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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Salisbury Councilwoman Calls President Trump "RETARDED"

"Ya'lls President is RETARDED... He's far pass the Holly Center."

Jackson has since removed her Facebook rant but this is more proof that the Liberal Party needs to be stopped. 

How can any of you stand behind these out of control representatives. Of course other Liberal leaders came to her defense by not immediately removing her from the Council. Can you just imagine if a Republican made such a statement about Obama or Clinton!

Shame on you April Jackson. She should be removed from the City Council immediately, period. Where's NAACP President Mary Ashanti on this matter?


  1. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.

    1. The caption for that picture should read "scientific evidence that ignorance is bliss."

  2. Jackson, Shields, Ashanti --- Yikes!

    Da Bury really is the laughingstock of The Shore.

  3. Another example of why Salisbury is such a great place to live - NOT. Too busy using poor grammar to insult the POTUS to be bothered to work on crime reduction or a better city.

  4. It pass time for her to go.

  5. Yes. If the mayor calling obama woman a name has to quit, so does this moron.

  6. Who cares what she thinks?

  7. Her grammar is at Choices Academy level.

  8. Poor taste, poor judgment...poor Salisbury

  9. This Individual is a Disgrace to the Council, the City, County,and our State.

  10. She needs to be RECALLED at the Next city council meeting lets see if the residents show up and do it or will they once again Chicken out.?

    1. Give up the idea of ever recalling anyone from public office in Salisbury. The bar is set way too high. There won't even be a public cautionary comment from the council president on this.

    2. Chicken out. Just like always. Has nothing to do with racism but that's what everyone will say. It has to do with her ability or lack there of, to be a good rep. For the city and its resident. Do you all want everyone to think this behavior is indicative of council? Hope not. I did not like Obama's politics, too socialist for me. Despite that I NEVER slammed him or his wife as people because I didn't know them that way and even if I did would NEVER devalue him or his family....sad

  11. Probably 99.5% of blacks feel the same way. Anyone who receives welfare, section 8, SNAP, etc. feels scared that the GOP is going to take away their free life style. I am surprised she did not use language that is more often used against whites and conservatives - language that you cannot use on this forum. If Hillary had fired those misiles, Ms. Jackson would be singing the high hosannas.

    1. Then im sure just as many welfare ssi receiving whites feel the same way

  12. Ashanti clueless just as the NAACP.

    1. National

  13. I's wander if she speaks lik's dat all day times yo.But if any conservative would use the "R" word the liberals would call for there arrest and public flogging.

  14. First of all you all you can not remove her from the council nor can other council members. Council members can say pretty much anything they want no matter how stupid or insulting. The only way to get her out is in an election. The election district is set up to have people like her.

    1. We the people CAN remove any elected official at any time and not just at the election. This is guaranteed in the Constitution.

    2. So is the right to bear arms. How's that one working out for you?

  15. Shame on your comments especially putting down the folks at Holly Center. You are one fine example ... a desired member of the council

  16. Call this fool april jackson.....410 726 8478

  17. According to Delmarva Now - "Education: 1 year of college Kaplan University (Criminal Justice Associate Degree)" - so she must be highly educated to obtain an AA degree in one year!

  18. It seems that she wants to be fired. I don't see any other explanation. Strange way to do it though.... A resignation letter would have more integrity.

    1. Ah yes. But if she resigns she can't sue for racial discrimination or wrongful termination.

  19. Some people take advantage of Freedom of Speech ! Those of us on the other side of the aisle couldn't get away with bad mouthing her Liberal Leaders!

    1. It is her reference to the patients at Holly Center that warrants her removal immediately. To reference society's most vulnerable that way is low class and ignorant of her!

  20. making fun of people with a mental disability and the holly center is sick. Their are very intelligent people at the holly center and calling them "retarded" is just plain mean. I'm shocked April would say this. So sad.

  21. The most tolerant are at it again.


  23. The statement is not only disgraceful and disrespectful, it reveals the obvious lack of intelligence needed to utilize basic grammar. This is a person representing the City of Salisbury?... Now THAT is disgraceful!!!

