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Friday, March 10, 2017

Bill for Buckling Up in the Back Seat Can Save Lives

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Seat belts save lives but some people think they can do without them. A bill in Annapolis aims to fix that.

Rear passengers can be ticketed for not wearing seat belts, but only if the driver is pulled over for some other reason. The bill makes it a primary offense, meaning if a driver could be pulled over because his passenger isn’t buckled.

Think you’re safer riding in the backseat? Montgomery County Police Captain Thomas Didone’s son was sitting between two friends.

“My 15-year-old son died in a rear seat belt collision when he wasn’t wearing his seat belt in the backseat,” Didone said.



  1. This article is confusing, for the following reasons. It states, "Rear passengers can be ticketed for not wearing seat belts, but only if the driver is pulled over for some other reason", which clearly is considered a secondary offense; however, the very next line states, "The bill makes it a primary offense, meaning if a driver could be pulled over because his passenger isn't buckled". ?????????????????????

  2. Get it done for the SCHOOL BUSES.

  3. Who needs a law just make it a non liability for the insurance companies if someone doesn't have a seat belt on.

    1. Then who covers clean up on road, ambulance, funeral,vehicle, vehicle loan, medical expenses in hospital over 100k, rehabilitation, etc.

  4. I want more cops pulling me over and shaking me and my passengers down every day. I just don't feel safe without them up my arse every minute writing me tickets!

  5. just another way for your left over Obama government to gain revenue from the Working Class....

  6. 9:51 who covers those costs now. If you think it is the insurance companies then you are wrong.

  7. I wish the gov't would get out of doctor offices, off my property, out of my computer, out of my cars and out of my life.

    The gov't job is to protect the homeland, its citizens and promote commerce. (it was also to mint money but we all know what happened there)

    Every elected position should have a term limit. No more career pols. We don't need half of the gov't agencies we have today. Give the employees severance and close them down. No more frivolous purchases to use all of their budget in order to prevent the next years budget being reduced.

    No more foreign nationals in gov't positions until they have been a citizen for a set amount of time.

    No muslims and/or followers of islam in any gov't position.

    No raising of any taxes until they first lower costs.

    No lifetime pensions for anyone unless they serve a minimum of 20 years with no break in service.

    To be continued.....

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This article is confusing, for the following reasons. It states, "Rear passengers can be ticketed for not wearing seat belts, but only if the driver is pulled over for some other reason", which clearly is considered a secondary offense; however, the very next line states, "The bill makes it a primary offense, meaning if a driver could be pulled over because his passenger isn't buckled". ?????????????????????

    March 10, 2017 at 5:02 PM

    If the passenger is not buckled, the driver can be pulled over. Not confusing.

  9. LEO - To protect and collect.

  10. To stalk and harass

  11. The way it's worded, it appears the present law is a secondary offense. This will make it primary. Wasn't aware that was a law.


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