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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Another Accident At Sixty Foot Rd 4-7-17

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  1. Close the crossover already!

    1. yeah let's close it and cause traffic days to the beach.....yeah that's a smart idea

  2. I cringe a little every time I go through that intersection and see people hurry across 50 with little room to spare.

  3. How many accidents are there per WEEK at that intersection?

    It's time to do something about it. A light or something.

  4. the whole drivers side of the small car was smashed

  5. Every other intersection people get through just fine but 60 foot has an accident a week. Soon your trip to OC will take 5 minutes longer because people don't know how to cross a road.

  6. for the life of me, i can't understand how this happens so much? is it anymore dangerous then any other intersection? if so, why?

  7. 5:11 As I said before when cars turn into the crossover their vision is blocked by the car's "A" pillar. People when turning tend to cut the corner so their car is lined up at a 60-75 degree angle to R50 instead of being perpendicular. The car's "A" pillar blocks their view of oncoming traffic and because people tend to just "stop" and go instead of stop, look, think, then go they end up in an accident. Putting in a stop light would help at this intersection but of course it would just end up creating more congestion and problems somewhere else. As was mentioned by 4:12 the best thing would be to just close the whole intersection. Cars now have bigger pillars because they were made bigger to pass the government safety standards.

  8. Who was the trooper there? Very polite.

  9. 6:19 PM you are 100% correct and if it had not been for my passenger, I would have gotten smashed, because in my line of sight the road was clear, but the fact was the ONE oncoming car was blocked by the pillar of my vehicle and I never saw it. I came to a full stop and looked, and saw no car.

    My passenger shouted wait and I stopped.

    I never saw the car.

    So all you keyboard warriors typing your insults about how careless, lazy, and rushed drivers are and that's why they crash there, you are wrong. Totally wrong.

    1. You were taught to look twice weren't you maybe we should just put lights at every intersection

  10. So, if I need gas, I should just go on to Ocean City them come back to 60 ft rd to get it so I can make it to Ocean City.


    Maybe rework the intersection so it's a 90 degree crossover? NAW! That would make sense! Let's just keep up the gnashing of hands and wringing of teeth until the next one makes us wonder why????

  11. 7:50 PM being a bit dramatic, eh?

  12. Here's an idea. From Salisbury to Berlin, there are no gas stops or food stops eastbound. If you want cheaper gas before hitting OC, 60 ft rd is your cheap stop.

    Build an eastbound store in that area or Pittsville area.

    You will have traffic like there's no tomorrow!

    And, what, 60% less will cross over @ 60 ft rd?

  13. The light only needs to be on the west bound side of 50 to allow eastbound turning lane to cross 50 WB.

  14. 8:39
    There is a Royal Farms at Walston Switch Road.

  15. 5:11 As I said before when cars turn into the crossover their vision is blocked by the car's "A" pillar. People when turning tend to cut the corner so their car is lined up at a 60-75 degree angle to R50 instead of being perpendicular. The car's "A" pillar blocks their view of oncoming traffic and because people tend to just "stop" and go instead of stop, look, think, then go they end up in an accident.
    April 7, 2017 at 6:19 PM

    This has been stated in the past. While what you say may be true, and probably is, there is a simple cure for the roof support blocking vision. When coming to a stop, all one has to do is turn the steering wheel and place their car in such a way as to be able to see clearly.

    But there is one problem with that and that is to THINK.

    I was out and about a lot today between Lewes and Salisbury and Easton. I had a dump truck with a trailer make a U-turn right in front of me at Walmart south heading north. I had to come to a complete stop to avoid hitting this young man who looked about 17. I had the green light and don't know what he was thinking or should I say not thinking.

    Approaching Parkside HS I had a small red car try to fit in my lane with me in it. After sounding my horn he moved back over, didn't acknowledge me and just grabbed another handful of french fries and shoved them into his mouth.

    Outside of Laurel De. on one of those back roads approaching what used to be Sandy Fork store, a live haul driver pulled out and made a right turn in front of the blue car ahead of me. We both had to come to a stop as did the car behind me. I did applaud his driving skills when he went past us. /s

    On Snow Hill Rd past the Holly Center at the intersection, someone must have gotten in a hurry, struck and forced another vehicle into the field by the intersection.

    And many more. Too many to mention.

    So perhaps as you have mentioned, people at 60 foot road MIGHT have an excuse of not seeing properly (only if they don't take measures so they CAN see), but the rest and these few I mentioned are just plain stupidity.

    Everyone one of these could have been avoided. IF the drivers exercised due caution, patience, courtesy, common sense, at least a MINIMUM of driving skill, etc.

    Many decades ago I had to pass two tests to get my license. Nowadays it seems like DMV just has them drive around a block and if they don't hit anything they are issued a license.

    It's getting downright scary to even drive around here.

  16. Put an overpass like at St Lukes road and Rt 13 bypass. That could pay off in about 25 years.

  17. 9:15 PM bla bla bla bla, aren't you a special pom-pass a$$hat.

    That's why they are called accidents. Some are avoidable, some aren't.

    I guess all those people that died at that intersection are simply bad drivers, OR there is something inherently wrong with the intersection since it only happens there and not everywhere else.

    They all managed to live thru life UNTIL that intersection, and there have been a lot of them.

    The only stupid one I see is you. Your comment is amazingly insulting. I can not put in to printable words of what an ignorant worthless POS I think you are.

    You are a piece of garbage.

  18. 9:15 PM What I find more frightening is jerks like you making such ignorant insensitive comments.

    What a disgusting person you are.

  19. Look around the pillar. Look before you go. Not very difficult.

  20. I would love to know who is at fault in these many accidents? I mean I got into an accident not to long ago and the officer assigned fault to the other driver. Do they do this for this intersection? What is speeding? failure to stop and look? Do the videos provide any clarity into these accidents? Some one has to be at fault.
    As far as the "stop light" idea, I bet, sadly there will still be accidents. An overpass, lol, never going to happen.
    Cheap gas is every where, so get it at the Royal Farms on Walston if heading East.

  21. 7:54 AM "Someone has to be at fault"

    Yea, couldn't just be it's a poorly designed intersection.

    1. If that were the case, then there would have been this rate of accidents since the intersection opened and that is simply not true. Does anyone have the stats of accidents in this intersection, let's say over the past 20 yrs?
      Drivers need to start taking responsibility for their actions.

  22. Sue the State of MD every time an accident occurs there !!!

  23. Every cross over on rt 50 should have a STOPLIGHT !!!!

    Traffic Heavy Every day and Justifies it !!!

    Incompetant Govt don't care so SUE them !!! Save Lives

    All the rich Yuppies coming to Our Ocean city will just have
    to put up with it .....or they can stay home !!!!

  24. Should be MANDATORY

    Easton / Cambridge / Salisbury / should all (by now) have
    a BY-PASS like the one in Dover Delaware to go around the towns.........long overdue (Sal to Delmar Line RD )

    Simply charge a Toll (Dugh) to pay for it (LIKE Dover does)

    Everyone coming in summer would BE GLAD TO PAY IT >> Fact

  25. You are a piece of garbage.

    April 7, 2017 at 10:55 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:15 PM What I find more frightening is jerks like you making such ignorant insensitive comments.

    What a disgusting person you are.

    April 7, 2017 at 10:57 PM

    and today's winner. must be one of the drivers I was mentioning

  26. Closing the crossover would not cause any delays to the beach. Rt. 50 EB would not have any change except that there would not be emergency vehicles closing lanes for accidents.


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