  24. She should resign or be fired and then be brought up on charges for defamation and treason. I am appalled and sicken by this. My heart cries for our country if this is the level we are at. MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF HER!!

    1. the jails are full of these ignorant people..

    2. Yes, sit her right beside Trump as you make an example of him imitating the disabled news reporter, and he was elected president ..the horror!

    3. EXACTLY! She is very wrong for the insensitive comments she made, but why does this always become about race? Angry cowards sit in the privacy of their homes and attack people based on race, when that's not the issue. Many people are affected in some way by mental disabilty, be it personally or a loved one, of all races. She was wrong and so was Donald Trump when he ridiculed the disabled reporter. He was forgiven and elected POTUS!

  25. She has as much business on the City Council as I have flying an airplane.

  26. Racist B needs to be fired !

  27. Of course she did. Some say whatever they can when they do not understand what it is to work for a living or saluting the flag. These Dems are all the same. They think the world owes them something. Well for one minute try to feel you owe the world something. Ohbammy is gone for good folks so suck it up. Your gravy train is gone. Try being a good American and the rest will fall into place.

  28. She needs to resign. No education, no class, no tolerance.

  29. well, from what i read on wboc's page, it appears the mayor isn't offended and she is certainly not sorry. salisbury goes further down the toilet every day.

  30. Dear readers,

    I would suggest that those of you who are displeased with Ms. Jackson's comments email her your thoughts directly at:




    1. I would suggest to go higher up and more formal then an email. The "delete" option is but a mere click away. POOF... "What emails?"

    2. A total waste of time.

  31. Look at JMB. This city is going down the tubes more and more each day

  32. She was an idiot and trouble maker in high school, too.

  33. Great role model for our kids. I wonder why the kids from her district are the 4% causing most of the trouble in our schools?

    1. How about her own section 8, welfare, gang banging no type of decent mentality kids. Guess the apple really doesn't fall too far from the tree. You can take the trash out the ghetto but can't take the ghetto out of that TRASH! She is a filthy disgusting disgrace of trash.

  34. LOL all of a sudden the PC crowd is enraged over a word.
    We often say things in private we would not put in print.
    Hopefully she has learned that harsh social media lesson, especially being a public figure.

    Too bad the world is just looking for every infraction to be outraged over.
    I am a Trump supporter and I thought the comment was funny.

    Humor, remember it?

    1. True and real. Lol and i agree, but she still was wrong. And i didnt vote for neither clinton or Trump.

    2. I don't care that she doesn't like Trump....just more of the same. I don't care that she chooses to butcher the English language to "connect" with HER constituents. I DO care that you, and she, think(s) it's acceptable to mock, denigrate, or belittle differently-abled children and adults! I pray that the next council meeting is PACKED with people with every kind of disability so she has to face those she deems beneath her!

    3. Just for your information she was not trying to be funny there was no humor involved

  35. This is what happens when you take the voting rights from property owners. That was the genesis of all this nonsense!

  36. Regular folks work hard to make Salisbury a wonderful place while our city is diminished and dishonored by the mayor and council. Jake Day's (mayor) Facebook picture with the highly denegrating caption about women and Jackson's post about people with developmental challenges are equally disgraceful. What is the best way to let them know that their words and actions don't represent who we are as a city? As public officials they're not just speaking for themselves, but for us and our city as well.

    1. I love this comment. This is professional, it appropriate and it hits to the core of what needs to happen around here for real progress and change to take effect. Maybe if we as people would begin to dialogue on this level and express ourselves this way when commenting, we ll be better off

  37. Yes her comments were distasteful to say the least, but im more amazed at how this got more comments and attention then the story of the nasty bastard who killed that innocent young woman and/or that sick bastard who is working his way up and down the area molesting and raping children.

  38. The Mayor's reaction to this is what bothers me. He should be livid and demand she make a public ststement and apology.But for him to do this requires a backbone. Enough said.

  39. She should Obviously be REMOVED from her job and it is the
    Govt Responsibility to see that it is DONE !!!

  40. She needs to be taken off the council immediately where do we sign the partition please.

  41. "He's far pass the Holly Center"

    Did this moron mean "past?"

