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Sunday, April 09, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Handicap Jerk

Hey Joe -

I parked my van at Ace Hardware in Salisbury today and this car whipped into the space next to me. The driver bounced out and went into the store so I had to wait for him to come out to use my ramp. After about 15 minutes he came out, stood on my ramp and unlocked his car and then proceeded to go up on the sidewalk to talk to a lady. I waited for a bit longer and then asked him if he would mind moving his car so I could use my ramp. His only reply was "It's fine". I noticed a badge on his belt of some type but couldn't read it from my vantage point. Hopefully someone will recognize the car - he needs to be ashamed of himself.


  1. The NG plates means he's National Guard just like your mayor. Yes, it looks like he was maybe 8" too far into the hatched space reserved for H/C vans but your photo doesn't show how far over towards him you may be. It is we, the non handicapped that suffer most from handicap abuse but it is a good thing because it forces some exercise on us.

    I once fired a guy for falsifying reimbursable expense items (gas purchase receipts more than 12 mos old) and yet he carried a handicapped parking permit that his doctor's office working spouse obtained under false pretense for him. Catch a person cheating on one thing, look around as they are most likely cheating somewhere else too.

    1. he is parked in a handicapped space and then some. seems you might be a little blind yourself

  2. Next time go ahead and use your ramp and leave a big dent in his car. When he complains tell him to take it up with HIS insurance company since he was over the line and thus illegally parked.

  3. I'd have rolled down that ramp and slammed right into that asshole's car in the hope that I'd dent it or scratch it.

  4. Well it appears he has national guard license plates and strobe lights in the back window of his car.

  5. I'd have called the police to have it towed.

  6. National Guard tag. Logic says that he's an area cop who serves one weekend a month with the military police unit at the Salisbury guard on Rte. 50.

    1. Did you ever work with Susan Rice

  7. Weekend warrior POS!!

  8. Get someone to run the tag number and then tag this A--hole and give him his due recognition..Find out where he lives and get a nice picture of him to show everyone what a turd he is..

    1. You don't even no what happened?

  9. Isn't the vehicle with the National Guard plates parked in a handicapped space? From the photo, it appears there are two H/C spots that share the hatched space.

  10. 6:06 pm HE IS parked in a Handicap parking spot doesn't matter a bit how far the handicap van may have been over the line towards him. I sure hope it was a pretty day WHILE HE STOOD on your ramp while you waited to get back to your vehicle

    1. How do you no their isn't handicap hanger on the rear view of the white car?

  11. Someone please expose this @$$hat. He deserves to be shamed.

  12. Does anyone know the law on having police lights in your personal vehicle

  13. @759 you're what is wrong society. The car is parked crooked and not in between the lines. Zoom in with your computer and look and see for yourself it is not a handicapped tag. Moron.

    1. 901 your typical liberal. Someone different opinion and you want to shun them from SOCIETY by ridicule and name calling. I think your a bad person and I feel bad for you.

    2. You're calling someone a moron but fail to realize that just because the person doesn't have a handicap tag hanging off their bumper, doesn't mean they don't have a placard hanging off their rearview mirror......MORON.

  14. Funny he's running a NG tag now that FOP might make him a target. Still an jerk.

  15. 901. Mirror hanger or handicap tag or both is the requirement in Maryland. Also you point out the way the car is parked and that could be because the person is handicapped...

  16. . Zoom in with your computer and look and see for yourself it is not a handicapped tag. Moron.

    April 7, 2017 at 9:01 PM

    I really don't think that name-calling is warranted or acceptable. 759 was referring to a placard that hangs down from a rear view mirror and as such, no HP tag is needed.

    There is too much name-calling in the world, and I'll just leave it at that.

  17. 9:44 PM sometimes it is justified because you cant fix stupid

    1. Liberal alert! Anyone disagrees start yelling crying and name calling... way past your bedtime snowflake!!

  18. Regardless of having a placard, the person in the white sedan is sofa king ignorant to have blocked the ramp of a truly handicapped person. If it is a cop or fireman, he should be called out and disciplined for being less than a role model.

