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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Grandfather Of Home Invader Killed by Homeowner’s Son Blames AR-15 For Deaths

It’s a story that has seemingly captivated the nation. Twenty three year old Zachary Peters, who was at his parents’ home in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, shot and killed three home invaders using an AR-15 rifle last week.

While many have agreed the case is clear cut self defense, the grandfather of one of the suspects is speaking out.

As of now, there are no charges being filed against Peters, who is believed to have acted in self-defense when he shot and killed Maxwell Cook, 19, Jacob Redfearn, 17, and Jaycob Woodruff, 16.



  1. I think the word INVADERS speaks for itself

  2. Why is it that these clowns commit crimes and were breaking into someone else house, which is trespassing, breaking and entering and god knows what else, and while in the commission of the crime, they get shot, and now the grandfather wants to blame guns, specifically the Ar-15???? What would this same grandfather say if these people broke into the home and they home owner didn't have a gun??? And what if they killed or hurt the people in the house????

    I am really sick of these people defending criminals, and I and just as sick of these ass cheek sucking cop lovers who think cops don't break the law or lie or steal or murder and then lie about it to cover their asses... IF it doesn't happen then why are these so called, good people breaking into peoples homes??? And if it doesn't happen, then why are cops getting fired or having some charges brought on them for their actions of murder, or abuse????

  3. The weapon didn't matter. The same result could have been achieved with a shotgun loaded with buckshot or deer slugs, or six rounds from a 9mm pistol or .38 caliber revolver. That they "didn't deserve to die" doesn't speak to the terrible choice that they made to invade someone's home prepared to do harm to its occupants.

  4. It seems tome that the three men and female getaway driver were up to no good; and justice caught up with them.
    Maybe the parents/grandparents weren't paying attention to the slippery slope their children/grandchildren were on. They were of age and made a bad decision, and paid the consequences of that decision.

  5. maybe a little better bring up would have been a different story

  6. This is exactly why the young thug grandson is now pushing up daisies! He was surrounded by enablers who most likely never held his responsible for anything. I have no sympathy and think the thug got exactly what he deserved. One less POS roaming around is always a good thing.

  7. Start the blame at the beginning do not burglarize homes and you will not go to jail or get shot to death. Anything after breaking into a home to rob it is null and void you get what you get money or bullet

  8. Maybe Gramps needs to be locked up. Obviously he is delusional and could be a harm to the public at large.

  9. And what did these thugs plan to do with brass knuckles and knives?
    If someone resisted that robbery, they might have killed them for it.
    So, instead of them having killed an innocent homeowner, they got the death penalty themselves.
    Sounds appropriate to me.
    Thugs HATE IT when someone whom they thought was an easy target, turns out to be a lion.
    And 99% of the time, they cry like girls when it doesn't go their way. Unless they are dead.
    Cheer that.

  10. Let's go back a couple of days to the "Lesson learned" when the little girl was playing pretend as a guardian of the King and Queen on the school playground and used a stick shaped like a gun to protect her royalties from invaders. The teachers taught her that the gun was a bad thing and should not have been used against the invaders and was punished for what she had done.

    Just like gramps here seems to think.

    Methinks the little schoolgirl and this Zach Peters are the only ones who are able to think clearly in a hostile situation here.

    And Gramps and the teacher will become dead victims someday of their ideology.


  11. Justice was served, and promptly. Thugs are dead but guy who defended himself will relive the scenario for some time to come.

    Now we'll squander some time and money over the getaway driver, who was possibly the instigator.

  12. Lol thats like blaming the bank teller for robbing the bank.

  13. These three perps seemed ready to leave no witnesses, and so it might have been if someone had not intervened.

  14. Cry me a river grandpa.

  15. Relatives of thugs who place blame on something other than those who commit these crimes are as guilty as the law breakers. People have the right to arm themselves and to stop anyone who invades their privacy with the intent of causing harm to them or their property. Raise your kids right so they don't make such stupid decisions which could end their lives so soon.

  16. If they were not committing crimes they would not be dead.

  17. Break in for my gold, I'll gladly give you some of my lead !

  18. How about blaming the intruders. They committed suicide. Case closed

  19. The grandfathers quotes say it all, "Brass knuckles against an AR-15, come on, who was afraid for their life,”"What these three boys did was stupid,"
    They showed up for the commission of a felony, ARMED.
    They were all shot in the chest, therefore facing their victim (not in the back while fleeing, afraid for their life).
    Someone please explain to me how is one armed with an AR-15 vs. three armed with brass knuckles is unfair but that one unarmed vs. three armed with brass knuckles is okay?
    When you do stupid things you should expect bad things to happen.

    Those three may not have deserved to die, but they got EXACTLY what they were asking for.

  20. And if all that ain't bad enough, i read a more recent article that says they've scheduled a vigil for the "three victims" of gun-violence

  21. Just more libtards!

  22. LESSON: Don't bring a knife (knives & brass knuckles) to a gunfight.

  23. If you don,t know the rules don't play the game!!

  24. i dunno to damn funny if you ask me! bring brassknuckles to a gun fight!
    not very bright just like gramps!

  25. Gramps your thug grandson got what he deserved. AR, shotgun, 9mm the homeowner did the right thing, your little piece of chit did the wrong thing, now deal with it.

  26. The rotten apple didn't fall far from that tree.

  27. This man is basically saying there is nothing wrong with breaking and entering to rob someone. I see this a lot. The mentality that choosing to be a burglar is fine as a occupational choice.

    The police should investigate alright. Then charge this man with aiding and abetting. Perhaps they can even prove he knew this was occurring and charge him with murder.

    We need laws that put those who encourage this in prison as well.


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