    She needs to resign!!

  42. Where is Jermichael Mitchell and Mark Thompson on this?

    Oh wait, she is black so I am sure that calling a white president a retard is ok with them.

    1. Mitchell is no more than a preacher in wolf clothing and mark thompson is a kiss a$$ phony adulter. What they say wouldnt mean nothing to many

  43. Mark Thompson Margo Handy wanted JB's kids expelled for asking why they had to put up with Obama pictures and programs in the schools but nothing was done for President Bush.

  44. Does that surprise you 9:09 that the mayor doesn't believe it's offensive? He fails to see anything going on around him in SFD or SPD and he refuses to do anything there either. He is scared to be a leader and make changes or say something that will cost him votes. Well he is a one term mayor. Days are numbered for the spineless Jake

  45. This is what people voted for on the council, proves how bad America has become, feel sorry for the younger generation.

  46. LOL all of a sudden the PC crowd is enraged over a word.
    "We often say things in private we would not put in print.
    Hopefully she has learned that harsh social media lesson, especially being a public figure.

    Too bad the world is just looking for every infraction to be outraged over.
    I am a Trump supporter and I thought the comment was funny.

    Humor, remember it?"

    9:36 AM
    Well it was put in writing and it is a vile remark.
    So you as a Trump supporter thought it was funny, what a sense of humor you have.
    Mr. Trump would not want you around him.
    I am a supporter of democracy and the U.S.A.

  47. Fire her Racist Butt !!! she is an idiot !!!

  48. This particular comment is NOT racism. It is DISCRIMINATION. There are people of every color at the HC.

  49. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Read ThisApril 8, 2017 at 11:31 AM

    Maybe it's time this idiot is recalled and relieved of her duties on the City Council. Why do we need some fascist socialist weighing in on Salisbury with such overt hatred? Don't we have enough of them already? One less won't be missed.

  50. Joe please keep.this up top all day.

  51. 10:50 and lets add that a Trump supporter would be run out of town if this was said this about 0bama!! Its not so much about PCness as it is about fair play. But we really shouldn't give this dirt bag the time of day.

  52. I have to say that she moves around pretty well for somebody who has been on 100% disability for 10 or more years.

  53. Why oh WHY do we allow the crap to rise to the top?

    Please folks - we must vote when the time comes. Hell - provide a write-in if possible.

    1. Remember your choices for that district last election? It was either four more years of Shanks Shields, the landlords' best friend, or April Jackson. The choices probably will never improve.

  54. Awwwwwww jackson the snowflake is Mad Trump is president ? well we the people are mad that YOUR Disabled A.. is on the pt bs city council but this will be your Last time on it get ready for welfare.Jack A..

  55. She is Disabled ? and she has the nerve to call people retards ? The retards are the idiots that keep voting for her A..

  56. " YaLLS This is her way of saying whitey or honky I do believe.

    Thats OK ! He is my president.I voted for him and stand behind him 100%

    April, Just head on down to Acme wiff your EBT. DaY gots skrimp and melons for "YALLS on sale.

  57. 10:50 AM you are an idiot as well. Feigned outrage! She should be shunned and dragged thru the streets! Make her wear a scarlet letter for a social media faux pas.

    I am sure you have said worse.

    He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone

    I agree with 9:52 AM on how ridiculous this is. People are dying in Syria and ya'll on gonna organize a protest about a fb comment about the word retarded, which by the way is a legitimate word per the dictionary.

    Retarded - very foolish or stupid.

    Defines 90% of you on here.

  58. I was in this woman's presence once, not knowing who she was because I am not a resident of Salisbury, she went on and on about white people (not in a good way). I was horrified to find out later who she was and I felt sorry for any resident of salisbury regardless of their district. Just FYI she talks the same way she posts on FB, regardless of her race she is an insult to women who work hard to be elected to government positions on the state or local level.

