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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank responds to Trump tempest with letter to Baltimore

Under Armour founder Kevin Plank responded Wednesday to criticism sparked by his comments last week about President Donald J. Trump, addressing the company's hometown of Baltimore to stress personal and brand values such as diversity, equal rights and opportunity.

Plank penned an open letter to the city that appeared as a full-page advertisement in The Baltimore Sun.

"In a business television interview last week, I answered a question with a choice of words that did not accurately reflect my intent," wrote Plank, company chairman and CEO. "I want to clarify for our hometown exactly the values for which Under Armour and I stand."

In the interview a week ago on CNBC, Plank praised the president's pro-business philosophy, saying Trump "wants to make bold decisions and be decisive" and that having "such a pro-business president is something that's a real asset to this country. People should grab that opportunity."



  1. Disgust me how these weak ignorant useful idiots continue to cave to the communist agitators. Until the pro Trump people, The real american patriots start boycotting companies that's support the ignorant left ideals b******* it will not stop

  2. Yeah...like 4.5 billion in sales isn't enough. Under Armor has all but cornered the sports apparel/equipment industry so what is the deal. Is Under Armor going to blame Trump if there is (God forbid) another 9/11?

  3. Would Unde Armor please start making pink Pu$$y Hats?

  4. Guys you are allowed the freedom of speech in this country!.....Unless you use it to support Trump in any way, then you are a terrible person and you must suffer the consequences. Mr. Plank is just looking out for his sales, that is all. He meant what he said. I guess it is impossible to support Trump yet disagree with some of his decisions. If you support Trump then you support everything he stands for!(or so the liberals would lead you to believe)

  5. look at the price of under armour stock - not good

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Guys you are allowed the freedom of speech in this country!.....Unless you use it to support Trump in any way, then you are a terrible person and you must suffer the consequences. Mr. Plank is just looking out for his sales, that is all. He meant what he said. I guess it is impossible to support Trump yet disagree with some of his decisions. If you support Trump then you support everything he stands for!(or so the liberals would lead you to believe)

    February 16, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    So by "looking out for his sales" he offends the majority of Americans who support President Trump and the ban on Terrorist from Terrorist Countries. Kevin Plank's statement with a one page ad in the Left Wing Nut newspaper is an attack on President Trump. You sir are an IDIOT!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    look at the price of under armour stock - not good

    February 16, 2017 at 11:14 AM

    Under Armour is low quality product. It is cheap! I will not be wearing that crap any longer. Don't bump into a cigarette because you will catch on fire if you are wearing that nasty crap.


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