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Thursday, February 23, 2017

You Just Don't Belong


  1. Amen to that, if only the illegals would understood that.

  2. 3:44 - No - if only the Lefts and the Mollys of the world understood that

  3. Nor does saying "America First" necessarily make one a "patriot". If all laws were morally right, then they would never need to be changed once made. Some Immigrants may be breaking "the law", but that doesn't make them evil.

  4. 8:17 Why would saying America First not make one a patriot? And when did anyone say all illegal immigrants are evil?? What you SURJ fail to realize is they are called illegal for a reason. They came here illegally with their families and each and everyone of us working saps are paying for them. I have a question for you? There are millions of elderly citizens, vets, and homeless people that are citizens of our country. Their needs are not being met. Some must choose between food or medication and some have nothing at all. Why do you feel illegal immigrants should be taken care of over our own citizens? Maybe you should direct you social justice cause to the citizens of this country first!

  5. WELL SAID .......tell that to the Demon-crats !!!

  6. And we have an Alarm System to Keep You OUT !!!

  7. Common sense says if you sneak into a country you might have a record you are trying to hide. Breaking into a house could be for theft or just trying to see the family you are at odds with. Just saying.


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