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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Im all for Autism Awareness......but this is a waste of money!

Boy Mayor


  1. One can only hope that signifies that they are properly trained to deal with the handicapped and there will be no killing of the unarmed.

    I do admit, that after listening to the scanner calls for service and the many 10-96's they come in contact with, they do a good job.

    1. Read the law on what is considered armed and unarmed for law enforcement. If you don't agree with law contact Hogan... curious why do you listen to police risking their lives and then quarterback from your recliner. Seems like to me you were scared to put a uniform on every day and wear a pistol. Being a gun fighter isn't for everyone don't be hard on yourself.... please don't respond saying you no what it's like because you don't. No cop listens to a scanner off duty or in retirement.

    2. @7:40 Get a life and stop listening to the scanners!!!

  2. Pathetic waste. What will it be next month, BLM?

  3. Does this mean that SPD officers are trained in autism awareness? If they're not, they should be.

  4. 100% AGREE! How about using that money and make a donation instead. Or better yet, use our tax dollars for something that benefits the community. I'm all about charity but what's next? every week/month is a different charitable awareness event. Who is making the final yes on these decisions? Was a bid put out to local businesses to offer them the opportunity to supply these?

    1. Of course not! But it is a Look At Me photo opp for our narcissict, publicity addicted mayor
      Waste of money, again

  5. Pizzas lives matter is mext

  6. How about a decal that states " Real crime stats matter " ?

  7. It fits SPD PERFECT they are puzzled and confused.

  8. I couldn't disagree with you more. The entire purpose of this is being validated right here by you and your readers: get people talking about autism.

    It's a vinyl sticker. Certainly there are more important issues.

    1. A vinyl sticker at $250 a piece !!

  9. Maybe now you all clowns will see what I am always saying... The govt wants and tries to waste as much of your money as possible... And What I find even more funny is, how cops are supporting autism when they are the ones who shoot and kill people with autism instead of other solutions... Remember cops are scared pussies... Everything scares them and puts them in fear of their life...

  10. Opinions like this are why we have a massive mental health problem in this area. People are too afraid to get help because they will be treated like a leper. Look how the public is reacting to something as small as an autism awareness sticker...

  11. 8:34, I never believed that every article I publish will garnish 100% of the viewers out there agreeing with me. What make us so different is the fact that we're the only ones out there, putting it out there and allowing you the viewers to agree or disagree. Hopefully we all come to learn to agree to disagree and not take any of it personally.

    As for your final statement that you feel there are more important issues, frankly, I hate it when you guys make such a stupid comment, respectfully. If that is the case, why don't you people ever state just WHAT those other more important issues. Your statement is just a simple cop out.

    It is RARE enough citizens ever get to see SPD cars in their neighborhoods and when they do they're flying by at a hundred miles an hour to get to a scene. So when is anyone ever going to see and or pay attention to a little sticker on their vehicles. I just find it a waste of money.

  12. Looks like a magnet, can be reused each year to raise awareness. I see no problem with it, our taxes are wasted on much worse.

    Like the county road crew who decided to respray the lines on S Division yesterday at 5pm during rush hour. Do that mess during the day when less people are on the roads and we're not paying you overtime

    1. Not a chance. Im not paid to think

  13. I will refrain from comment until we are told the reason for this. I will say it is my observation that this department needs to get behind working street officers. What I mean by that is these hard working men and women have a tough job to perform in protecting the community. Instead it is my humble opinion that the said officers are dragged out to the same areas they have to fight in at night and clean up the same areas at day, by picking trash out of ditches or cooking food on a grille for the ones arrested. The citizens keep saying it is not the teachers role to drill manners, morals, etc. into students but it is up to the parents duty. This is the same thing. I know the management like to call it community policing, but the working officer is there to do a job, like the parent has a job. And that job is not being their friend and pal.

  14. Hey Joe thanks for responding. Here's a more important issue, on directly related to a waste of tax money:

    $3.3 million, the estimated cost of each trip Trump takes to Mar-a-Lago. That's $120,000 in overtime pay for local police when he's there. Great for the police, unnecessary tax burden on us.

    Now before you call me a snowflake, I voted for the guy! Not to vacation, but to fix what was wrong. So far he's going to outspend Nobama within his first year of presidency. There's one issue.

    As far as the cops flying through neighborhoods there are stop lights, stop signs. They do stop. I know just how rare it is to have them in my neighborhood believe me, but they do stop lol

    I think we're all paying pretty good attention to the sticker right now

    1. Minus Pres Trumps WORK trips off of OBAMAs billions wasted $$$ on Welfare and doubled welfare and EBT ABUSE ??? Bring back WORK FOR WELFARE.

  15. 8:49 the reason is autism awareness, it's on the sticker. I'm not sure I understand your statement at the end, are you saying that officers should not be friendly to the autistic?