  59. What is the disability and who approved it

  60. Ashanti is just as ignorant, crude and low class. Remember she was the rocket scientist who compared American prisons to Nazi concentration camps. Gotta love these low information tools of the left. They are forever showing their lack of class and upbringing.

  61. What is the disability and who approved it

  62. Salisbury is just like it's big brother ...Baltimore. A city of morons, run by morons. Salisbury citizens quit complaining. You voted these people into office. Next election get your asses off the couch and go vote. In the last city wide election less that 40% of the registered voters actually voted. The next city council meeting should be flooded with citizens of Salisbury. Demand that this train wreck they call a governing body be held accountable not only for their actions, but also their words.

  63. Many black Americans know that liberal politicians have their backs and nothing will be done or you will be called a racist among other names and threatened. I have found in my 60+ years of living here, there are more racist blacks than whites.

  64. What do you expect ? She was voted in on her color not integrity and unfortunately her voters think exactly like her because they are uninformed and stuck on the Democrat plantation out of fear and paranoia from the Democrat media.

  65. its bad enough that she insults our President, but to utter and refer to "Holly Center" is appalling!!

  66. Joe please put this post up the day of the Next Council meeting ?

  67. The R word is no different from the N word.They are both used to belittle and stereotype people.How would she feel if someone threw a slur at her? There would be protests on the Government Building lawn.

  68. She is a true reflection of the people who elected her.

  69. 12:49 PM - get off our butts and vote? for who? do you see who is running.
    Another stupid comment.
    People do not bother to vote because our choices are either - dumb or dumber. Is that a legitimate choice? vote for dumber because you are voting out dumb?

  70. "Retarded"? Really? People like you set a POOR example for our children. You're like the cop who speeds 45 mph in a school zone on his way to the donut shop. Officials are there to officially represent our community and set the example for others to follow. Shame on you.

    1. Your hung up on hating le and it's not healthy. You should focus on something else more positive and you will find happiness

  71. For this the citizens of Salisbury pay her $800 per month. It makes it feel like a waste of money, doesn't it?

  72. There is a City Council meeting this coming Monday. April 10 2017 at 6 pm. I hope every one who is as outraged as I am will attend. This is your best chance to tell Councilwoman Jackson just how you feel.

    1. IMO - if "the everyone" will not sign their name on their blog comment, you can bet your booty they will not show their face at a Council Meeting to voice their outrage to Ms. Jackson.

      IMO a goodly number of comments on SBYNews should start with "IMO" because you are expressing your opinion, not the law of the land. Without "IMO" your comments looks as crude and rude as you believe Ms. Jackson's was. Ms. Jackson's made statements on her Face Book page for the world to see. I totally disagree with her, but they are her opinions - she owns them. We can scorn her but IMO, to write vile comments against others, on your personal Social Media, is not the crime you all are making it out to be. We all have that freedom, as long as we do not threaten harm to the person we speak nasty of.

  73. How many times in the past 8 years did you insult HER President? What is the difference in what she did and what you have done? I do not agree with Ms. Jackson's remark but living in the United States gives us the freedom to voice our opinions. Donald Trump, like it or not, IS our President and like it or not, Barack Obama WAS our President.

    Ms. Jackson has every right to voice opinions - just as we have every right to voice ours. I doubt you can run her out of office because she doesn't think as highly of our President as we do. If that were the case Obama would have been impeached before his second term. IMO you are the Pots calling the Kettle black.

    Perhaps this will be April's lesson learned - if you want to be asinine, don't put your opinion on your Face Book page. Instead, comment on a blog under anonymous.

    1. I think the issue is the "retard" and holly center part. Completely ignorant and insensitive

    2. Who care if she likes POTUS or not..you missed the point..it's her reference to the disabled.

  74. "Shame on you April Jackson. She should be removed from the City Council immediately, period."

    You are 100% correct. The city council probably has something in their charter about voting her out base on conduct unbecoming of an elected official

    Something tells me that the Governors Office can do something to get her removed from office. Last time I checked she took an Oath of Office and this is not abiding by her Oath. She needs to resign or the city council needs to find some balls to remove her. As much as I disliked Shaney Shields and Von Siggers they never embarrassed the city of Salisbury this bad.

