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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Gun-Controlled Chicago: Over 400 Shot Year-to-Date

It is Valentine’s Day in gun-controlled Chicago and there have been over 400 people shot in the city year-to-date.

The Chicago Tribune puts the precise number at 403. Moreover, the Tribune shows that there were more shooting victims in January 2017 than in January 2016, which means last’s year carnage not only carried over into this year but increased.

Breitbart News reported more than 300 people were shot in the first 30 days of 2017 alone. The Tribune reported 302 shootings January 1 through January 30, which is an average of just over 10 a day for 30 days.

There have already been 70 homicides in Chicago year-to-date. There were 54 in the first 30 days of 2017 alone.

By January 22 of this year, it was clear Chicago was on a trajectory for another year of bloody streets and lost lives. According to the Tribune, “At least 228 people were shot in Chicago [January 1 through January 22, 2017],” which was an increase of 16 victims above the number shot during the same period in 2016. And there were “at least 42 homicides” by January 22, marking a “23.5 percent … [increase from] the 34 homicides from the same period in 2016.”



  1. And crickets from that Obama lackey POS Rohm. Democrats the problem..not part of the solution

  2. Does anyone see that perhaps this is a conspiracy by Emmanuel to let the gangs and minorities self destruct? Someone keeps providing the where with all to keep this "turf" stuff rolling. Collateral damage is just another means of eliminating the potential for more undesirables.

  3. Are we supposed to be surprised or what? Even without the guns it would be a city with way too many thugs per 100,000 population.

  4. What the hell is the matter with the cops, they know who the bad guys are. Stop and frisk and lock their asses up.

  5. What the hell is the matter with the cops, they know who the bad guys are. Stop and frisk and lock their asses up.

  6. just thinning out the herd

  7. Baltimore is falling behind again. Come on "charm city" don't let chiraq out do you hommies again this year.

  8. And our Republican Congress wants to release weapons to the Mentally Ill.


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