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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Maryland GOP Ridicules Redistricting Reform Bill As ‘A Joke’

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Republicans are ridiculing a congressional redistricting reform bill supported by Democrats as an insincere “joke.”

The Maryland Senate gave the measure initial approval Wednesday.

Earlier this week, a House panel rejected Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s redistricting reform bill, which would have put the drawing of congressional districts in the hands of an independent commission.

But Maryland Democrats don’t want the state to change its redistricting process, unless other mid-Atlantic states do as well.



  1. Time to file Federal lawsuit if Dems push their plan. GOP needs their chestnuts to go into big boys.

  2. G R I D.

    Get it?

    Draw 6-10 equal horizontal lines across the state.

    Start top left, and draw a vertical line when 1/38th of the population is reached.

    Lather, rinse repeat.

    There, it's done, and nobody is a winner or loser except for the general population!

  3. Dems, this is Maryland, a standalone state. Don't wait for your friends in other states to show you the way, you self-anointed wimps.


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