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Thursday, March 23, 2017

After rape charges dropped, U of M law professor sues accuser

Francesco Parisi seeks $50K after investigation finds no evidence in case.

A University of Minnesota law professor who spent three weeks in jail on sexual assault charges before they were dismissed is suing his accuser for defamation.

The Hennepin County attorney’s office dropped charges against Francesco Parisi on March 9 after saying there was no evidence to support the allegations.

Parisi, 54, also teaches law in Italy. He is a speaker, author and editor, and since 2004 has served as a nominator for the Nobel Prize in economics, according to the lawsuit. Parisi said he has lost income and his reputation “has been irreparably damaged by the false and slanderous statements” made by his accuser, whom the Star Tribune is not naming. He asked for damages of at least $50,000.


  1. Put another zero on that suit amount.

    1. Home girl does not have that kind of money in her EBT CARD account

  2. Rather small amount to sue for.


  3. Not a lawyer, but the 50K may be that state's threshold to sue in that court. If so, can be amended as the process goes forward.

  4. 5:10 is right. Am a lawyer - it's called an "ad damnum" clause. It means you're seeking at least that amount (although of course you'll ask the jury for more), and it's useful as a minimum to get into a specific court.


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