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Sunday, April 09, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: US Launches Air Strike In Syria 4-6-17


  1. BAD NEWS Trump just got suckerd in by CNN how come CNN wasnt that outraged X 7 yrs with there boy Obama ?

    1. Tomm CNN will be bashing Trump for ruining a Syrian Airport Runway which was bringing in the poor muslims Food ????

  2. Let The muslim nations and nato fight these bastards y us and they Dint pay there bills $$$$$$$

  3. Replies
    1. Obama lib maxin waters Cnn msnbc snowflakes Neg ZERO....Trump plus 10.... Friday Supreme court judge Gorsuch Plus 100 ....Liberals Minus..Z E R O

  4. PRESIDENT TRUMP has authorized the use of weapons against Syria.....understand this.... PRESIDENT TRUMP is destroying Bashar-al-Assad's weapons of war & he won't have the ability to terrorize anyone anymore....!!!

  5. Fantastic message. That is the US way. Go President Trump. Give them hell. Let them know worldwide including them on US soil.

  6. they start by saying two bases then at the end they say at least one base. they never change

  7. Where are the Muslim countrys and NATO ? this is BS send them the bill.

  8. China will be shaking in there boots Fri with meeting Trump on the N Korean Issue...BOOOOOOOOM.

  9. Joe
    How come its All woman and children getting hurt and killed ? where are the men ? they are busy being ISIS and killing there own to suck America into a Cnn war.

    1. 100% correct.

    2. N Korea yooour next.

    3. yup this was done by isis to draw america into a war with syria and russia thenvwe have to worry about N Korea so 3 wars .........WW III Thank LIBS AND CNN.

    4. 1148 could have swore it is a republican POTUS serving as commander and chief right now. Did you take your pills today?

  10. Why are we policing the world? Why not let them fight their own wars? I'm tired if my tax dollars being being wasted to fight other country's battles.

  11. The Syrian regime's allies include Russia, Iran, and the militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas. All have one thing in common: they want to destroy Israel and you better believe they are working together to do just that.

  12. Should TARGET ASSAD and his dirty regime > Take Them OUT

    Next > North Korea
    Next > Iran

    Any more too when necessary > bring it !!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Tomahawks are wonderful .......Birds AWay !!!!!!!!!

  14. GOOO N A V Y !!!! Our Christian Soldiers at work !!!!

  15. The Worlds Enemys Started it (Iran .Syria, N Korea ,Isis)

    The US always has to FINISH IT !!!

    The rest of the world just sits back to watch !!! and Gripe

    Blame the Enemys > Not the USA for all the bad that happens

    It is always OUR soldiers that have to do the fighting !!!

    If not for Our soldiers we would Not exist Today >> FACT

  16. Take OUT North Korea NEXT !!! ALso IRAN !!!

    has to be done ...crybabies you can whine all you want !!!

    HAS TO BE DONE !!! Nobody else in world does anything !!

    All up to USA as always , while everyone complains !!!

  17. So thankful we now have a Commander in Chief who will work hard to make the United States and the World a safer place.
    Thank you President Donald Trump!

  18. I hope all the war lovers are placed on the front lines.

  19. Better to fight them Over there > than Over here idiot !!!

  20. Blame the Evil enemys NOT the USA who has to take them out !!!
    JUst like Vietnam > don't blame the soldiers who had to
    suffer and die to save the good people and make the world
    a better and safer place ...Blame the Enemy they caused the wars ....not the good people !!!! common sense

    1. The Vietnamese were not invading our country. Our soldiers died because our leaders wanted to fight in a country we had no business in. A love for our troops means keeping them safe over here. Not being killed in senseless over seas battles.

    2. Why is it our job to take them out? Is it my job to take care of a welfare recipient? Who says it is "our job". It's not my job to send "my troops" to the Middle East to fight. If everything is " our job" than shut your mouth about taking care of any other person. It's your job then to take care of all the worlds people including their food and healthcare, if that is your mindset.

  21. Get those Battleships Out of mothballs !!!

    Iowa / Missouri / New Jersey / Wisconsin

    Still needed , don't waist them , Update them like Reagon !!

    They are a Good Fear Factor to the Enemy !!! Go Navy !!!

    Nothing like a 16inch round sailing 24 miles with HE !!!

  22. Order Up more Tomahawks Scotty !!!!

  23. I like the 2700 lb rounds , rather than the 1000 lb missles

    B-52's still have a use too , Enemys Fear them no doubt !!

    Also those AC-130's do a nice job when needed !!!

    M777's nice and accurate too !!! like that 155 round !!!

  24. Time to Target ASSAD's House !!!

  25. Need a Linebacker mission to take care of that Airstrip !!!


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