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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Our say: Maryland Democrats predictable on redistricting

Democrats in a key House committee on Monday killed Gov. Larry Hogan's proposal to assign the redrawing of Maryland's congressional districts to a nonpartisan commission.

The 18-5 party-line vote by the House Rules and Executive Nominations Committee surprised no one. The Democratic leadership of the General Assembly may realize that public sentiment has turned against gerrymandering — even the former governor who masterminded the process last time has come out against it. But they still find the tool politically indispensable.

Instead, Democrats have proposed an alternative: setting up a redistricting commission for Maryland just as soon as substantially similar moves have taken place in Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York — or until steamed crabs and Old Bay rain from the heavens.

OK, that last part is not actually in the legislation. But it might as well be. Keenly aware that Republicans use gerrymandering to safeguard their majorities in House of Representatives and the states they control, Maryland Democrats have likened redistricting reform to unilateral disarmament.

As we've said before in this space, if Democrats think they can make the tide turn in their favor by clinging to short-term tactical dodges and ignoring the desire of Americans for fair representation, they will wind up sopping wet.


1 comment:

  1. Is there any way to do something like a Convention of States on Maryland? At the county level?


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