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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump administration working on new transgender bathroom directive

The Trump administration is working to undo an Obama-era directive that allows students to use school restrooms that corresponds with their gender identity, the White House said Tuesday.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer did not go into specifics on the new set of guidelines being prepared by the Justice Department, but said Trump has long held that such matters should be left to the states-- not the federal government-- to decide.

“I think that all you have to do is look at what the president's view has been for a long time, that this is not something the federal government should be involved in, this is a states' rights issue," Spicer said.

The Washington Post obtained a draft of the letter to the nation’s schools, which is planned to be released Wednesday.

The White House plans to say that they are rolling back the directive allowing transgender students access to restrooms and participate in school athletics according to their gender identity and not their gender at birth.



  1. Spicer is right. Not the federal govt's problem. Let the jurisdiction decide. If complaints come up, just require one bathroom for either gender. And if local taxpayers have to foot the bill, maybe they will think twice about signing petitions for local laws and the consequences of passing them.

  2. Whats to work on get RID of it.

  3. Molly what u going to do lolol.

  4. More important things to worry about > get a Life !!!


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