    1. you don't no if the person in white car is handicapped or not. You don't know if the van pulled in afterwards. You don't no if anyone was handicapped involved. And you don't no if police, firefighter or carpenter were involved. What we DO NO the white car has military tags and possibly could be injured from the war. Maybe elderly and has kept his n/g tags because he is proud. Before shaming and publicly calling to destroy the person and vehicle maybe think first. Thank you have a good day.

    2. Homophones suck, don't they? Reading your repetitive posting is like nails on a chalkboard! Do you KNOW what I am referring to?

  19. lmao, what you all fail to realize is that the army (which includes members of the army NG) is the only branch of the service you can join without a high school diploma! This is why salisbury is such a shithole. your mayor is a prime example of the stupidity or rather lack of intelligence shown by members of these organizations! nothing to see here, carry on!

  20. @824 there isnt a law against having strobe lights in a civilian vehicle. there IS a law against USING strobe lights on public streets with a civilian vehicle though...

  21. If you were stuck in your van waiting for him to get out of your way, how did you take this picture? Just wondering.....

    1. Perhaps OP was exiting, not entering, store when this happened. Does not say he/she was sitting IN the van.

  22. 9:44, I agree with you totally...way too much foul language on these comments and on this blog. Don't understand why people can't express themselves without using coarse language. It isn't necessary and takes away from good expression.

  23. No matter which vehicle was the first to arrive or if either has a tag or plaque, this is unknown.
    What is known from the photo, is that the shown lines are only used for wheelchair access. There are plenty H/C spaces every where, but the ones marked like this is for chairs only.
    Who cares if the white car has N/G plates or lights in the rear window. The white on the right should not be near the area shown.

  24. He's a Ravens Fan ! What Did You Expect !! Lol

  25. The person is in the National Guard so once you get the tag run, complain to the NG with this image showing them the disrespect and unethical behavior of this person. Believe they have some ethics they have to uphold serving in the Guard. What a jerk off.

  26. All the people commenting about the driver of the white car being in the national guard because he gas the plates fail to realize a couple things (not that its really important but just goes to show how quickly people are to not look at a situation from a different angle.)

    What's to say the car doesn't belong to the driver, but rather a friend or family member?

    Maybe the car does belong to the driver, but he isn't in the national guard anymore? I have friends that have been out of the marines for 10 years but still have plates.

    Maybe the car/driver aren't in the guard, but have a spouse that is.

    All the armchair detectives and original poster need to chalk it up to the drivers a jackass, sh*t happens and go about your day.

    1. Why are you adding speculation and conjecture? Obviously you have no facts. You are no better than those you seek to ridicule.

  27. 1247 by all means, the handicapped person should be inconvenience because he's the one with the problem. Why put a dent in some physically whole person when the handicapped guy could wait, after all he doesn't have anything to do right/? Do you realize how much of a dick you sound by your asinine comment? Such a dickhead!

  28. Makes the Guard look bad. How about just pulling behind the car block it in and then call the police. If the white car did not have a window tag it deserves a ticket.

  29. yes, the white car is over the parking boundary by a few inches. but even if the car was parked correctly do you mean to tell me that you could fit a wheelchair in the resulting space? I don't think so.

  30. Oh but remember, cops don't commit crimes or break the law!!!! and if they do it is only the fault of the citizen as to why they do commit crimes or break the law in the first place... It can never be their own judgement, Remember they are only following orders... Funny how, every time a cop gets locked up or has charges brought, or you see this kind of stuff, you never ever hear from the ass cheek sucking cop lovers to defend them, I wonder why!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Two handicapped people arguing over handicapped parking spaces, and who's more handicapped, and who gets how much space. Now that's different.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Two handicapped people arguing over handicapped parking spaces, and who's more handicapped, and who gets how much space. Now that's different.

    April 10, 2017 at 10:07 AM

    It's more about parking correctly and showing others some respect. Both of which are lacking in that area.

  33. You know, I have a feeling Mr. Ramp did not leave his van open while he shopped in the store, and there probably was no ramp extending from the van when the white car parked beside it. When Mr. Ramp came out from shopping, he probably pushed his remote that opened the door and extended the ramp. Mr. Ramp is probably a person that is so adamant about asserting his rights as a handicapped driver, that he went after someone that had no idea he was blocking a ramp that wasn't even deployed. If the white car's driver did what the van driver is implying, then the car driver's actions would be ludicrous. However, I don't think Mr. Ramp is telling the whole story.


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