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Friday, March 10, 2017

OHIO: Liberal activist jailed after voter fraud guilty plea

A PAID liberal activist from the battleground state of Ohio was sentenced to six months in jail after she pleaded guilty to 14 counts of voter fraud on Monday.

Rebecca A. Hammonds was originally charged with 35 counts of “falsely registering people to vote and forging signatures on voter registration forms,” and admitted to 14 counts, Salem News reports.

Hammonds was a paid canvasser for the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, a group pushing people to register to vote in Columbiana County.

“It was fraud. It was dozens of forms where people that were deceased or just forged flat out. They signed their name and it wasn’t even the voter, the wrong date of birth, wrong streets,” said Columbiana County Elections Director Adam Booth in mid-2016 when Hammonds originally plead not guilty, according to WFMJ.

More here

['Ohio Organizing Collaborative' is a partner to the Center For Popular Democracy, which received $900,000 from George Soros' foundation. --Editor]


  1. Melowese's apprentice.

  2. Well that can't be right! I thought the left and all the Democrats sai that there are no voting fraud issues! I thought they were honest. This must be fake

  3. Liberals still want a recount? Russians stole the election? This idiot was used and sits in jail as clinton flys on private jets to her MANY mansions.

  4. That's good news. Now go out and find more of them.

  5. So this is a link from Soros' money to criminal activity.

    There has to be lots more of them if they can find them.

    Then go after Daddy Bigbucks.

  6. How wills he keep up with her purple hair???

    At least she'll be out before the next campaign season!

  7. Say it ain't sooo. At least she wasn't voting for her loser governor, the failed republican presidential candidate. Has he ever dropped out of the race yet? Please advise him President Trump won, if you see him on the trail. It would be mind blowing to know just how bad President Trump whopped the fat failure. Not even in the running if done honestly. But, that's how they are use to getting in office, by cheating only.

  8. Illegal activities paid for by Soros and other liberal elites. Those who do their dirty work go to jail while the billionaires keep pushing their communist agenda by buying more puppets. No different than Putin.

  9. A picture is worth a thousand votes

  10. Another Dem poster child.

  11. did she graduate from s u

  12. she looks like the president of s u


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