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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Altruism or A Secret Home Inspections?

By Thornton Crowe

There are multiple comments in various posts complaining Jake Day and his City Hall cronies don't answer emails or phone calls from citizens, so why are they really doing their Tour de Slum?

Last Wednesday, Jake Day & Company invaded the West Side neighborhood around Doverdale park to have their free meet n' greet with the neighbor folk and pass out fire alarms as some empty gesture. However, as altruistic as this appears at first blush, was it really or was it some way to generate fines so high to kick people out of their homes?

It has been brought to my attention that many in the West Side over the last couple decades have been victimized by a City ruse in order to move the Downtown center to the area, hence, tossing out those residents one by one. So why did Day pick this area to do his big outreach? It seems very suspicious that he picks the same area the City's been eyeing for years, does it not?

Are they really looking for ways to edge you out of your home to make way for their big plans?

An plausible argument could definitely be made for such a silly activity! Yet, all the feel-gooders think this is a brilliant idea. So, why isn't Jake invading Tony Tank or the better parts of Riverside Drive?

Listen, we all understand that Day essentially has the IQ of a dinner plate, but there are those around him who possess all the cunningness to pull off such a heist. Additionally, with the Police and Fire Department fiascos under his belt along along with his seemingly arrogant self-image, he makes the perfect punkster to be manipulated (easily) into such a ruse to get into people's homes for impromptu inspections.

Who can turn down free food and hobnobbing with one of the community's 'elites?' A free smoke detector just sends my heart aflutter, much like getting a huge box of chocolates from an unfaithful spouse.

Ain't nothin' free, folks...

Why anyone would open their door to an uninvited guest from the City is beyond comprehension. Not only is this an invasion of privacy, it is an intrusion that could contain an dastardly ulterior motive - one which would require you to eventually move. Now, no one likes moving and no free hot dogs will help finding new digs, packing up all your junk, renting a U-Haul It and schlepping all your belongings across town to a new abode. No free anything can be an auspicious paycheck for such a chore!

If you willingly open your door to a city official and get evicted for one reason or another, you have no legal recourse to fight said eviction. You were complicit in the discovery of the problem(s) the official found in the visit, regardless of the nature of said reason for the visit. Meaning, if you're a hoarder, have a pet alligator or have code violations, opening your door could result in eventual eviction!

My fellow citizens, be extremely leery of these spontaneous 'meet n' greets' because they don't pass the smell test by any stretch of the imagine. Why?

Simple: If Jake Day wanted more interaction with the community, he would open the 'closed' sessions so citizens could weigh in; answer his damn emails and telephone messages; and be more responsive to the actual needs of the community which entails a heck of a lot more than a free smoke detector!

PS: Sorry about the main post image, couldn't resist reiterating the absolute idiocy of our esteemed (uh) leader here in Salisbury.


  1. Underhanded way to get people kicked out their homes!

  2. The purpose of inspecting occupied rentals is not to see if the landlords are keeping up with any sort of standards, it's to look for signs of drug use, paraphernalia, guns, or otherwise illegal activities on the part of the tenants. Canvassing a neighborhood like this can link houses together and create a larger picture of what's going on.

  3. 12:29PM: Didn't think of that one. Good call! Thanks for contributing!

  4. Hate to break it to ya...but doverdale ain't the west side

    1. Well now that's an utterly pointless statement. The issue, you moron, is the 4th amendment.
      "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

  5. 1233 hate to break it to ya but its considered west side!

  6. When will they be invading Oak Hill? It will be a trove of goodies if they're looking for drugs and other illegal activities!

  7. 1233 you're as thick as a GD brick. You just don't get it, do you? You're a moron. Next........

  8. This has been the case in the past. Salisbury's former Mayor would go after members of the council and their family with violations to the point they couldn't afford top do the repairs. Once the fines multiplied they'd lose their home.

    Some of the people in the City are stupid enough to fall for the new downtown construction, (section 8 / affordable housing units) when ultimately they will drive people out of their west side homes and into the new plush downtown housing, like they are doing them a favor. There IS a master plan here. I just have to wonder, just how long will the citizens remain so stupid or blind???

    And yes, this is exactly why they label me the Anti Christ of Salisbury. I see right through their BS and that really pisses them off. I've been doing exactly that for 13 years now. The big question is, DO YOU?

  9. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On My TV!April 2, 2017 at 12:52 PM

    Joe, the only reason I'm mad at you is because you didn't challenge your election against Fruity Tuts! Voter Fraud was a muck and you didn't pitch a bitch. You should've.

    1. lol who wpuld authorize it ? the x mayor ???? lol.

  10. Eureka! Looks like 12:43PM got the gist of my groove here. Thanks for the awesome comment!

    1. Thanks for the shout out Mr. Crowe. I very much enjoy your articles.

  11. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On My TV!April 2, 2017 at 12:58 PM

    1256 You have a point.

  12. When is anyone going to address the joint property ventures between Brad Gillis and Jake Day? You know the ones where they buy properties together just before they are to be sold at greatly inflated prices to be annexed and developed? Talk about lining your pockets!

    1. Jake's broke. The money man is his daddy.

  13. God, can't Democrats ever do ANYTHING the legal way?

  14. Knew if the city was doing it there had to be some scam to it. Day doesn't do anything unless it benefits him in the end someway somehow. Salisbury used to be a cool place to live. Now it's just a cesspool of corruption.

  15. Seemingly arrogant? Lil Jake blew hundreds of thousands of his parents money on worthless degrees, failed as an architect, and needed his daddy to give him a job. Jake's a failure.

