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Friday, February 10, 2017

Many foreign nationals who are not deported commit more crimes — even murder

At least 121 killings within a four-year span were carried out by convicted immigrants who were not deported, according to a 2015 U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee document recently reviewed by el Nuevo Herald.

Every year, federal immigration authorities release foreign nationals convicted of crimes — including murder — both because the U.S. Supreme Court has prohibited indefinite detention or because their countries refuse to take them back even after immigration judges have ordered deportation.

While the release of convicted immigrant criminals has been routine since the Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling 15 years ago, the practice is now in the national spotlight because President Donald Trump has made it imperative to deport immigrant convicts as quickly as possible lest they commit more crimes.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article131227599.html#storylink=cpy


  1. This is idiotic - consider how many blue-blooded AMERICANS kill each other each year. The number is exponentially higher. Tallying the body county from foreigners is a fool's errand.

  2. So 12:19pm, how would you react if an illegal convicted criminal with multiple releases back to society did harm to you or your family? I highly doubt you would spewing a fools errand crap! How about unplugging yourself from commenting since you are clearly delusional.

  3. 12:19
    Your key word is Americans. This country will deal with their crimes. "ILLEGALS", crimes should not have to be dealt with because not one should be here. Shoot 'em Liz


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