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Sunday, April 09, 2017

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-7-17

Mr. Albero, I have a story, that the public needs to know about. I have been a resident of Allen MD my entire life. Additionally, I contribute annually to the volunteer fire department. I am disappointed, angry, and shocked to find, they have decided to give proceeds from DONATED money to a private business, the Wicomico Yacht Club. Additionally, the monies are from a County approved casino night. Is that what the permit allows, not a charity or non profit, but a private club for the elite. This is simply wrong, disgusting, and shows no group of unaccountable rednecks really has the community at heart.


  1. Call the IRS on them they WILL Audit them.

    ps who is the Secretery of Allen VFD ?

  2. Love it no one can hide from SBY NEWS.

  3. I along with a group from a senior center here in Salisbury went to the Wicomico Yacht Club during the Christmas season. A lot of us were disappointed by both the service and the slowness of dinner being served. Some were at the 2 hr mark and still had not been served. The talk after ward that it was no better the year before. I would think a review should be in order before rebuilding this establishment. Memories are one thing but it seems to have run its course

  4. Those Moore's at it again.

  5. The biggest complaint that I have about the Allan Volunteer Fire Department is the fact that no one complains about them and they keep getting away with their crap.

    Why are Wicomico County tax payers paying for fire and EMS to the Allan Fire Department and 99% of their EMS call volume is to Princess Anne, Somerset County. The Somerset County tax payers are getting a free ambulance service at our expense. And then the Allan Fire Department bills the patient and keeps the money instead of returning it to the tax payers.

    Why isn't Bob Culver doing something about it?

  6. Sounds like a disgruntled SFD paid person posted this to attack the county volunteers.

  7. Nothing Yachty about the place. It a boat club. For the fake I pretend to be rich and important people. Where they get drunk in secret.

  8. Shame on you all for believing this blasphemous 'news'. The Wicomico Yacht Club is a non-profit. For those of you (including publisher Joe Albero) that are apparently ignorant to what that means, it means no one profits from the yacht club. Proceeds from the business side of the club goes directly into the community.

    Don't believe me? Here's a link to the 990 returns from the club from 2014 and before.


    The WYC (and it's members) have raised and donated to the Allen VFD as well as numerous other community organizations time and time again. They're also the largest donor for "Toys for Tots" on the entire shore. I'm sure you all have taken your familys to see the pretty boats all lit up for Christmas on the Wicomico. That's the Yacht Club and all proceeds raised for that event goes to charity and the community.

    So the 'unaccountable rednecks' down at the WYC have done a lot for us, and they're in need to help build the Club so it can re-open its doors and continue to be a beacon of communal partnership. There's nothing wrong with the AVFD raising money to be donated to the WYC in the same way that the Wicomico Yacht Club has done time and time before for the AVFD and other organizations in the community.

    So please, before you publicly post that you're 'disappointed, angry and shocked' about the ongoings of community events, please educate yourself.

    Those unaccountable rednecks down at the WYC are doing a lot more good for this area than you are.

  9. I don't donate to any of them because if I were you I'd have burned the Yacht Club down.

  10. Bottom line is when you give a donation to the Fire Department you are under the legal assumption that it is going to the fire department, unless stated otherwise NOT to a private business. I would go and req a return of my Money as it did not go to a non profit but a private business

  11. 1:27, PRMC and AGH are NON PROFITS too. Do you actually believe they don't make money? Just ask the current and former CEO's how many millions they get paid for consulting at the end of the year to make damn sure they are "non profit".

    Now I'm not suggesting this club is making money but don't throw my name in the ring simply because I am willing to publish someone's opinion. You have every right to disagree but leave me out of it.

  12. I think the complaint was abput the deception of the requeat for funds.. they collected these funds under the guise of the fire department.I
    Do not believe that anyone but those that do not belong to this exclusive club would give their money to rebuild it..why would they? They assumed it would go to tne fire department, a facility EVERYONE uses

  13. So far all we've seen is someone telling us that money is being misspent. Are there proofs? Do the department members vote on it? How much is it? Why was it given, if it indeed was?