  75. 3:12, I support your comment, but most people are all talk and no action.

  76. Her father was an outstanding leader in this community and did so many great things...it is tragic to his memory that she chose to take the low road..she can dislike POTUS all she wants but when you involve innocent people to your hate spewed rant you have crossed the line!!

  77. All this is verrrry interesting in that MS. Jackson once worked at Holly Center. Her 'disability' probably came from there...'lifting' one of those "retarded" folk, so as to get them to go to be and go to sleep.

    This one needs to go somewhere else and not be representing people on the City Council.

    What say you Mary Ashanti? You worked at the Holly Center too and by all accounts you were a very good advocate for all the "retards" there!

  78. the boy Mayor defended her. If he and she see nothing wrong with what she said, then yes Virginia there in lies the problem!

  79. the mayor should remove her from there she is racist

  80. She went to Kaplan University? I don't think that is a real university.

  81. Nothing will be done to April. The PC police will prove too much for the mayor to do anything about it. He is weak.
    But one thing won't change and that's the fact that she is a perfect example of "her people". Loud mouth, uneducated, and sucking off the government courtesy of us...the taxpayers. Disability my arse...more like working the system like a pro.

    1. "Her people" i work in social services and i see more of "your people" sucking up welfare benefits, standing in line for methadone and claiming disability, and mental illness to get ssi. Get a life, a clue and have many seats. Im sick of paying taxes to support "your people" like you are for "mines".

    2. 10:21 was referring to generational system suckers vs. hard working taxpayers.
      Not races.

    3. 1:51 Maybe the methadone line but the rest of what you said is a straight up lie and you know it! Ride around Salisbury on a normal work day and tell me who you see walking around not working. You and I both know who we the taxpayers are having to pay for.

    4. White people, black people people of all ethnic groups and how do i know this? Because i work w/ every race just about and blacks and whites are the most on my case load. Thank you very much. And where did 1:51 mention a race 12:20? Even the working politically correct districts have those who hustle the system as they should to get assistance. Being more informed is always helpful. And know this many hard working people go to social services for extra help and are turned away. That there is the real problem.

    5. Its kinda hard to stand in the methadone line and be a productive full time working employee and usually still get high.

  82. Buy if I called her the N word, I would lose my job! She needs to go.

  83. "Ya'lls President is RETARDED... He's far pass the Holly Center."

    Is that English?

  84. All Ms. Jackson did was further prove how badly Democrats grasp losing on any level, a quality that lacks good sportsmanship and grace. She proved herself to be a divisive personality whom doesn't have the real right to represent anyone as she only represents her own self-interests and not those of her constituents. Alienating remarks is not a way to coalesce a community. It creates further division and victimhood - need which makes for a solid group working towards a common goal. People like her should never be elected in the first place.

  85. Anyone who says ya'lls is just an ignorant idiot so why is she on the city council? Ignorance has no place in any elected or appointed office. She sounds like she's straight off a southern plantation, spitting watermelon seeds and all.

    1. Well then, you must have not read a majority of these comments posted on here. If it wasnt for spell check and auto spell the grammar and dialect posted here wouldn't be so proper. And you my dear sound like the massa standing over her with the whip from whom she learned to speak that way. Im sure most people on here speak in a more relaxed tone when in a less professional environment. She was wrong no doubt, but cut the race comments and the extra bs and stick to the what is, because its the extra mess which is causing others to not focus on the issue at hand, the Holly Center reference and the retarded comment which insinuates that the two go hand in hand.

    2. And the "y'all" reference ? Who do you think she was talking about??

  86. There is no need to insult the residents of the Holly Center.

  87. wait a minute. she gets disability? How can she get disability and still hold a job? if she can do her job effectively as a Council Person then how can she be disable and collect benefits? Maybe there needs to be some investigations into her disability and collecting those benefits. She surely does not act disable. unless its being "Retarded" (In her words)

  88. 10:41
    Believe that if you must. I would not appreciate it either, if it occurred. The way I observed it there was no such thing that happened. I studied him afterwards and saw the same motions and movements in several speeches. It is my opinion that it is part of his characteristics, as many talk with their hands.