  16. Next why don't they paint a "turd" on the police cars to represent the failed waste water treatment plant.

  17. 8:57, Trump is not vacationing. He is working while he is there. There's a price to pay while Trump is saving taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars and frankly there should be a major incentive to the person SAVING us all that money. Obama was putting us in major debt every single day, but you people ignore what Trump is doing to save Americans money and oh, guess what, CREATE JOBS!

    As for the police stopping at lights and signs, really, seriously? Boy Day would have been better off creating banners along Main Street then these decals.

    Finally, there are a LOT more important issues at hand in the City of Salisbury then acting like the Mayor actually cares so much that he needs to cook hot dogs and hamburgers and blowing taxpayer money on decals.

    Quit putting lipstick on a pig. Where's the jobs? Where's the real reduction in crime? Where's the newly paved roads? How's the infrastructure problem coming along. Here's a good one for you. Day put aside $150,000.00 to remove the contaminated soil on Main Street for his so called revitalization program. While the Governor gave the City $1 million for these renovations Downtown, GUESS WHAT, it's going to cost the City well over $800,000.00 just to remove that soil but because Jake Day is so clueless about what it REALLY takes to do a job, he's in for a very rude awakening. Also, know that the public, (outside of Salisbury News) will never know about how far off he is and or where all the Governor money went.

    So yeah, there's a lot more issues needing to be addressed.

    1. Ben carson just found 1/2 billion in Obama waste.

  18. A donation yes, a city wide walk, a day of observance all yes. I think $ would better be put to use to have 1 Cold Case Cop to cover all our local counties, and unsolved homicides, would benefit parents, children & grand parents of those forgotten.

  19. 8:58
    Read the first sentence for the answer. Nothing in the comment refers to autism. Today's policing, so don't try to label me being against autism awareness.

  20. Looks like a flake flag.

  21. Who continues to approve this WASTE of taxpayer dollars???

  22. JoeAlbero said...
    8:34, I never believed that every article I publish will garnish 100% of the viewers out there agreeing with me. What make us so different is the fact that we're the only ones out there, putting it out there and allowing you the viewers to agree or disagree. Hopefully we all come to learn to agree to disagree and not take any of it personally.

    As for your final statement that you feel there are more important issues, frankly, I hate it when you guys make such a stupid comment, respectfully. If that is the case, why don't you people ever state just WHAT those other more important issues. Your statement is just a simple cop out.

    It is RARE enough citizens ever get to see SPD cars in their neighborhoods and when they do they're flying by at a hundred miles an hour to get to a scene. So when is anyone ever going to see and or pay attention to a little sticker on their vehicles. I just find it a waste of money.

    April 6, 2017 at 8:45 AM

    JoeAlbero said...
    8:57, Trump is not vacationing. He is working while he is there. There's a price to pay while Trump is saving taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars and frankly there should be a major incentive to the person SAVING us all that money. Obama was putting us in major debt every single day, but you people ignore what Trump is doing to save Americans money and oh, guess what, CREATE JOBS!

    As for the police stopping at lights and signs, really, seriously? Boy Day would have been better off creating banners along Main Street then these decals.

    Finally, there are a LOT more important issues at hand in the City of Salisbury then acting like the Mayor actually cares so much that he needs to cook hot dogs and hamburgers and blowing taxpayer money on decals.

    Quit putting lipstick on a pig. Where's the jobs? Where's the real reduction in crime? Where's the newly paved roads? How's the infrastructure problem coming along. Here's a good one for you. Day put aside $150,000.00 to remove the contaminated soil on Main Street for his so called revitalization program. While the Governor gave the City $1 million for these renovations Downtown, GUESS WHAT, it's going to cost the City well over $800,000.00 just to remove that soil but because Jake Day is so clueless about what it REALLY takes to do a job, he's in for a very rude awakening. Also, know that the public, (outside of Salisbury News) will never know about how far off he is and or where all the Governor money went.

    So yeah, there's a lot more issues needing to be addressed.

    April 6, 2017 at 9:11 AM

    I rarely disagree with your views, but I do on this topic. Also, it seems you answered your own question about the bigger issues that need to be addressed.


  23. Even if the stickers, magnets, whatever, were free this is a monumentally stupid idea.

    Another poster mentioned the used car lot of stationary police cars at police HQ. I'm guessing they are awaiting drivers not yet hired. It's clear the SPD is below authorized strength. Where's Jake's smiley mug on that topic?

  24. A note , the boy mayor is considered a boy scout leader , not a captain in the army. he wouldn't make a pimple on an army captains a$$.

  25. That is SPD symbol for not solving crime.

  26. Autism Decals = Waste of money.
    In God we Trust Decals = Free speech & don't persecute me.

    I just don't understand people any more, can't see the forest for the trees.

  27. Everyone wants to be treated equally, but they are quick to label their kids as Autistic or ADHD or whatever other crap they think they can use to allow their screaming brats to act like animals. There are real cases of each "disease" but maybe if people stopped promoting some fake illness their kid has, then gets mad when they are called it, we wouldn't have to have this crap shoved down our throats every day. The poor kids that are NORMAL are the ones suffering, these "autistic" kids get everything they want. How about getting control of your kids.


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