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Sunday, April 09, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury University Promotes Car Vandalism!


I just wanted to share a picture with you on what Salisbury University is teaching their students. Apparently they teach / promote them to vandalize cars. I'm not sure if it was in running condition but the car did not have a scratch on it from what I could see. It looks like a pretty new Volvo. Then they promoted students completely destroy it using sledge hammers, baseball bats and other large objects. One hour later and this is what the car looks like. Why is salisbury university promoting activities like this? Isn't this part of what's wrong with our country? Is this where my tuition is going towards?

If you were wondering, I'm a student at Salisbury University. Probably one of the very few who are republican.


  1. It's a new course known as "Fundamentals of Ghetto Economics".

  2. Was it a fundraiser? Remember they had these back in school, pay a few bucks and you get a swing at a car? Anyone else remember doing these?

  3. This has been popular at pep rallies and school fundraisers dating back to the 1950s...

  4. We did it for homecoming week when I was in high school in the 1970s. I enjoyed it and not once afterward did I vandalize an automobile. I think it is a stretch to say they "promote vandalism"

  5. I remember years ago some of the local high schools had a similar fundraisers. Donations allowed you to take a few swings at a junker car. Harmless fun. What does you being a Republican have to do with anything.

    1. What major is this for? It's a school. You want to destroy a car, go to a junkyard and pay them. We pay for this in our taxes.

  6. Why would you assume that the University 'promotes' this? They are college students, have minds of their own, and often do things that are not 'promoted' by elders or administration. Why send this in to try to make this into some kind of political statement? Go get a job or find a hobby with all of that extra time you must have.

  7. Has to be condoned by SU. Looks like it's in Red Square.

    Our generation was different than today's. This does send the wrong message to kids who will twist it to satisfy the pervasive "me, me, me", "I deserve it", "you can't touch me" attitudes of today. Sad that the stuff we enjoyed as young adults (school bonfires, etc.) are disappearing.

  8. Another thing wrong with this world today is "assuming" and writing about the assumption BEFORE checking out the event/ Did you call Campus Security or the police? Or did you just hide behind that barrier, take a picture, and write a few sentences to post on a blog (which took longer than calling officials). So many lies and rumors are spread by people who lack common sense and assume. I notice the car has no tag.

  9. Unimpressed SU AlumniApril 8, 2017 at 11:28 AM

    As an alumni of SU it's instances like these which give me all the reason in the world not to 'support my former higher education institution.' Eshbach and her crazy liberal cohorts are just ridiculous and letting these kinds of things happen on campus is nothing short of insanity. Would bet you $10 this is on a day where there were no campus tours. SU is just a waste of time and money!

  10. Must be a public "education" thing because private colleges and universities hold sophisticated fund raisers. I attended a private all women's college in Wash DC and attended other schools pep rallies and homecomings and never have I witnessed nor heard of such a thing.

    1. With those run on sentences, money not well spent.

  11. We did this as a high school fundraiser back in the 1960s. A buck for 3 whacks with a 16 pounder.

  12. I, a fellow Republican student at Salisbury University, went and spoke with the guys running it. The car was previously in a wreck and all the proceeds went to benefit MADD, Mother's Against Drunk Driving. How does this promote vandalism? The car was already damaged prior.

  13. Maybe it's the new George Soros course on how to be an anti government citizen.

  14. Swing at a Snowflake.

  15. I don't understand why this person would write that this promotes vandalism, or defame or local University. This person is obviously a Democrat down deep inside...This event keeps young people out of trouble doing crime. Plus the funds are going to a good cause. And the vehicle was totalled in a accident.

  16. Did this in high school in the 80's as part of fund raising for Prom and events.

  17. Colleges are liberal activist training grounds. They are basically Brown shirts.

  18. None of my concern, but if they want to beat the hell out of something, do it to each other. Leave the car alone, totaled or not.

  19. Hey! That's MY car!

  20. I have worked 15 years at a local high school and have never see or heard of anything like this. More foolishness

  21. Find it amusing that people would rather destroy the car further than to try and fix it.

  22. If this is a fundraiser, do you think they would have made more money by parting it out?

  23. Some people just like to complain! As a Salisbury State Alumni and an "older" Republican", these students should be congratulated for their fund raising for a worthy organization like MADD, not condemned!

  24. Dr. Do Nothing President @ SU said cars with Trump srickers must be destroyed......ha ha, let the heathens come after mine.....hope mommy has insurance for kiddie..

  25. Where did you go to school Zorr0?

  26. This is a training tool for riots.

  27. Drop out. Because obviously school isn't doing much for your intellect. Common sense should compel you to look into the background info on whats going on. Oh I forgot, you guys don't need facts. You just make the story up as you go along.

  28. Would've been nicer if they had the local vo-tech school fix up the car and sell it, donating the proceeds to MADD instead of having college-age hoodlums act like primitive animals in the jungle, destroying for the sake of destroying. Wait, animals in the jungle don't do things without purpose so strike that. SU is ridiculous and this is a moronic activity that can only be thought up by a uselessly inept administration.

  29. It's bullshit like this that takes away from the other activity of the week: the SGA going around and cleaning up people's yards to beautify the neighborhoods. What a sucky college. They really know how to throw water on good deeds don't they?

    1. Won't ever hear about this blog posting positive things, unless its about a meal at a restaurant. All about the negative, controversy. Its a shame.

  30. Pics tell a thousand words !!! Shows WHO does the crimes !!

  31. Send em back to UMES !!!


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