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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Breaking News: Dozens of U.S. Missiles Hit Air Base in Syria 4-6-17

Senior Defense Department officials are developing options for a military strike in response to the Syrian government’s chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians on Tuesday, officials said on Thursday.

The top-level consultations about military options involve Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as military officers at the United States Central Command.

American intelligence has established with high confidence that a Syrian government aircraft carried out the attack, a senior American official said.


  1. JOE JOE JOE ....
    I hear ALL Obama coward snowflakes are signing up to fight in syria since they ALL LOVE Muslims ?

  2. Send in All Snowflakes first as test dummies.

  3. wait a minute now did not during Obama Administration the Russians and Syria destroyed all of their chemical weapons something is not passing the smell test here. Can we really trust our intelligence

    1. NOPE bc they want Trump to Fail.

  4. Sec of State Tillerson did not mince words.

  5. 4:00 my goodness do you talk much?

  6. Here we go!!! WW3 soon to be underway...

    1. LOL...you've been skipping the meds again.

    2. Typical snowflake coward response.

    3. 447
      u will be the first one to cowar in canada..

  7. ISIS was created, trained and armed by the US. In Fahrenheit 9/11 a high ranking Pentagon official disclosed, prior to the Iraq invasion, that not only were we going to topple the Government of Iraq but also Afganastan​, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Libya and more. I know you here on SBYnews don't think much of Michael Moore documentaries but the prediction has played out now a decade later. The US backed ISIS "rebels" were caught with this gas prior to the first attack. There was an attack 10 miles from UN inspectors who were invited by Assad. Do you think he's that stupid? We are stupid for buying it. This whole Government is out of control and needs to be shut down before it starts WW3. Our government has been on the wrong side of every conflict since WW2. You want to know who knocked down the World Trade Centers? Read about the USS Liberty and Greater Israel and you will realize.

  8. Everyone in favor of boots on the ground need to suit up or shut up.

  9. "American intelligence has established with high confidence that a Syrian government aircraft carried out the attack, a senior American official said."

    I don't trust "American intelligence". My money is on ISIS or the MIC trying to drag us in deeper.

    1. Yup ISIS did it to get us into war with syria and RUSSIA then cnn will say why are we fighting in syria after complaining trump did nothing ...meanwhile OBAMA did NOTHING X 7 yrs this is ALL to make Trump look bad and He took the BAIT he should let the other countrys in NATO go in first .

  10. 59 great Hits > Birds Away > GO NAVY !!!!!!!!!!

  11. Almost an even 5 dozen !!! One Dudd in the sea !! Not Bad

  12. Launch our Demon-crats there next time !! from a C-130 !!

  13. Looks like it was a BAKER's Dozen !!!


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