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Friday, February 10, 2017

The Clintons Assisted Goldman Sachs, Angela Merkel In The Greek Financial Crisis

It's a story that has been told many times in part, but not in total. While Goldman Sachs' role in helping to create the environment forGreece's government-debt crisis is well known, less discussion is given to the role the Clinton family played in helping Angela Merkel to consolidate political control of Greece while also assisting Goldman as it continued to benefit from the meltdown once austerity measures had begun. The Clintons appear to have received funds from both Germany and Goldman Sachs during this period.

I. Goldman Sachs Was Responsible For Greece's Economic Collapse

Goldman Sachs is generally blamed for having a hand in intentionally causing Greece's 2008 financial crisis. Observers have noted that the financial group was instrumental in helping to arrange a secret loan of 2.8 billion euros for Greece, disguised as an off-the-books “cross-currency swap” - a complicated transaction in which Greece’s foreign-currency debt was converted into a domestic-currency obligation using a fictitious market exchange rate. This allowed Greece to hide 2% of its debt but left it immediately in a much worse position after the effects of 9/11 caused the amount Greece owed to Goldman double.

Meanwhile, Goldman padded its profits by leveraging Greece as much as possible along with most of the rest of the global economy. It continued this pattern of predatory lending advice in 2005, when they renegotiated the deal with Greece to lock in their debt at a staggering 5.1 billion euros. In 2009, it made another proposal for a financial instrument that would push the debt from Greece’s healthcare system into the future, delaying payment. In the aftermath of its efforts to financially hobble various nations across Europe, Goldman employees have moved into positions of control within Europe's financial sector. Mario Draghi, managing director of Goldman’s international division at the time of their negotiations with Greece, has since moved on to become the head of the European Central Bank.

II. The Clintons Helped Goldman Sachs To Continue To Exploit The Greek Crisis Financially


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