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Monday, March 27, 2017

Illegal immigrant 'strangled woman to death in her home'

An illegal immigrant is alleged to have strangled a 49-year-old woman to death inside her home in the Boston suburb of Worcester, Massachusetts earlier this month.

Sandra Hehir's body was found in her apartment on February 5, according to The Boston Globe.

The Worcester district attorney's office said it obtained DNA evidence which links Jose Melendez, 54, to the crime.

Melendez, who was arrested last week, has a history of run-ins with law enforcement.

He reportedly defaulted on probation in 2014 in a breaking and entering case, and he also faces charges in two drug cases in Worcester.

Melendez was arraigned on murder charges in Worcester District Court on Monday. His next hearing is scheduled for April 13.

He has also faced criminal charges in New York and Florida.



  1. Hey, c'mon guys. Take it easy on this Melendez cat. He is a 'Dreamer' and obviously loves this Country. I mean, it is wrong to single him out. He is one of Oboma's boyz that deserve to be taken care of over our very own legal American citizens.

  2. Let him move in with Nancy Piglosi until the trial starts....

  3. Will those liberal idiots ever get it? I wonder if CNN will report this?

  4. Move him to Montgomery county, he'll be safe there.


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