  14. Take a look at the members of the Wicomico Yacht & Drunk Club. Maybe park a patrol unit outside some night just for fun.

  15. Any civic or social club has to make money to keep their doors open. This is the only way they can continue their charitable works. The Yacht Club has bills to pay same as most organizations. I have been to the Yacht Club one time in my life, for a turkey shoot. For the gentleman complaining about service. That's a easy answer, don't go back. We all have choices! Choose not to go back to the Yacht Club. I am a member of the American Legion and VFW. We operate mostly with volunteers and will never claim to be professional. Most clubs operate on a thin budget, month to month. All these organizations from the Lions Club to the Redman's to the Yacht Club do good things in our community. With all the problems we are faced with, I wish people would put more energy into our drug problems and Veterans than to complain about the good works that our organizations do for our community.

    1. BS the yacht club is NIT a vol 501c for charity as is the VFD they are a Privat buissness making money and should NEVER be taking $ from a VOL ORG.

  16. Someone is just trying to stir the pot. They're not diverting donated money. The sign in Allen, the tickets and advertising make it clear as day that the proceeds from this one specific event, the casino night, benefit the Yacht Club. The Yacht Club donated labor and the Yacht Club facility for the AVFD Casino night fundraiser for years. I think the AVFD is just trying to help the club out after the fire. It's really pretty simple, if you don't like the idea, don't buy a ticket.

    1. we will see if thats true when the Audit happens.

    2. There won't be an audit, because there's nothing wrong with this.

  17. We live in Allen. It is a wonderful community, the Moore's even plow road when the county won't, so don't bash them. The fire department is just as great they respond all hours of the day and night. They even responded when the yacht club burned down. The firemen see that loosing a nother non profit In our poor county is very detrimental. They are just trying to help get them back on their feet so they can continue to provide service to the community. Don't bash the people who buy Christmas gifts for your family memebers. The firemen are simply helping another organization with an even that is all.

    1. Stop SCREWING with peoples $$$$$$$$$

    2. Nobody is screwing with any money moron

  18. I guess since the Vfd is giving my money away that means they DONT need MY MONEY ?

  19. 2:29 PM - Wicomico Yacht & Drunk Club
    Funny and true!

  20. The Mopegans could be involved possibly .

  21. Just can't believe people's attitude on here, really sad. And to the author of this post thank you for bashing families from Allen.

  22. I have deep concerns if the Mopegans are involved I mean it could be huge. Who knows how long this could go on maybe forever.

  23. Sounds to me like everything is going on legally and true to form, having seen both sides.

    Of course, there will be twirlers from both sides willing to point fingers, but nobody here has made a valid point against the other.

    Go home and have a cocktail. Life goes on...

  24. As a member of the WYC, I give annually to the AVFD. Since it's casino night, I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one. The WYC has also hosted the AVFD casino night fundraiser for a number of years at no charge to the AVFD. I am grateful that the AVFD has decided to give the proceeds from this year's casino fundraiser to our club. This is the kind of thing that makes Allen the close knit community that it is. It is a shame that some people are offended by it.

  25. As I understand it, the only money going to WYC is the money raised at a specific fundraiser - Casino Night. If you don't want your money going to the club, don't go to the event. If you make a donation to the AVFC, it goes to the AVFC. It isn't that hard to understand, people. My question is why would this blog think that an uninformed, factually incorrect blog post is a post worth of repeating? Is the news that slow or do we not really care about the facts before we post something? It appears that one is only interested in stirring the pot. Allen is a wonderful community where all the organizations pitch in to help out each other. Get a life, complainers, and do something to help someone. What a difference it could make in your pissy attitude.

  26. PRMC is a "Not for profit" organization , it's a mask to make people believe it is a "Non Profit" organization. The make millions a year or should I say they steal millions a year.

  27. Take a look at the members of the Wicomico Yacht & Drunk Club.



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