  89. "You people" want to know how to remove her from the position, I want to know how she got the position.

    1. The SAME 183 welfare people that are in it to keep securing there welfare.

  90. 9:20 AM well then you are part of the problem, if you don't know what is going on politically.. So you have no room to complain.

  91. @8:20, If she worked on crime reduction she would be going against her own people. No way she will do that.

  92. 9:20, Affirmative Action. Section 8 politics.

  93. @8:53, As far as I know, you cannot get disability if there is some kind of work you can do. I looked into it at the Social Security web site. She needs to be investigated.

  94. @1:51,am, You,re absolutely wrong. I see yours in the wal mart and the grocery store all the time with those independence cards. Seems like everyone of you have a one. Plus I would like to know how they can get a credit card and be on assistance.

    1. 10:53 Bingo!!

    2. cause they be chillin yo....dag, dat how dey do it

  95. If her constituency does hold her accountable who will ? And they don't care because they have the same mentality as she. Public ridicule is all you can do.

  96. And Jake day is defending saying it was out of character for her. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  97. Like the saying goes you can take the girl outta the ghetto but can't take the ghetto out of the girl. Another great example of SO called reformed Christian

  98. my question is how many of the kids at Bennett this week were related to ms Jackson this time?

  99. She has a history of opening her mouth before engaging her brain, especially when it's something she knows little to nothing about.

  100. Jake Day's comment:
    “Having spent time with them, I know that the patients and providers of the Holly Center are incredible, valuable and loved. This statement, while insensitive and careless and indicative of the pitfalls of social media, is not indicative of the heart or values of the April Jackson I know,” Mayor Jake Day said.

    It looks like Day doesn't know her quite as well as he had thought.


  101. Anonymous said...
    First of all you all you can not remove her from the council nor can other council members. Council members can say pretty much anything they want no matter how stupid or insulting. The only way to get her out is in an election. The election district is set up to have people like her.

    April 8, 2017 at 8:44 AM

    I'm pretty sure there is something about their conduct in the charter.

  102. Anonymous said...
    According to Delmarva Now - "Education: 1 year of college Kaplan University (Criminal Justice Associate Degree)" - so she must be highly educated to obtain an AA degree in one year!

    April 8, 2017 at 8:54 AM

    Kaplan University isn't a real college. It falls in the same category as Columbia Southern University with Rick Hoppes and John Tull.

  103. Can you imagine if one of the white councilmen on the county council would have made that same comment about Obama. Both whites and blacks would have them ran out of town immediately and they would have made nationwide news.

  104. Anonymous said...
    Jake Day's comment:
    “Having spent time with them, I know that the patients and providers of the Holly Center are incredible, valuable and loved. This statement, while insensitive and careless and indicative of the pitfalls of social media, is not indicative of the heart or values of the April Jackson I know,” Mayor Jake Day said.

    It looks like Day doesn't know her quite as well as he had thought.
    April 9, 2017 at 1:43 PM

    No, he is just a typical Democrat defending her.

  105. Freedom of speech, but what comes out of one's month provides proof of intelligence and in this case she has proven she is not!

  106. Anonymous said...
    She went to Kaplan University? I don't think that is a real university.

    April 8, 2017 at 9:53 PM

    It's not. It's just as fake as the Salisbury Fire Department's throw down fake college Columbia Southern University.

    She does speak as eloquently as Richard A. Hoppes, Chief of the Department.

  107. Anonymous said...
    Chicken out. Just like always. Has nothing to do with racism but that's what everyone will say. It has to do with her ability or lack there of, to be a good rep. For the city and its resident. Do you all want everyone to think this behavior is indicative of council? Hope not. I did not like Obama's politics, too socialist for me. Despite that I NEVER slammed him or his wife as people because I didn't know them that way and even if I did would NEVER devalue him or his family....sad

    April 8, 2017 at 1:59 PM

    What an idiot you are. It has everything to do with her being a racist fat pig! Not only does she hate Trump she hates white people.