  16. This is a great story!

  17. I was listening to my scanner today and the paid crew on Paramedic 1 had to be re-alerted several times. What happened to Hoppes' big "response time" failures he was ragging on the Volunteers who he forced out? I thought response times were important and that is why they have paid firemen at Station 1.

  18. 12:37pm it isn't considered the West Side. It is near Church Street, Priscilla Street, Truitt Street and the Station 2 fire station. It is considered the East Side. Hence East Salisbury School and East Side Deli.

    The West Side is on the other side of the River. Ie. Brew River, Lake Street, Cypress Street, Station 16 fire station.

  19. 328 are you blind? The location's name isn't the point, its about the city's sneaky scheme. God would you grow the hell up and get a clue? Idiot.

  20. Who thinks it's a good idea for the County or the State to stop Salisbury from continuing to annex properties into the City? Forced annexations means property owners will have to pay City and County taxes.

    1. A separate step from a dying town.

  21. 337 they should de-annex people from city instead of adding more to the city. Salisbury has nadda to offer anyone! Nadda.

  22. Like the other commenter about the location 328 has a problem with reading comprehension. See this comment:

    Anonymous said...
    Well now that's an utterly pointless statement. The issue, you moron, is the 4th amendment.
    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    April 2, 2017 at 12:43 PM

  23. Simple minds, 345. Simple minds. They can't understand the subtext of the context. Not too bright on the uptake but most get it. 328 is just one who doesn't.

  24. wonder how many who got a free hot dog wednesday could've used a job instead. just wondering!

  25. Simple minds don't mind that the details are incorrect... Someone who thinks logically and independently cares about the details. Group thinkers jump on each other's bandwagon even when one or more are ignarant jerks.

  26. The folks they are targeting is really the landlords. The goal is to make them unrentable so the city can purchase the land they are on for redevelopment

  27. Like Obama in many ways , sneaky , liar and not true to his so called uniform of the U.S. Army. . He is an Infantry officer according to his uniform , how in the hell did this man get to be an officer ? Things have changed since I was in the infantry , we were soldiers true to the constitution and defense of the nation 1966-1968 . I hate a sneaky liar and a want-to-be infantry soldier.
    Thanks for the warning Mr. Crowe , you have outdone yourself again , you rock says this old guy of 74 .

  28. 12:54 Thornton, 12:29 here. Yes, but most folks will let the Inspectors in the door when asked, as they don't want to seem to be hiding anything. The Inspectors use this and the knowledge that dirty people will forget to hide 100% of everything, and the tinfoil or wax paper squares and other signs are often left on a table.These guys take classes on this stuff before "doing" a neighborhood "goodwill" inspection.

    Trained and ready, this helps the landlords who are having trouble collecting rent from some tenants get the unit vacant for other methods other than eviction. One slumlord hand washes the other (Jake's)

  29. Jakie needs to grow ... at least a small set... is he subscribing to the Viagra single pack?

  30. Slumlords or not, this is a violation of 4A and 5A in our Constitution but with complicity being a factor it would be hard to stake a case to fight any type of litigation. Most people don't realize, without a warrant or 24-hour notice from a landlord, no one should be entering their homes unless it's an emergency like fire, flood, etc.

    No one is saying definitively this is what Day & Company are doing but it seems rather odd that he picks areas in town where real estate could have a potential gain should it be repurposed for something other than residential. In all fairness, the thought didn't occur to me until I saw some of the comments on the original post from Wednesday, that there may be some other 'motive' involved. In looking at it, made perfect sense should there be one.

  31. Actually, I wrote the one comment about code and compliance, and what people, landlords and tenants, do not realize is, inspection is voluntary.

    They come across as if you have no choice, but if you do some research, there is a choice, and that was first revealed to me by another person on a thread a couple of years ago on this blog.

    When I first moved here I was hoodwinked into this inspection thinking I had no choice, and they picked on the most ridiculous stuff because there were no real infractions. A crack here, a chip there.

    I felt so violated. I was furious.

    Where I came from the owner had to obtain a certificate of occupancy before he could even rent the place out. And that entailed an inspection from the city. Each time a tenant flipped, he had to have an inspection done. And tenants knew to ask for it before renting.
    You idiots do everything backwards here, including violating my rights. Unfricking believable.

    This has NOTHING to do with protecting tenants, because if it did you wouldn't be doing it this way.

  32. Is this what all the closed sessions every week are for?

  33. That is one ugly boi and he has some jacked up teeth. He must have sucked his thumb a lot when he was a young boi.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Jakie needs to grow ... at least a small set... is he subscribing to the Viagra single pack?

    April 2, 2017 at 6:51 PM

    Jim says he is.

  35. You can bet there's money for someone involved somewhere here. Landlords and local government officials have buddied up for years in Salisbury and Fruitland, where most college rentals are. Little enforcement of local laws to protect tenants because most tenants are students who come and go so frequently. Families cannot afford to rent anymore in towns unless they are eligible for subsidized housing.

  36. O'Day's arrogance is revolting! He's a legend in his own mind! What a clown and has absolutely nothing to offer in GOOD ideals. Padding his resume to become another LIBERAL politician for lifetime employment. No one is fooled by his rhetoric or performances. Just ignore him, and maybe he will go away.

  37. Wonder if Boy Jake goes after county council president John .Culver's 100 or so rentals in the city. I'll bet not. Can you imagine mayor Jake day teamed up with county executive John Cannon ? Holy crab, the networking and sweeping if violations under the carpet. Salisbury would be slum center,


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