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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Trump Positioned to Shape Future of American Judicial System

Vacant seats, older judges could allow Trump to appoint more federal judges than any president in 40 years

President Donald Trump is positioned to potentially appoint more federal judges to the bench than any first-term president in 40 years due to several vacancies on federal courts and a growing number of older judges.

There are 870 federal court judgeships established under Article III of the Constitution that are appointed by the president, of which all but a few judges can serve lifetime terms. The majority of these judgeships are on district or appeals courts.

As Trump begins his presidency, 12 percent of the federal judiciary's seats are vacant, and 24 percent are eligible for "senior status," a kind of semi-retirement that judges reach with a combination of age and years served on the bench, the New York Times reported Tuesday. A seat becomes vacant once the judge who occupies it enters "senior status."



  1. First order of business should be to shut Samantha B's mouth permanently

  2. This is the primary reason I voted for him - to save our country from the onslaught of radical liberalism. The courts are not deposed to make law, only interpret if they are constitutional or judge if someone has violated them. Our courts think they are legislators.


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