  108. Jake doesn't know her like he thinks he does. Her true colors came out and its not the first time but this time its for all to see. You can paint it, color it, or cover it up. It's still there. People are not stupid so stop making yourself look stupid Jake by defending her stupid actions. At the end of the day, a pig is still a pig! She must resign, if she doesn't then she needs to be removed!

    1. She is a entitled welfare obama snowflake.

  109. Jake day you definitely turned out to be a real B****!!! Do you have anything that resembles a spine??

    1. NOPE
      And the sad thing is this is who is in the military ??? SAD.

  110. I'm sorry but her saying such a slandering remark that affects AND is insulting to many of the mentally challenged, is FAR worse than Trump making a remark about grabbing a woman's unmentionables - and he WASN'T even in office!! Whether or not anyone agrees with her, she owes not only Trump an apology but the public! She represents the government - the PEOPLE - and that's not the kind of role model ANY child should pattern them self after!

  111. Joe you need to get someone at the city council meeting tonight and or post the video of it ? isnt it live ?

    1. He is too busy eating hotdogs at the swamp.

  112. I sure hope the TRUMPS IRS dosnt pay her special attention ?

  113. 1:34 Those people may not be in line for methadone but guess what? They have cornered the market in selling the heroin that leads people to methadone in the first place.They even sell it to their own "people".

  114. Sign the oetitiin inline at CHANGE.ORG

  115. This is going to the WHITEHOUSE do you here that FAKE DAY ?

  116. Apparently, one of her kids, "Mar Mar"?, is threatening to shoot people who 'disrespect' his Mom on social media. Police have been informed and have screen shots. And you wonder why people post anonymously. 👎

  117. There is a COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING tonight at 6pm At CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS..have your voices heard....

  118. Ms. Jackson certainly should not be allowed to speak for our community. Her grandchildren are gang members, drug dealers, and murderers. Her "son in law" Mickey (a known gang leader) supposedly killed himself on Delaware Ave after he participated in the violent murder and torture of a young man. She is not a pillar of our community as she would like you to believe. Her children and grandchildren are the same ones destroying our community. There are so many kind and educated black men and women in this area that have raised equally decent offspring that would be a much better representation for this community. She needs to go.

  119. Where is her medical degree from?

    1. She will be groveling tonight at 6 waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

  120. Anonymous said...
    There is a COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING tonight at 6pm At CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS..have your voices heard....
    April 10, 2017 at 12:47 PM

    What a freaking idiot you are. First there was no county council meeting on April 10, 2017. Second it isn't the city council chambers. It is the Wicomico County Council Chambers in the Wicomico County Government Office Building.

  121. Anonymous said...
    Where is her medical degree from?

    April 10, 2017 at 1:13 PM

    Medicaid University

  122. Life Choices said...
    I'm sorry but her saying such a slandering remark that affects AND is insulting to many of the mentally challenged, is FAR worse than Trump making a remark about grabbing a woman's unmentionables - and he WASN'T even in office!! Whether or not anyone agrees with her, she owes not only Trump an apology but the public! She represents the government - the PEOPLE - and that's not the kind of role model ANY child should pattern them self after!

    April 10, 2017 at 3:14 AM

    She said she wasn't apologizing for what she said about Trump. If a white man said something like that about Obama they would be ran out of office by the sitting city council and the mayor would be all over him as would the public. If you are black you can get away with murder.

  123. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ms. Jackson certainly should not be allowed to speak for our community. Her grandchildren are gang members, drug dealers, and murderers. Her "son in law" Mickey (a known gang leader) supposedly killed himself on Delaware Ave after he participated in the violent murder and torture of a young man. She is not a pillar of our community as she would like you to believe. Her children and grandchildren are the same ones destroying our community. There are so many kind and educated black men and women in this area that have raised equally decent offspring that would be a much better representation for this community. She needs to go.

    April 10, 2017 at 12:54 PM

    Wasn't a son or grandson involved in something right after she took office?

