doesn't make it political. The campaign was over last November, remember?

  5. The Lawyer is a scum of earth POS also, When they use anything possible to get this POS off, he is Just as freaking guilty.

    I hate lawyers....

    They are the true problem with America

  6. Politics are involved. Obama and the rest of the dumbocrats were trying to get an endless supply of voters by letting these scumbags in to our country.

  7. usually lawyers decrying politics are engaged in politics while decrying. just saying.


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