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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore Lead Nation in Population Loss; Maricopa County Has Biggest Gain

(CNSNews.com) - The counties containing Chicago, Detroit and the independent city of Baltimore were the biggest population losers in the United States from 2015 to 2016, according to data released today by the Census Bureau.

Cook County, Ill., where Chicago is the county seat, had the largest population loss of any county in the country from 2015 and 2016.

Between July 1, 2015 and July 1, 2016, Cook County lost a net of 21,324 people to hit 5,203,499, according to the Census Bureau.

Even while it was experiencing the largest net population loss of any county in the country, Cook Count was seeing an influx of migrants from foreign countries and more births than deaths.



  1. I guess murder contributes to a loss in population on many different levels.

  2. Baltimore one of the big losers translates into less State tax dollars needed. They need to support themselves. Less people means less services needed / less money for education / less social services and several other programs because less people to use / abuse them. No justification to pour more tax dollars into Baltimore but justification to cut tax dollars that is going into the City.

  3. Where can we find that info on Maryland cities?

  4. The typical dumbocrat response will be to raise taxes on those that are left

  5. 612 - those who are left will be those with $$$$$$$. DC has slowly rid themselves of problem citizens by increased housing costs - allowing those with $$$$ to buy, resell and make $$$.

    Very small portion of SE DC includes problem citizens. Why? Baseball Stadium, total rebuild of SE and the new building of a soccer stadium. Other area of DC where problems exist - NE..and that is changing fast too.

    B-More doing the same thing - but it will take longer since the city is much bigger than DC. Time will tell and if you have $$$$$, you will prosper.

    Where do the problem citizens go??? Hint (Cambridge, Salisbury)

    1. Add, in a big way, believe it or not, Howard County, especially in Columbia, where I live, and where Section 8 housing is making life torture for long term residents and homeowners.

  6. got a place in De I/we will be moving to shortly. You can have Da'bury and all the crime and bs that goes with it. good riddance to bad rubbish.

  7. Lets hope that means less Dumbocrats too!


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