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Sunday, April 09, 2017


Sergio Leodan Moralas Soto was just arrested for multiple rape and sex offense charges. He was attending North Caroline high school and here illegally. Charges come from Caroline County Maryland.

More to come.


  1. Ironically I am driving there now as Parkside Baseball has a game there. I hope my boy doesn't get raped.

  2. AH YES lets make Maryland a free zone for all the illegals,come one come all this is Maryland we believe you deserve free health care, free food,free money,free housing,everything is free we are a state controled by Democrats, you will love it here. Oh and by the way don't forget to vote for Democrats.

  3. Wonder what grade they put him in.

  4. What do you say now with all these criminal acts Miller / Busch / Mathias? These are your illegals that you want to / are protecting in Maryland. Still want MD a "sanctuary state". The Eastern Shore is not PG / Montgomery County or in the Baltimore / DC corridor. I would use the Clint Eastwood movie title H H but Joe might not publish my comment.

  5. There are 126 Muslim student attending Somerset County Schools.
    Hope you do not think your child is safe.

    1. What does this have to do with Muslim children? How many rapes were committed in sommerset co last year? How many were from muslims? By the way I'm a white guy

    2. What does being white have to do with anything?

  6. Did they arrest the parents? Did they arrest the people that are housing them? Did they arrest the liberals that voted for us to become a sanctuary state!

    So much free wall labor...all we gotta do is go get them!

  7. IS this another rape victim Molly will approve of ?

  8. 6:22....lol....you think they answer the phone or take a call from a serf with a tough question??
    Get real.
    They do as they please and their secretary takes a message, which promptly becomes a joke within the office and they play it over and over. It never gets old.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Another ADULT illegal male in our schools with our children. It's time to fight these idiotic lawmakers on their nonsense laws. When will they ever learn!

  10. Guess 6:49 is an illegal immigrant sympathizer.
    Most of the 126 Muslims cannot speak English and it's costing Taxpayers $millions, while their UMES counterparts construct a mosque in Princess Anne and their graveyard in Worcester. Maybe 6:49 kids school would like to fund educating these students.

  11. Did anyone care to tell the families of the Parkside High School JV boy baseball and girls softball teams who went there yesterday to play sports.

    Did the Principal Ms. Pinhey or the Superintendent Hanlin know this before they allowed our young boys and girls to go over to that school in that environment?

  12. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  13. funny how everybody says stuff about the guy when the girl he "raped" is about to be 18 in a couple months AND according to the kids, "a free bird". ironically parents caught her.

  14. Just because she was about to be 18 doesn't mean it was consensual even if it starts as consensual things can go bad quick.

  15. Just returned from Walmart and a refugee was behind me inline hollering in his foreign language. Obama's government has given these people full reign of the United States at our expense. He paid for his purchase with a Freedom card while I work my ass off to purchase what I need.


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