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Monday, March 27, 2017

Conservative group calls for ouster of Ryan, GOP leaders after Obamacare repeal failure

A conservative group called for the ouster of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and the rest of the GOP leadership team Friday afternoon, just hours after they saw their Obamacare repeal effort crash and burn.

David Bozell, president of ForAmerica, said Republicans had eight years to fashion a repeal bill and a GOP replacement, and the first time they were in a position to hold a substantive vote on their plan they failed.

“Not only does the leadership lack the political will, it demonstrates a consistent inability to market conservative principles and policy,” Mr. Bozell said.

Mr. Ryan pulled the health bill from the schedule rather than face a vote he was going to lose.

President Trump said they were 10 to 15 votes shy of the majority needed to pass it. Rather than force their troops to take a tough stand, he and Mr. Ryan decided to cancel the vote.



  1. It was a horrible bill, actually worse than what's in place. Andy Harris was right in not supporting it. He could have provided insight given his professional experience, but Ryan kept it hidden. Maybe thoughts and insights shoul be open sourced from the public prior to the next action. People who are getting screwed by AHCA every day are in the best position to surface problems and propose solutions.

  2. I agree. Also why was the bill that passed unanimously and sent to Obama was not the same one this time. Appears Ryan wants to be another Pelosi and have everything his way and he changed the bill to what he knew would fail since he is a Democrat Republican. He will be the downfall of Trump. He never supported Trump in the primaries and always worked against Trump. What is different now?

    1. Wait until oscamacare collapses and the dems come trolling to Pres Trump.

  3. Ryanocare and ryan bye bye.

  4. We keep fighting and eating our own....no wonder we are the World's laughing stock!

  5. Never liked this turd when he ran as candidate for vice president and let a pair of losers beat him. Was sorry to seen him re-elected same as Little Marco.


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