    Wasn't her brother or some relative Billy Jean Jackson who was always in trouble, but the BJJ Sr. helped the kids?

  124. Anonymous said...
    This is what happens when you take the voting rights from property owners. That was the genesis of all this nonsense!

    April 8, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    So are you saying the property owners should vote and not the renters or both?

  125. Anonymous said...
    Then im sure just as many welfare ssi receiving whites feel the same way

    April 8, 2017 at 9:48 AM

    Snow Flakes!

  126. Anonymous said...
    Regular folks work hard to make Salisbury a wonderful place while our city is diminished and dishonored by the mayor and council. Jake Day's (mayor) Facebook picture with the highly denegrating caption about women and Jackson's post about people with developmental challenges are equally disgraceful. What is the best way to let them know that their words and actions don't represent who we are as a city? As public officials they're not just speaking for themselves, but for us and our city as well.

    April 8, 2017 at 9:48 AM

    She didn't resign Monday night so you all need to go back to the next city council meeting and express your displeasure with April Jackson, Jake Day, Jack Heath and Muir Boda. Shame on them for looking the other way. They are self centered and only care about being in the limelight as an elected official. It makes them feel superior.

    The next City Council meeting will take place on April 24, 2017. Be there!

  127. Anonymous said...
    Mitchell is no more than a preacher in wolf clothing and mark thompson is a kiss a$$ phony adulter. What they say wouldnt mean nothing to many

    April 8, 2017 at 1:57 PM

    Oh so you know theme as well.

    Jermichael Mitchell is a loser who is trying to make a name for himself by fooling the people. He does videos with the Doverdale Criminal Thugs and claims he is working with the children.

    Mark Thompson got caught dipping his ink pen in company ink at FedEx so he got fired from there. Then he got hired at the Salvation Army pretending to be a preacher for the kids. Then he got fired from there for improprieties. Then the same black crowds that defended April Jackson went on to defend Thompson. Then Mark Thompson got hired at the Salvation Army's other location and got fire from their for improprieties. Same thugs came out of the wood work trying to defend him again. It didn't work. Then he got appointed by a Democrat Governor to be on the WCBOE. John Fredericksen created a job for him if he got the BOE to agree on some sneaky projects under Fredericksen. Now Mark Thompson is in your school system telling principals and teachers that they can't suspend the little black thugs.

    If someone was smart they would look into Mitchel's and Thompson's background for their involvement with young boys. Wink, Wink.

  128. Breaking News

    Stations 1, 2, 16, and 3 dispatched for a "reported structure fire." It is Delmarva Beauty Academy at 111 Milford Street in the area of Milford Street and a reported shed fire.

    Deputy Chief 1 advises that the bridges are up. BWAHAHAHA!! Great planning you dumb clowns. That's about the 3rd time I've heard the bridges were up today!

    Is anyone else noticing the pattern or "Reported Structure Fires" that Wicomico Central is dispatching Salisbury for? All of which are FALSE ALARMS! Bob Culver they are your employees so WTH are you doing allowing them to dispatch these false fire calls almost every single day. This is how Salisbury is trying to justify their jobs and prove that the "volunteers can't get out." The volunteers know most of these so called fire are false calls and a waste of their times. The Salisbury Fire Department is going to be charging the County for each of these fire engine and ambulance responses based on the new fire service agreement. Central and the Salisbury Fire Department are constantly abusing their jobs at the tax payers expense. They get enough information from the caller that they know damn well that there isn't a fire. The County is being screwed over by it's own dispatchers and Bob is to dumb to do anything about it.

    Now they have volunteers responding from home and putting many lives at risk for nothing.

    Now they have 3 paid fire engines and numerous chiefs cars and SUV's racing to the address to get their first. All the meanwhile someone is going to misjudge the speed of one of these vehicles and cause a serious accident.

    It's just a matter of time when one of these idiots racing to a false call ends up killing someone. Guess who is going to be named in the suit? The SFD driver, the SFD officers and chiefs, the dispatchers, the dispatchers supervisors, the county council and the County Executive. That's right Bob Culver will be the main person responsible for this law suit.


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