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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Public Forum On The Fire Service In This District

Tri Townsend is a volunteer at Station 16 and is trying to stir the pot against the Volunteers from Station 1. The updated meeting is now the 16th, not the 6th or 11th.

The question is, why would Station 16 want to hold this forum, what business is it of theirs??? So much for BROTHERHOOD! 


  1. Meeting on EASTER! Somebody is mixed up here. I see the 11th as the updated day.

  2. Making the public aware of the actual facts not Palodore's pipe dream. ISO representative will be on hand to explain why the insurance rating will go from the current 4 to a 10. Also the fire chief will explain how station 1 volunteers can't handle simple tasks at incidents now and why they are so poor at the fundamentals of firefighting.

    1. Is that you Rick 1:26pm?? The life of a paid Farmin. Not much to do except TROLL Joe's Blog. Must be a boring job. No wonder they scrape the bottom of the barrel for their paid Farmin!!

    2. I'd say it will be a biased meeting. Your first sentence gives you away. ISO rep can only state what some insurance companies do not all of them and it would not be totally accurate as they won't have all the facts. And the fire chief will speak, that's laughable he's a joke. He can't do simple tasks himself. Another post showing how the paid crew sees volunteers. I'm a concerned citizen and even I can see through the bias BS

    3. Tri Townsend and Rick Hoppes must be brothers wit different mothers

    4. Tri Townsend and Rick Hoppes must be brothers wit different mothers

  3. So much for organizational skills. Can't plan an event let alone a fire protection strategy. SMH, it's just sad to watch.

    1. More like an honest effort to ensure the politicians and leaders are all there and present to answer questions from the citizens.

  4. When one is blinded with hatred - organizational skills and wherewithal go out the window.

    Sad nobody gets along anymore - that is until there is a funeral.....

  5. Tri Townsend is the biggest piece of crap I ever encountered in the fire service. Not only is he an inept fire fighter but a crooked businessman and all around A-hole.

  6. Davis See is the ISO person who is speaking and he is well aware of the facts in this case. Next

  7. How many times does Salisbury. have to hash this out?? when will they know that we are done with them we the taxpayers are fed up with Salisbury.!!

  8. The facts are these-
    The SFD is a combination department
    (That means career and volunteer
    That combined membership has served the combined Salisbury Fire District as a whole. Shared territory, one team serving the citizens.
    The Station 1 group couldn't perform, didn't want to meet standards or follow rules and policies.
    The Station 1 group has left the SFD.
    The SFD has closed ranks around the void they left and continues to serve all of its district as a combination department.
    There is no entitlement that the Station 1 group has to that territory. They left it when they left the department.
    There is no reason to waste tax dollars on an additional fire station in the county, especially less than a mile from an existing station that has 24/7/365 ALS EMS and fire coverage!!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Making the public aware of the actual facts not Palodore's pipe dream. ISO representative will be on hand to explain why the insurance rating will go from the current 4 to a 10. Also the fire chief will explain how station 1 volunteers can't handle simple tasks at incidents now and why they are so poor at the fundamentals of firefighting.

    April 4, 2017 at 1:26 PM

    It just dawned on me who their ISO expert is?? It's Barrie Tilghman's reject David See. He has some kind of job with the ISO even though he is too dumb to understand it.

  10. Amen! As a citizen in that area, I currently have that coverage with them out the door immediately after they get dispatched. If that area is given to that other group, I'd have to wait for them to maybe get out or maybe not. Then after 5 minutes the station on Beaglin would get alerted? Why wait? Why not eliminate the middle man and just leave it alone. If Salisbury keeps their district as is I have better service.

  11. Are the Station 1 volunteers going to be allowed to attend this forum to present their side, or is it just going to be a one sided Salisbury Fire Department lynching?

  12. Station 1 volunteers were doing the job, they just skewed the numbers for their own agenda. We had a 9 minute response time to get to the scene, the cut off for failing was 4 min to staff the station, if we got to the station in 5 min and still got to the scene within the allotted 9 min it still counted as a failure because we weren't out of the station in 4 min. No other firevstation in the county us held to that response matrix. The volunteers just got tired of the lies and behind treated like 2nd class firefighters. These people have it at heart and soul serve, it's not about a paycheck to them. It's hard to answer the call if you aren't alerted for it, that stopped in Sept 2016. How do you volunteer and respond if they don't call you out ? It's simple they want to force them to conform to the failure system station 16 has been on. It's a complete failure. They want the volunteers to supplement the dury crew, do shift work while some work two regular jobs to support their families. Can't do it. They just want to be treated like the volunteers at the other 14 county stations. Call them out when needed. This in house mandatory staffing will fail, good luck getting volunteers back when it fails.

    1. So when your house catches on fire or your mother is having a heart attack, do you want to wait 1 minute or 9 minutes for someone to respond? Sure, you're getting out " within the standard" but are you doing it fast enough to actually make a difference when time is of the essence?

  13. If Bob Culver and the county council does not back the station 1 volunteers I will do everything in my political power to see the ones who did not support their own county volunteers are never re elected. This is not a threat it is a promise. Do the right thing, quit caving in to the city and demand the city pays the county the monies they owe the county, it's over $ 200,000 of county taxpayers money being held by the city. I have been involved in the political game many years, before most in the council was born. I have remained silent, but you have fooled around on this issue way too long. No sense in this being drawn out this long. Stand up for your county volunteers.

  14. Stop referencing 9 minutes idiot Wicomico 911 gives you 8 minutes to respond then moves on to the next station. Wicomico county has a standard in place which is 8 minutes with a response check-realert at the 5 minute mark. How about all the times no piece of equipment responded from station 1?

  15. You say you couldn't staff because of jobs, yet sit out in the boom boom room til 2 or 3 in the morning.
    You say you were staffing on the weekends but only from 9 pm til 1 am. Maybe.
    You say the numbers are skewed. No they weren't. The department set a standard for a quicker response for the citizens. You failed to meet that standard.
    It's not about you being held to the sane weak standard as every other county fire department. It's about you stepping up to serve YOUR department and district to the best that we can.
    Put yourself in the chiefs shoes. How does he justify to the tax paying citizen that lives in Station 1 district that their 5 minute (maybe) response time is ok while other parts of his district have the engine out the door in 90 seconds? He can't.
    And at no time we're you ever excluded from responding. Had you gotten your engine out on a call, the duty crew would have cancelled or assisted if needed.
    The bottom line is you couldn't step up. You couldn't put the citizens first. You still can't and won't.
    Currently every part of the SFD fire district has the same response throughout. There is no disparity in what a customer (citizen) receives in any part of the district. You want to take a step backwards and that is simply not acceptable.

  16. 11:08.... bla bla, lie lie, that's what I read , stop lying and tell the truth, get your mouth off the chief, you aren't going to get promoted so knock it off. Wow some people will do anything to get promoted. They say liars and thieves run in the same pack.

  17. Jeff Bell, STHU , its Salisbury 9 min rule, not Wicomico Central. It's the Chiefs imposed 9 min TO THE SCENE. Damn people are daft on here.

  18. I don't know12:31, I have on video the ambulance responding from station one at approximately 3:20 am one morning for a heart attack call. The responded still in their beds. It was and is documented another 6 minutes before the station door was opened and they left. As far as response most all the time the ambulance and truck are hanging around at station 16 they go for dinner and forget to come back for several hours. So in fact your ambulance mist likely will have to come from Cypress St across town to get in the district it is supposed to be in.

  19. False. Post the video on YouTube then post the link here if such actually happened. Never see it will we.


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