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Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump "Endorses" Jeanine Pirro's Call For Paul Ryan To Step Down

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro, whose show President Trump urged his followers on Twitter to watch earlier in the day, opened her program at 9pm on Saturday by calling for Speaker Paul Ryan's resignation.

"Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House. The reason, he failed to deliver the votes on his healthcare bill, the one trumpeted to repeal and replace ObamaCare, the one that he had 7 years to work on; the one he hid under lock and key in the basement of Congress; the one that had to be pulled to prevent the embarrassment of not having enough votes to pass." Pirro said in her opening statement.

"Speaker Ryan, you come in with all your swagger and experience and sell them a bill of goods which ends up a complete and total failure and you allow our president, in his first 100 days, to come out of the box like that, based on what?" Pirro said.

What made Pirro's fiery comments about Ryan especially notable is that they came hours after Trump tweeted to encourage his followers to watch "Justice with Judge Jeanine."



  1. I like Paul Ryan but if what I'm hearing as the reason the bill failed then he should go as well.
    It's called Draining the Swamp in equal opportunity.

  2. Been saying the same from day one and really expressing it since the pulling of the Healthcare bill. I knew if Ryan had his way it would never pass and I was proven correct again.

  3. Ryan has 3 pieces of legislation passed in 18 yrs the guy is a backstabbing POS.

  4. Trump is a real classy guy. Why doesn't he call Ryan in his office and fire him?

  5. And who does this "so-called judge" want to replace Ryan???

  6. What's happened to Judge Napolitano since he blamed the Brits for eavesdropping on Trump? He has not been on Fox News shows for some time now.

  7. Ryan yapped for a MONTH that it WILL PASS sooooo now FIRE HIM.

  8. 12:45 PM, what on earth do you like about that traitor that lost against The Biden Boy VP?

    2:18 PM, that "so called judge" has forgot more than Ryan will ever know. She could be the replacement to answer your question. For one she is loyal and not a RINO like Ryan.

  9. 3:23,

    Pirro has never been a judge, except on FOX TV, which cancelled her "courtroom" show due to low ratings. At least Andrew Napolitano once sat on a real bench in a real courtroom.

  10. Ryan is a RINO he was voted out of office and the establishment brought him back to be speaker .

  11. In 2000, her then husband, Albert Pirro was convicted of federal tax evasion and conspiracy of over $1 million. Apparently she was not indicted as a co-conspirator. She was an trial judge in Westchester County, NY for several years before then.


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