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Thursday, March 23, 2017

10,000 Head Of Cattle And Horses Lost In Panhandle Fires – Please Pray For Everyone Affected

Friends and Fellow Animal Lovers. The people in Western Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas who are fellow horse and ranch owners need our help. This is a true farming and ranching community in the purest sense. Western Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas have had some of the worst fires ever sweep across their lands, through their ranches and their homes. Human Lives have been lost, 10,000+ head of cattle and horses have been lost, over 400,000 acres of land has been burned.

This devastating fire swept through with 70-80 mile an hour winds. People couldn’t get their livestock out in time. Some people lost their lives trying to save their livestock. Ranchers lost generations of cattle and horses. We all know how we cherish our animals family lineage, think if you lost the whole line! Many of these true grass roots ranchers used their horses in their daily work. Their ranch horses are gone. Their tack is gone. Fences are gone. Barns are gone. The land is littered with carcasses of burned animals.



  1. This is soo sad to hear. I hope
    America will pull together to
    help these people. I can't
    imagine loosing their animals
    and their livelihood.

  2. So, now we have beef prices rise? This is the biggest piece of BS I've ever seen! You just watch the beef prices this month,

  3. Such a sad story. Where do these fires come from? Let us pray for all of them!


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