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Thursday, March 23, 2017

From Free State to sanctuary state

Maryland vies for a new identity as a magnet for illegals

Maryland is quite a place. The state’s voters elected a Republican governor in 2014, but control remains in the hands of the same “progressives” who enjoy veto-proof majorities in both houses of the legislature on most issues. They vote as if former Gov. and presidential wannabe Martin O’Malley is still ruling the roost in Annapolis.

This hasn’t hurt current Gov. Larry Hogan’s popularity, but has made it difficult for the man to institute the reforms he promised when he was elected or to steer state policy in a more rational direction. Maryland Democratic leaders desire nothing so much as to outdo the liberal craziness so evident in California, and especially San Francisco.

Recently, the legislature granted the attorney general unilateral authority to sue anyone and everyone necessary to thwart federal policies progressives detest in the war on all things Trump. He immediately decided it would be in the enlightened interests of Marylanders and worshippers of open borders to join the assault on President Trump’s immigration policies while doubling down on pointing out that his state not only values, but welcomes illegal immigrants.

In support of all this and, no doubt, out of an ideologically driven desire to make the state a magnet for illegals, the House of Delegates in Annapolis voted on Monday to make Maryland a “sanctuary state” where illegal immigrants can find a home without fear of questioning, harassment or deportation just because they might be criminals in violation of federal laws and policy.



  1. Once, when the first Maryland citizen is assaulted or robbed by this garbage, the legislators who voted for this should be and must be assassinated ASAP. The ones who voted for this are traitors and should not be be allowed to live in a free society. Shame on them!

  2. Md. hasn't been a "free state" for a long time. Tried to buy a handgun lately?

  3. Our politicians are legislating our state as an anti-Trump state. Even though I live here, I would love it if Trump cut Maryland off from as many federal dollars as he can. Without federal money, Maryland constituents will rebel against their legislators. Maryland is dependent on federal money. If the money is cut off, then we might actually become a red state.

  4. Taxation without representation.....time for MD citizens to turn the spigot off just like the feds are going to do. Let those 3 counties that want this sanctuary law pay all the bills.

  5. Are they crazy or what? We have enough crime and enough undocumented residents (they can already get driver's licences) already. We don't have enough jobs that pay what it takes to support a family plus the moochers as it is. It's time to kick these fools out of office.

  6. and do you think the fbi or nsa are going to be building any new offices in a sanctuary state democrats have not only driven big business out of the state, now the gov't is next what a bunch of dumfks in the democratic party

  7. So embarrassed to be from Md today. We need to secede from the western shore as soon as possible.

  8. Illegals can not only get a drivers license they can also vote in some local elections, Takoma Park is one of those towns. All this crap is like watching someone commit suicide. Spelling Cop is my spelling OK?

  9. Maryland has been a screwed up place since I was a child and it hasn't gotten any better. Part of the reasons are the politicians and part of the reasons are the citizens.

    You can't blame others without first looking at the man in the mirror.

  10. For the people reading this not from the shore area, please note that the eastern shore of MD does not support this at all. I really wish we could separate at the bridge. of course, if this chit continues, we may just see this and more.


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