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Thursday, February 23, 2017

$349.99 ea.


  1. All joking aside. There are areas of Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia where stores have racks of these things out front on the sidewalks.

  2. Well those stores in Baltimore, DC and Philadelphia should be put out of business for selling Omar the tent makers design clothing in the United States.

  3. This is what Muslim women true to their faith wear. Just as true Christians will wear less revealing clothing. Both religions have been watered down from their humble beginnings.

  4. Molly how do you feel about wearing this ?

  5. Fortunately I won't be around to see it. They will have already taken my cold dead fingers off the trigger. God Bless the USA.

  6. Can American women buy & wear traditional clothing in those Muslim/Arabian countries?? No, not on the street, not in markets, not in public. Enough said.

  7. I'll take one in black, thank you.

  8. If Hillary had won >> Yes this would be so

    Good thing she LOST !!!

  9. This should be called > The CLINTON COLLECTION !!!!
    or > The Obama Collection !!!!

  10. 9:39 Depends on the country. They can in the UAE. Women wear bikinis on the beach.

  11. 12:12, then welcome to the people of UAE, and thank you for being open to different cultures. To those countries that don't allow "us" to participate openly our own values and traditions, then their native peoples shouldn't be allowed to participate in their own values and traditions here in America. I know that's not what America was founded upon, but it seems we HAVE to go in that direction just to protect our own values and traditions.

  12. America does Not have to conform to the rest of the world's
    ways of dress.....if they are here, they Have to conform to
    OUR ways >>> Period ... or they can leave

    We not changing our way of life , it's Our USA , Our Culture


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